Lluadian's Comments
Galakrond, the Tempest
Yeah I’d definitely play galakrond in a battlecry shaman the using double battlecry with the battlecry invoker’s would allow board control. And some quest shamans run hagatha as a late game value generator.
Blazing Battlemage
Good card in general with basically average stats since has no ability
Well look at that a viable reason to run treants it allows you to draw more cards and as long you have 3 treant it’s a free draw 2 cards.
Evasive Wyrm
It actually has pretty decent value though I don’t think the immune to spell means much on a 3 health minion at 6 cost.
Elemental Allies
So basically this has a lot of value to a spell spamming mage and this just joins list of cards that involve playing elemental last turn.
Dragon's Pack
Wait what a card that can basically be dropped on turn 6 with for full value since have a 5 cost that involves twice. So this can be a turn 6 summon 2 5/6 taunts.
Disciple of Galakrond
1 Mana 1/2 add a random priest minion to hand. That’s a great card to play on turn 1 to keep hand value.
Corrupt Elementalist
After looking at the hp for shaman galakrond this is rather good value would be interesting to run it in quest shaman in a way since would be summoning rush units and this with HP would summon 4 2/1 rush for 7 Mana beating out hunters dog in value.
Corrupt Elementalist
It summons 2/1 elemental with rush so summon 2 of those this is ridiculous value.
Considering what the battlecry is would actually considering a combo with quest shaman summoning 2/1 rush for each time played the invoked and doubling battle cries.
Bloodsail Flybooter
So basically a big support card for pirate and cannon barrage is actually viable to use.
Big Ol' Whelp
Lol I look at this and start thinking of I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. Had joke if started the fire by lighting a fart.
Overall it’s average 5 cost stats and draws a card. Great to draw after reduce cost of dragons by 2.
Evasive Feywing
Aww look faerie dragon is all grown up. To bad he couldn’t become like shimmering courier.
Dragonmaw Poacher
Ummmmm Leroy Jenkins? Did you forget him? This is basically a 9 Mana play opponent gets 2 1/1 you go face and summon an 8/8 rush who can knock off one of the 1/1s.
Dark Skies
That’s only if thalnos isn’t pegged off first. What you’d want is card like mage where applies floating spell damage. Basically spell damage applies to next spell even if the minion is no longer on the board.
Murozond the Infinite
So basically a card to watch out for after you play things like deathrattles or board clear cards.
Faceless Corruptor
Any deck running cheap minions will run this card can attack with minion then use this and make it something else with rush for 2 attacks done by technically 1 minion.
Dark Skies
So it’s up to 11 dmg dealt to random minions on the board it’s still a good card in a slower warlock deck for stopping aggro. The comparison is a weaker 3 cost volcano.
Dragonmaw Poacher
And the MVP card award goes to.
Seriously there’s not much in way of a single deck that won’t have at least 1 dragon to play.
Blowtorch Saboteur
Well in some ways this is better though a the other opponent could just play a card from hand this stays active until they finally decide to use HP and having to pay one more Mana to pop HP and reset it is not a move you wanna have to make in early game. So if you were a tempo / aggro deck you can make them basically waste a turn fixing the HP. Using this against a quest shammy would be similar to making them summon a brann before they can use double battlecry.
Wait what… This is ridiculous with decks already in use since it allows you to beef up the res pool with a specific minion.