Sidus's Comments
School Teacher
Kazakus Golem Shaker in shambles since has better stats and is pretty much always better than the 1 mana golem.
Abyssal Depths
Like I don’t know. This is double the cost for 2 “inflexible” coldtooth mines. While that is technically “good” if you reach hard enough and dislocate your shoulder, it is so unbelievably expensive and unplayable. Even at 3 mana it would be “whatever” since targeted draw is only as good as your targets and 3 mana draw 2 drops or whatever isn’t exactly great.
Also, even if you use this to tutor big demons or whatever to get “value” from the cards you draw, you are just paying a 1 mana useless tax over any of the 3 mana draw 2 minion cards (usually with upside) that have ever been printed.
Naga Giant
In order to play this for 0 on turn 6 you need a literal perfect curve of ONLY spells including turn 6. That is honestly pretty unreasonable as even questline mage has a tendency to float mana since a lot of their spells are removal based which, last I checked, isn’t very good against decks that are mainly all spells like you pointed out. That is also using the “best” example of this in questline mage which runs like 26+ spells in the deck, and I honestly don’t think that deck would care about running this. Conditional 0 mana 8/8s aren’t worthwhile in that deck because it doesn’t contribute to the win condition of burning the opponent over the top and can be a complete brick if you open it instead of that one fire/frost/arcane spell that is halting your quest progress.
Naga's Pride
Conditional pile of stats seems pretty whatever tbh. You need to play a Naga on 1 or 2 for this to be worth it because if you play it on 4 you are most likely floating the extra mana making it a 4 mana set of 3/3s. That’s just typically worse than something like Chain Gang which is like 4 years old or whatever and pretty much never saw play in decks for just the stats and not to handbuff/repeat the battlecry.
The only on curve activator for this is the amalgam/legendary which you probably don’t “want” to play on turn 2, but would be played in hunter with Nagas so it isn’t “impossible”.
Azsharan Scavenger
With Finley and 2 Vilefin I wouldn’t say it is that impractical to dredge this. The thing limiting this card and murloc warlock in general is how many decent murlocs there will be and the two warlock ones already along with the amalgam are a good start to a “playable” strategy. Will it be good? I mean, PROBABLY not, but this is definitely a better start than some of the other forced archetypes blizzard has tried.
Azsharan Mooncatcher
This card is kind of insane. Good enough stats on the front end and is an absurd pull with the other mech that dredges this as you get a 3 mana 12/8 with divine shield.
I am really interested to see wild mech paladin after this set drops tbh since we are easily reaching a critical mass of mechs to play.
Azsharan Ritual
I finally found the card they put Humongous Razorleaf in the core set for….oh wait wrong year.
Silence priest probably isn’t happening sorry.
Azsharan Saber
How about no? This is horrendously statted on the front end and the “payoff” can just pull your other copy of this while also being lackluster even in best case scenarios of pulling something like the big taunt bear.
Azsharan Scavenger
Honestly even if it is fairly slow, warlock does have synergy here with the other murloc instantly fetching this. Need to see all the murlocs, but this can definitely break if they get a mechwarper style card or something.
Azsharan Scroll
1 mana “get a good card” has historically been pretty decent. Probably slots into something like questline shaman to fill in gaps similar to how questline mage has ran wand thief.
Azsharan Trident
Out of all the Fiery War Axe retrains this one is actually pretty decent, but I don’t really see it in standard unless we get a corsair cache replacement.
Definitely better in wild where you can run cards like Forge of Souls.
Pelican Diver
By far has the most potential of the divers. It does basically the same thing as the 3 mana murloc on 3 while having a lot more flexibility due to its cost.
Kind of annoying to remove on turn 2 even if you don’t hit the buff for a lot of classes as well since most hero powers require taking 4 to the dome. Even a warlock using touch of the nathrezim on is still 1 mana deal 3 (they didn’t heal) discard a card from enemy.
Slimescale Diver
Slow deadly shot you get to choose (outside of taunt), but still not worth putting in your deck. Okay random card to get though off any generator.
Naga Giant
A lot of the giants could come down significantly faster than this one though. You aren’t seeing this guy before turn 6 and even then he’s costing 5 assuming you perfectly curved out on spells. 5 mana 8/8s on curve aren’t very good.
This is close to Arcane Giant in powerlevel which was an “okay” card for what? 5 years ago? In Karazhan where Druid could get it out incredibly fast and has since literally only seen play in quest mage in wild and that deck isn’t good.
This card is way too expensive and takes too much investment to be good. If your deck wasn’t considering a card like Strongman or whatever (another 0 mana big body that comes down on turn 7-8) it won’t play this as this doesn’t even have taunt.
Emergency Maneuvers
I mean unless the wiki is just wrong this card is pretty good since it is effectively “resummon this minion with immune for 1 turn” since it should wake up on your turn start.
“Dormant minions which awaken by themselves over a set number of turns trigger the countdown to their awakening at the start of the controller’s turn.”
Yeah, it can’t attack that turn, but this basically effigy on steroids while being cheaper. Effigy wasn’t good, but hitting this on a 4 drop or whatever is nice value especially if it has deathrattle or taunt. Can a decently high curve (minion wise) secret hunter deck work? I mean it is possible.
Wrathspine Enchanter
The issue with a lot of shaman spells is they affect both boards. Windchill and pretty much any of the other targeted spells can just hit your own sleetbreaker instead of their 8/8 as an example. More minions/spells, especially those that cost this much really need the Solarian Prime clause imo.
Seems really conditional since you need an enabler. In a perfect scenario it is 1 health minion and a bunch of 3 health minions so you ping the 1 health and get a 4 mana 3 damage AoE….oh wait….mage already had that.
I’m throwing out the “just trade your minions to enable it” because this also wipes YOUR board and thus never sees the light of day in a minion based tempo deck.
Wrathspine Enchanter
Seems a bit too expensive especially since shaman spells tend to be on the cheaper side. Sure, you can copy the volcano board clear and whatever against aggro, but that means you are being greedy and not already playing it.
Wayward Sage
You can’t play this in a combo deck though. Combo piece gets stuck on left side and you can just never outcast this leaving you with bad statted 2 drop.