Lluadian's Comments
Chromatic Egg
In some cases it can beat the other eggs but only if can high roll in others it can be a huge waste. But if run in deathrattle decks can get some real value including rogue can make this a 1/1 card. Basically this is a card that’s iffy depending on your luck.
Flik Skyshiv
When I mentioned against Highlander it was for erasing the wish minion from your opponents deck before they can play it. That’s the main thing can rely on all Highlanders running. However there are a few minions can rely on most decks running.
Zul'drak Ritualist
On note of hecklebot liability it was because against some decks it could pull out powerfully cards in this case no matter what opponent gets it WILL be 1 cost minions.
Valdris Felgorge
Great card for Handlock also makes the plot twist elekk setup even better since can have more in hand.
Flik Skyshiv
Ok so useless against Highlander destroys mill rogue and can be used to shut down opponents tech cards by tagging your own. Overall this is more anti rogue than anything. And even then it’s anti scheme. Possibly useable in a Highlander rogue to counter another Highlander.
Abyssal Summoner
So looks like hand dragon lock will be a thing this expansion with demons summoned by odd means.
Zul'drak Ritualist
There was a res priest before Nzoth was added Nzoth just broke it even more.
Zul'drak Ritualist
Tell that to the res priest / big priest. This card both kills and helps priest decks depending on who’s using it.
Zul'drak Ritualist
This is a res priest counter card however it’s also a card res priest would run because of that huge health on a 4 cost minion. So it would definitely make mirror matches between priest more interesting. There are a few 1 costs that it’d suck for opponent to get though so there is that. Overall this is a card that will see a lot of play merely for fact it practically shuts down one classes most common current deck.
Considering pally has time out this quest isn’t hard to complete. And it also puts pressure on some opponents to attack the pally instead of trading. Heck coining into this on turn one is a rather big threat for some decks.
Necrium Apothecary
And then someone drops this in turn after play spirit to draw 2 deathrattles.
Kronx Dragonhoof
Problem is you can’t complete the quest before playing galakrond if want double battlecry. And shudder would pick one of the 4 at random. So using this with quest will be problematic.
Amber Watcher
Your kinda off trying to use armor related cards because this doesn’t mean same if full health. If want a comparison healing touch is 3 Mana heal for 8.
Hot Air Balloon
This is also a really nice card to use as a base for a magnetize since it has a the ability to keep gaining health longer stays alive.
Camouflaged Dirigible
Could be useful since it could stealth a big minion after it attacks to deny removal.
Kronx Dragonhoof
Yeah this is a 5/5 auto include for any galakrond deck it can tutor into an on curve galakrond and if you already have galakrond active this triggers a ridiculous effect. The ONLY time this isn’t worth playing is when galakrond is in your hand.
So what your saying is Hunter gets a 6 cost equality that only effects the enemy minions and has a 7/6 body? Seriously this just looks like an auto include for a Hunter deck especially since it leaves an entire enemy board open to clearing.
Nether Breath
Yup I’m thinking possibly a dragon Handlock will make an appearance with a card like this take into account the utility cards for dragons that are going to be around till rotation firetree give you a spell if holding a dragon Handlock LOVES cards that replaces themselves in the hand of course there is one card that seems to have been forgotten but current warlock tactics support it’s use. Swamp Dragon Egg current warlock runs few egg based cards due to using cards that sacrifice it to do other stuff like generate Lackeys or buff board. Granted that’s done with eggs that add board presence but considering this puts a dragon in hand which meets the requirements for 2 new warlock cards the dragon egg might make a comeback.
So a nice mid game – to late game card for mage can go well with quest mage. Considering mage has several cheap spells like Ray of frost on a turn 5 you could play this 2 Ray’s the elemental cost reducer then the 2/2 and add 3 spells back to hand so get a 2/5 2/2 and a 5/5 plus freeze to enemies and 3 random spells.
This will definitely see some play supports tempo style mage.