Lluadian's Comments
Crazed Netherwing
For a hellfire on a 5/5 stick that technically cost 1 Mana you can bet warlock will find a way to use it. Handlock usually ran 2 dragons minimum but that costs 4 and would likely get played so need more of course then there’s possibly the discover a dragon cards that replace self which supports handlocks goal.
Amber Watcher
Wow so basically have dragon healadin which actually makes sense because alot of good dragons are expensive.
You know alot of the comparison and complaining for this card saying onyxia is better. Granted stat wise onyxia is better but that 2 Mana more cost can make a difference with this being a 7 cost at 10 Mana you have a rather good field of 3 cost support cards can play in same turn including taunt. When onyxia gets used it fills board immediately and 1 Mana doesn’t tend to give as much for some classes.
Side note though for onyxia is all these discover dragon cards appearing if really want her likely can RNG into picking her.
Clear the Way
Getting it to work in Highlander is difficult the only way to guarantee finishing the quest also ruins your Highlander aspect so it’s more an emergency play when you’ve used the 2 Highlander cards. Of course all Highlander decks can get trolled by a lucky bomb using warrior.
Clear the Way
Point made was if have a minion with rush in hand or a card that immediately summons one with rush it’s likely it could be used before you even get to play this card.
However with the portal cards especially the cheaper one the only reason you would play it is if activated the quest or will activate next turn. It’s slower but there isn’t as much of an urgency to play it because the effect is delayed anyway unlike other rush cards.
Clear the Way
Like I said the portal is more if you didn’t draw this until the later game which can happen and mentioning mastiff yes it can finish quest but the fact it’s a rush minion means you may use it early to clear something else. The portal guys work best when deck is whittled down but your also guaranteed that you will finish the quest without having to worry about using up rushes on other stuff.
Secure the Deck
This looks like a favorite card for say wild or arena in standard it looks nice for small removals. Also will Gonk make a reappearance? This reward does give hero 6 attack and armor if used in one turn.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
Gah why this isn’t funny if you ran this + Dr Boom in a deck that’s painfully any mech you draw with this would be even stronger when make use of the rush and the invoke hero powers can be used to keep board clear till get into the late game. It will definitely see play in taunt warrior though especially with that summon a copy of this minion taunt.
Clear the Way
You know this also gives Hunter a reason to run 2 other cards. Portal Keeper and Portal Overfiend. They add 3 spells to the deck when drawn summon a 2/2 rush demon which is enough to finish this little quest. It could be a good backup for if this card ends up near bottom of your deck. You can’t completely control when it triggers but you can at least finish the quest if you’ve already had to use your other rush cards.
Envoy of Lazul
That’s how glimmer root worked and this is similar. But it can also be worse like glimmer of you’ve figured out what deck type is being used you have good guess chance. However since this is cards in the hand it’s harder since it may show 2 or 3 cards that might be used hurting guessing odds. Unless opponent plays a twinspell card or returns to the hand.
Overall the effect is ok but as a 2 Mana 2/2 it’s not great since you need a few turns to get an idea what type of deck your opponent even has sometimes. It’s especially awfull in an arena deck because of how they are built.
Dragonrider Talritha
The thing about this in making mummies though is it can make really high power dragons. And you don’t need to many dragons to break this add in the one that adds 2 4/4 dragons to the hand mummies can make add 4. The current making mummies deck favors the mech package but once we hit rotation this would take it’s place for generating value from cloning. Sure the resources for dragon takes a hit but it’s still viable. Most making mummies decks I see only have 8-10 reborn cards at most the rest is support or cards that can abuse the new hero power. Which unless face a priest this card can abuse the power you only need 1 dragon in the hand at a time.
Envoy of Lazul
Actually this would only tell you one card 3 cards are shown one from the hand and 2 random cards usually from the class that’s how glimmer root worked. The card has a few downsides one of which is due to Highlander decks.
Dragonrider Talritha
It’s actually a scary card if you have the quest hero power that’s the only way to get +6/6 since this is a legendary. Combine with the quest hero power you could easily drop a +12/12 dragon. The only REAL threat to this cards combo is priest and shaman. All the others basically need 2 or more cards to counter it.
Dragonrider Talritha
I’ve seen a couple mix them together the thing to remember is pally has the one dragon that adds 2 more to the hand which is also a deathrattle and can be boosted from quest. Point is that it’s a possible value option that can stack up rather quickly as long as keep having even a single dragon in your hand. The current reborn has a mech variety but that is only going to last until rotation. Once the deathrattle mechs rotate out dragon reborn will most likely make it’s big usage. A highlight of the mech option that holds it in use is kangors endless army for a recovery. You also lose the shirvallah otk deck. The biggest hit to reborn pally is from boomsday rotation to though and that’s crystology which can pull 2/5 cards for the quest. Dragon will take a lot of hits from lost neutrals mainly. But the aspect of this that can carry on is the fact that this card snowballs hard if you have even a single dragon in your hand. The only class that could stop the snowball is priest anything else would require 2 silences to stop it.
Could probably make a pretty decent deck with it currently and it may get better after see more cards but a key feature watching for is the possibility of deck framework after we get to next year’s rotation. Way I see it at the moment reborn pally will probably make use of this when it loses that nice mech package especially since the deathrattle should stack. If you only had 1 dragon in hand each time you did this the first would have +6/6 stats on the main then next could drop one with +12/12. That’s a rather scary build up and since you would always get a 2/2 version of it with the quest HP. The only thing to plan for is early to mid game and mostly that’s covered by playing the reborns.
Without seeing other cards from this expansion this looks like card that works best with cards that can make use of tokens. Druid is obvious and quest Hunter is possible. Shaman has same reason with bloodlust and warrior can use as a way to dmg enemies for removal.
Envoy of Lazul
Card like this during Highlander time is a bit rough also trying to guess card in hand works better against rogue.
Dragonrider Talritha
Wow quest dragon pally would use this can also use this as a clone target.
Twin Tyrant
Well not hard to put in twilight drake in battlecry shaman since tend to have several cards in hand.
Auto include in a deathrattle rogue is all can say there’s a nice list of cards this can tag and be worth it and there’s only a handful of cards you wouldn’t want this to grab.