Lluadian's Comments
Corsair Cache
This is an auto include for running quest warrior which is a lot more viable now with a card to fetch weapons and boost them.
Burrowing Scorpid
So what your saying it’s a Kobold lackey with +4/1 stats and gains stealth if kills something for only 3 more Mana. That’s not that bad works with rogues plan and has beast tag for Hunter. Pull this with draw a beast and could have a 4 cost 8/5 with stealth.
Bonechewer Vanguard
Man this card is such a beast find any way to cheat it onto board and your good. I would say it’s another candidate for quest priest with that ability and big health.
Bonechewer Raider
So much pain warrior support this expansions going to have more aggressive warriors.
Bonechewer Brawler
Nice now just need to run it in a deck that can buff it. Gee I’m sure embiggen druid wouldn’t mind this to much as possible replacement for the 2/6 unless it’s pull by sidequest this has better perks.
Finally starting to see kael’thas being played in a deck with these cards that will cost 0 in late game. Just need to work out the right play but could definitely be big for a malygos druid.
Bloodboil Brute
Wow nice support for pain warrior and since it doesn’t distinguish dmging enemy units course as well. Will likely see play in galakrond warrior long as 3 minions on board you can basically invoke galakrond for free and summon this.
Blistering Rot
OMG look at the power creep 1 Mana difference same stats but it can keep making more even if won’t have bonus powers. This is a very dangerous card for classes that can buff minions.
Wow rogue needed secrets and got it this one is a doozy basically if summoning a minion didn’t trigger your going to be really picky about trying to trade minions. I’d give this one 5 stats for simple fact it can make even a lackey into a threat.
Ashtongue Slayer
This will definitely be played with new rogue also works beautifully with the prime since allows it to trade into a minion with no dmg taken.
Ashtongue Battlelord
Solid taunt it’s only 1 attack less than the tree with one less Mana and chance to heal for more.
Now this is a nice buff it’s basically a guaranteed to have lifesteal version of the unidentified elixir but with 1 more health.
I can see this being used especially since elixir was also run before.
Crimson Sigil Runner
Awesome card for topdecking no reason not to play it as soon as you draw it.
Supreme Abyssal
Agree with dusting it only way you want this is when it’s generated by another card a 12/12 rather good at knocking off minions.
Murgur Murgurgle
This is rather frightening. Take note that it says random murlocs so the prime can potentially summon another murgur.
Then you have the weapon that can generate random murlocs for murgur as well as the fishflinger that can give a murloc as well. I’m very interested in running a selfie Pally now with these types of cards appearing. Then you also have this card possibly appearing from shaman plague of murlocs.
Imprisoned Sungill
It’s actually not to bad and can work with pallies side quest since it’s either going to count as 2 or 3 when it awakens letting you prepare for the trigger. Yes it’s a bit slow and will take time to appear but since it’s a 1 cost it doesn’t hurt you as much Mana wise to toss it out the only downside is topdecking it late game but that’s the downside of all the dormants.
Guardian Augmerchant
Top of my head warrior is the most likely to run this card. Sure a few others might play it but it won’t be as much of a core card.
Has combo value with almost every rush minion since taking one dmg and surviving the trade isn’t bad. Even better if you tag a poisonous minion with this card.
Greyheart Sage
This is rather interesting rogues getting a lot of draw power so sorry will be keeping from decking out to quickly unless that’s the plan.
Coilfang Warlord
I don’t see much for control cards though. Aggro is about pushing dmg quickly control is for stalling to late game. This is more what you would play as a removal card to get a taunt out the way and guard your weaker attacking minions. Just like the deal 6 dmg randomly is more about pressing for dmg than clearing minions.
Overall demon Hunter does need some powerful cards to make up for fact that they will only have a token basic set, this expansion, and a small initiate set of class cards. While the other classes can pull from 4 expansions a basic set and a classic set.
The power of demon Hunter cards will likely level out as we get more expansions.
Though I am curious how demon Hunter would appear with odd or even deck. I’m guessing it would make a +2 attack and a 0 cost hero power.
Very nice deathrattle and supports rogues new stealth theme.