Lluadian's Comments
Toxic Reinforcements
It cost one Mana and so in say odd deck on a turn where have even number of Mana it can keep tempo. And thing about odd Hunter is focussed on face dmg popping off hero power whenever can’t play something else. By time you would complete quest heor power would have done 9 dmg to face and these would cause additional 6 on death meaning 15 dmg total from start to finish not counting anything else you did.
Time Rip
Considering invoke is basically activate HP which is 2 cost this is an assassinate that costs 3 Mana with no conditions yeah doesn’t see play much but can bet rogues would use assassinate if did what this does.
Dragon's Hoard
Then opponents would be crying if played early however there’s a list of other legendaries could discover that are just broken all around for rogue to get. And this card makes it so the only thing you can’t specifically discover for is a regular minion from other class.
Seal Fate
Way I see it this is the tempo play if go second. Turn 2 coin into SI:7 kills a minion. Turn 3 play this kill a minion get a lackey turn 4 play lackey maybe kill another minion then play the 1/4 generator or another SI:7. At no point did you lose momentum over 3 turns while going second in that play. And could even have killed 2-3 minions without attacking anything.
That’s an ideal play I’ve had enough times where got an SI:7 and the generator in my hand early to make this look nice. Even in later game as long as lackey isn’t witch can be helpful. 3 dmg is pretty good and may leave it low enough for something else to kill a card saving you from using a walk the plank.
Sand Breath
Have you seen some of the remodeled designs? The one murloc looks scary as hell. They’re supposed to be making murlocs be more than just throw away trash for one giving them named leaders. But the artwork for the character s looks nice.
Sand Breath
Don’t worry you’ll be able to see a nice Raven when Warcraft 3 reforged is released. New art looks awesome wonder if they’ll tune up some hearthstone images to match.
Sand Breath
Well the difference though is dragons have their own race type unlike mammoth and Raven which fall under beasts. So it wouldn’t make as much sense to make a focus on those animals and since there’s a whole bunch of different types and factions of dragons with various forms that’s another big difference.
Twin Tyrant
If look at close cards to that ability and subtract cost *multishot* it’s a 4 Mana 4/10 minion. At 8 cost he’s asking for a quest shammy to make him deal 12 dmg add in the defender lack and it’s 9 Mana 4/12 taunt with a 1/1 and hits 2 enemy minions for 4. This is NOT a pack filler since there is a standard deck that would run at least one copy of this. Possibly 2 but one for sure.
Toxic Reinforcements
This will see an appearance in wild off Hunter because they would spam hero power several times anyway and go face.
Toxic Reinforcements
It makes for a good one drop can be added to hand by other cards and at most you’d put only 1 in deck to keep from to much of a bad top deck.
Nozdormu the Timeless
Control decks also focus on managing resources in hand and letting person use up hand while you keep banking big control cards. Priest can take some build up and needs to load a grave. The thing about a deck running this is likely has big minions and will probably run copies of Duel for when haven’t drawn this. It’ll be a clunky deck until gets worked out but most likely see it as card for big dragon pally.
Malygos, Aspect of Magic
I’d raise to at least a 4/5 or 3.5 have to remember still have LPG which it top deck this later = a 1 cost 2/8 giving an upgraded spell playable in same turn. Also 3 of the spells combo well with vargoth.
Ysera, Unleashed
If only had a way to get copies of the spells to your hand then all hell would break loose using legendary to summon a minion with coats of spells in hand.
You’d want to be able to trigger the deathrattle in same turn to keep people from morphing so probably get a necrium blade ready before. Overall it’s a good card and one thought if combo with Tak nozzwhisker on a death you could get copy of candle spell to hand which may be playable with archmage vargoth.
Veiled Worshipper
Thing to take note of with invoke is this summons alot of demons and can summon several units so you can get easier use out of card like the giant and Jimbo imp as well as the plague of flames can be used with the cheap 1 health minions for a clear. All those 1/1s also make good sacrifice targets.
Umbral Skulker
And the stupid thing is rogue has a 1 Mana discover legendary from another class meaning if pull antonidas this can give 3 fireballs in same turn maybe even use one for total of 4 fireballs.
I brought up quest shaman because it’s more of a removal card that doesn’t hurt your own board like hagatha scheme can and leaves a chunky minion on the board. Add in the new spell that can nuke 3 enemy minions for 4 if holding a dragon and may see a dragon quest(ha) shammy since would have battlecries and removals.