Lluadian's Comments
Maiev Shadowsong
That’s basically the question I never used the darkness and it’s the closest could have for answers however the ONLY thing it could answer is if buffs while in hand or deck stay when summoned as dormant. That would be nice to know for embiggen druid but what happens when make an active minion go dormant will need experimenting.
The closest to that was a deathrattle minion that went dormant but that card technically dies so it’s not a good reference.
Apexis Smuggler
Fire tree Witchdoctor, research project, Zilliax, Snip Snap, mountain giant, Keysmith,stargazer Luna, Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, and a few others are getting rotated out and you think someone playing Highlander wouldn’t attempt using a value card that can be curved and has at least vanilla stats. I’d say there’s maybe half a decks worth or so cards rotating that Highlander needs replacements for.
So yes you may think it’s clunky but it’s a welcome card to try and fill the big gap that’s being made in Highlander.
Apexis Smuggler
I don’t understand how it’s useless it’s a vanilla 2 cost in stats and you can curve into a secret to discover another card turn 1 can be used playing a quest. Depending on setup it may help Highlander to by generating value.
Apexis Smuggler
You know this supports the idea of a deck using Mana Giant it’s a vanilla minion as a 2 cost 2/3 and it gives you a spell that didn’t start in your deck when play a secret.
Apexis Blast
Now this might be interesting druid gets a card that’s useful if have no minions or few And now mage gets this card I wonder what they are planning for the year.
Maiev Shadowsong
Spell breaker = better against most classes since completely stops the effects.
But this is better against priest that run ressurection can’t Rez what hasn’t died and can’t buff up a (big priest) minion if can’t touch it.
The real question is how does making them go dormant interact with abilities like divine shield or deathrattles requiring battlecries.
Maiev Shadowsong
Side note I wonder if there will be a special quote if play Maiev while using Maiev hero. I could totally picture her saying something like “If you want something done right.”
Maiev Shadowsong
Very nice and allows you to reuse dormant cards effects seeing as how their effects start out with (when this awakens).
Also this can be used with concept of a stasis trap dormant minions can’t be interacted with by spells or minions meaning you could remove taunts or disable deathrattles.
The only question is does making certain minions go dormant nullify the deathrattle if the death rattle was dependant on battlecry. In other words could it nullify Teron if he’s forced to go dormant.
Wrathspike Brute
This is definitely an anti token card. No other way to describe what it does so it hurts other aggro decks.
Wrathscale Naga
8 Mana play this and the summon 6 1/1 rush minions and you have a ridiculous amount of triggers that pays for itself. Depending on RNG.
It’s basically the pally unidentified mail for 1 less Mana and 1 less attack but always summons minions.
Twin Slice
Works well with cards that require you to attack that turn kinda bad for late game top deck though.
Soul Split
Man this card is likely to have a lot of potential not much for combo ATM but have time for them to put out more demons.
Shadowhoof Slayer
Technically speaking this is basically your next hero power cost 0 refresh your hero power. On a 1 cost 2/1 minion.
Satyr Overseer
Could easily fill board when combined with the one weapon but also since you likely will attack every turn this should would basically be 6/4 stats turn it’s played.
Raging Felscreamer
This is basically a demon version of dragons consort for 1 Mana less and 1/1 less stats. Would allow you to play that dormant demon for 3 Mana leaving 2 Mana to do something more productive.
It’s a vanilla statted 2 cost having 5 points spread between attack and health. So it’s not exactly a weak card. This expansion seems to be involving more secrets which can potentially mean more support to mage over this set.
The fact that mage secrets are 3 cost means you can play the curve which is pretty much what you want to do extra Mana means didn’t get your full value that turn. Ancient Mysteries as a 2 cost means you could coin out drawing a secret turn 1 then play this and secret turn 2.
There is just so much rotating out of standard and the top tier mage deck is being gutted worse than a few other decks.