Lluadian's Comments
Chaos Gazer
Basically this card is best played in early to mid game to force opponent to play a card they may not want to it’s especially threatening to combo decks and Highlander decks. Since Highlander only gets one copy and combo decks may lose a key piece needed for later. Woulda been hilarious to see this card before the rotation of togwaggle druid there were several combo decks during that period that warlock had multiple tools to break them.
Eye of the Storm
I see no reason why shaman won’t play this. Works with cards that require overloading creates a huge board value that would probably require several resources or all of your opponents Mana to counter it. This can also be played with haunting visions in the same turn even be discovered by it. Add in the new weapon this would summon a 10 cost legendary with 3 5/6 taunts.
The Fist of Ra-Den
It’s a great card for getting extra value especially if card you used was something with overload that extra body can be helpful since you won’t have as much Mana next turn. Toss in the card that requips your broken weapon and the only threat is if opponent steals it.
Aeon Reaver
This is a decent card to run in a galakrond priest take note it may be 6 cost but there is several ways the cost can be cut down especially in a galakrond dragon priest.
Dark Prophecy
This card isn’t that bad yeah it’s 3 cost summon a 2 cost but the +3 health can give some 2 costs value equivalent to 4 or 5 cost cards. Mostly ones with deathrattles but injury cards can bypass the battlecry that hurts them.
More support for quest pally but just like the other reborn mech make KEA a bit bad so real advantage comes from trying to finish early.
Air Raid
It’s a nice card that definitely beats using your hero power. Could possibly make an appearance in wild deck.
Arcane Amplifier
A 2/5 body at 3 Mana that makes HP for 3 dmg. Janalai approves of this card. Not to mention if you can drop this before opponents 3 Mana turn you could HP pop off most turn 3 cards. And with a 5 health body it has a higher chance of survival in early game.
Another highlight is this is basically a 2/5 with soft taunt because your opponent won’t want to leave this on the board.
The Amazing Reno
Auto include in the yogg mage deck gotta love RNG based cards (keeps you on your toes) then there’s another thought. Why not run this in wild and get time warp it should allow you to trigger random spell twice.
Anyone complaining about an RNG themed meme deck has yet to get bored of making nothing but aggro and control decks.
Rising Winds
Great card for quest druid or a Highlander druid could possibly try a more low cost focused quest druid with this or you could make a hand druid running quest.
Winged Guardian
It’s a great card that forces opponent to either plague of death it or use up at least 2 resources to get it off the board. The fact that spells and HP can’t target means only aoe and RNG spells can touch it and a mage can’t just ping off the reborn.
Galakrond, the Tempest
Even still with double battlecry you could summon multiple rushes with the invoked which can give board control.
Galakrond, the Tempest
It’s same thing for using hagatha in quest it’s a backup when in trouble for emergency. 4 8/8s is a rather big value swing if it works and leaves possibility of Shudderwock summoning 8/8 later.
Bloodsail Flybooter
Yeah I only use the cat in quest because there is a few reborns from other class but most the time I keep pulling the one that reduces cost of enemy cards.
Bloodsail Flybooter
Of course there’s no telling what may occur in next solo adventure package for deck building may get to have an interesting build involving pirates.
Tasty Flyfish
What you’d want is to see scalefin summon this his battlecry triggers if dragon in hand and this could buff that dragon.
Parachute Brigand
Gotta remember though if play in warrior has a weapon that can add pirates to hand from deck when use it. So odds of this getting into your hand can tend to go up.
Bloodsail Flybooter
You have to admit though this is pretty much the only way it would be viable since can get 3 pirates out in one turn and still play it.
Great stupid warlock now gets another tool for maintaining hand size play a lackey get a lackey back. The great thing is it’s still viable before play tekhan because you usually don’t want to play Lackeys before that but this can make up for it by replacing them.