Sidus's Comments
Harbor Scamp
2 mana 2/2 draw Sword Eater.
5 stars it’s the new Town Crier every Warrior deck plays.
Fel Barrage
2 mana SMOrc for 4 is pretty good especially if it gets played again later with the legendary. Guareneeing the face damage isn’t even that hard if Blade Dance is still in Standard (don’t remember off top of head).
Goldshire Gnoll
So going based on Mountain Giant I would definitely rather have a turn 4 8/8 than a 5/4 rush. This card is so unbelievably understatted to see play.
Final Showdown
Soul Frags are CURRENTLY the only realistic way of completing this. Adds cards to deck and facilitates the +1 or +2 for Skull and such.
Issues is it’s 100% RNG, you aren’t going to play around it (you are outcasting Skull on 6 even if you didn’t draw any Frags), and the small rewards get wasted on Frags.
Also, even then do you really care about the big reward of mana cheat? DH is already king of cheating especially for big cards or combo cards. It’s just extremely redundant.
Will probably get more support though because I feel like they wouldn’t print a card solely to support cards that will rotate in 6 months.
Persistent Peddler
4 mana 4/3
Deathrattle: summon a 4/3 and thin your deck is good enough on it’s own imho and this is ignoring the fact you’re probably not paying 4 mana for this and ignoring it has tradeable.
Command the Elements
Well the 1 mana dual class get 2 spells overload (1) is pretty good for this I’d say. There WILL be more support for this since they want to push Overload Shaman with this and the Tradeable.
Auctioneer Jaxon
None of these conditional sort of cards have worked so I don’t see this working either. Reminds me of the Uldum card that trigged of discover cards and frankly I feel like that would’ve been live more often unless you are playing literally every tradeable.
Oracle of Elune
I mean in a druid deck that plays minions it’s insane right? Obvious synergy is this plus the 2/3 quillboar to cheat absurd amounts of mana. It also somehow managed to almost get premium stats so sometimes this just sticks on turn 3.
Shady Bartender
The void walkers have taunt AND are easily value traded over or removed. I think you are rarely getting too many hits on them personally.
Rise to the Occasion
I guess worth mentioning it is ALL SHR, but a deck that needs to be THAT low curve can’t corrupt Day at the Faire super easily and such.
Rise to the Occasion
A way to search out the secrets to play from hand is definitely one way to make this a bit better, otherwise probably running like 14 1 drops is a pretty steep cost to get this completed consistently and 2 3/3s every turn is hardly much of a win condition (see Lakkari Sacrifice or Hack the System).
Shady Bartender
If you can hit 2 demons consistently it’s insane on curve, but might be too conditional and zoo-style warlock decks need a lot of help right now. Good follow up to Imp Matron and such though.
3/5 good if zoo is good but I wouldn’t get hopes up
Varian, King of Stormwind
People ran whack one ofs for corpsetaker (like the 2/5 windfury hozen or whatever) so running like a Durigible or something in addition to Taelin isn’t THAT unreasonable.
Cornelius Roame
He’s not even THAT understatted for the ability to draw 2. Will he tend to stick around often? No, but if he DOES stick it’s a draw 6 which is absolutely absurd.
Best in Shell
Spikeridge steed with no minion requirement and tradeable is always pure upside. I think the card is definitely playable.
Elwynn Boar
I think it depends on the class. It is going to be a bit harder (and slower) to complete this in say druid or rogue compared to the Mogus since they duplicated them in hand or drew them (Elise/Lab Recruiter/etc.).
Seek Guidance
This card is nothing like Cthun though. Cthun requires drawing 5 exact cards where half do nothing. This requires “losing” a card in your opening hand, but inevitably gives you a draw 2 and probably a 99% winrate against any slow deck.
All the questlines shown, ignoring the end reward are perfectly “playable” for their mini rewards. 1 mana get 2 cards. 1 mana deal 6 heal 6. Yes, it’s all “eventually” but not a single questline revealed requires going out of your way to get the first 2 rewards.
Seek Guidance
This is the outcome that will happen though. It’ll be in the same boat as pre-nerf priest or even something like Tickatus Warlock. The decks are absolutely awful WR wise overall, but remove any possible viability of another control or combo deck from existing because the match ups are so one-sided.
The only home I remotely see this in is in like Quest DH since the deck wants Tradeable minions and this actually costs “2” over there. The deck is by no means good though most likely so probably 2 stars too expensive.