Lluadian's Comments
Depth Charge
Missed part of it’s charm it’s a 1 cost 0/5 soft TAUNT your opponent can’t ignore it they have to spend a turn trying to get rid of it and because it’s unlike doomsayer and possible they’re more likely to take that approach. Depending on your class all you might need is that one turn to have a counter card available.
Tentacled Menace
This is an interesting card I can only imagine how pissed someone would get if pally used this and pulled shirvallah. Overall this is a card that would potentially be run in decks with high cost cards which could interfere with decks running cheap units. Play this and laugh at opponent if you pulled say a 10 cost card. Can also backfire but I’m sure people will make a deck that takes advantage of this.
Depth Charge
Nice one drop for a slow deck can play this to buy time since opponent either ignores this for face or spend a turn or resources killing this. Basically it’s a 1 cost 0/5 that works as a soft taunt.
Frizz Kindleroost
It also only applies to the dragons still in deck so like keleseth if pull this in late game it’s not that great. And you can’t always rely on being able to play it before drawing your more expensive dragons. So basically it has 2 restrictions on it only effects cards in deck and only effects the dragons. The stats are on the high end for a 4 cost but considering the restrictions if your not running a lot of dragons you won’t gain a big bonus. The less dragons you have the more likely you won’t draw this while still have dragons in deck.
Frizz Kindleroost
The best decks for running this are rogue warlock and warrior probably in that order. Rogues have tools to add more dragons to deck before play, warlocks can plot twist to try and search this card, and warrior has voone for cloning reduced cost dragons. It’s useful in other classes dragon decks but they can’t really rig it in their favor like those 3.
Frizz Kindleroost
The difference though for rogue is now have alot of tools to toss dragons into your deck. And now have a card that will draw 2 cards from deck if they didn’t start there. This is a very threatening card for rogues value can you imagine loading up a deck with crowd roasters then playing this they would all cost 5 so would have ability at 2 removals in a turn. And with all the new draw mechanics it’s scary.
Frizz Kindleroost
Better comparison is this is a keleseth that reduces cost instead of buffing but only for dragons.
Frizz Kindleroost
The only trick is those cards can’t be in your hand but it does open up new reasons for rogues to run card that puts copies into your deck since this would reduce the cost.
Frizz Kindleroost
Basically this card looks alot better to warlock with quest than most others. Warlock can cycle for it with plot twist and can potentially make more dangerous if did plot twist elekk before it was triggered.
You also have possibility for warrior play this then boasted galakrond.
Frizz Kindleroost
Battlecry condition is only works on dragons. And the stats aren’t to ridiculous since there’s several 4/4 at 4 cost and scaleworm would be a 5/4 rush with similar condition.
Frizz Kindleroost
Will be played in every dragon deck no questions. And it opens up possible combos mage in particular could combo thing like malygos or Alextraza with a frost Nova to block trading. Would also be loved by warrior when combined with voone.
Bad Luck Albatross
You don’t get the meaning of troll do you running this and then using a few other tricks to keep *cloning* the card to trigger it’s effect even more can create a very annoying situation for opponent and building around an idea to specifically do that.
Trolling can involve doing something repeatedly with the sole purpose of being annoying. Example is that are we there yet are we there yet questioning. By that reasoning if build a deck specifically around putting multiple copies of this or triggering multiple times it’s trolling. If you’ve seen a weasel tunneler deck that’s basically trolling since it’s only purpose is to load more and more weasels.
The ability gets scarier if add in the new cards.
Dragonbane looks rather nice to a quest shammy since pop hero power every turn after finish. Dragonqueen Alextraza is a nice possibility if your deck ends up without duplicated can get 4 0 cost random dragons.
Flik skyshiv would be a removal that’s 1 cheaper and 1/1 stronger.
If ran galakrond getting a second copy of kronx would be good.
Malygos aspect of magic would be great if you had a dragon in hand generating an upgraded mage card.
Could also make a 1 cost cheaper nithogg.
How about a 5 cost Sathrovar for a huge Mana cheat of 4.
Shu’uma looks better as a 5/5 fill board with 1/1s.
Valdriss Fellgore 2 Mana cheaper and 1/1 stronger get Max hand size boost and draws 4 cards.
Waxadred it would be 2/0 weaker but the resummon would be at full power.
Ysera unleashed in quest shammy add 14 cards into deck that summons random dragons. That right there is scary for generating board value.
And there’s still a few more legendaries haven’t seen yet.
This is likely to see play ignore nay Sayers. First off it can pull cards from espionage specifically so would get 2 1 costs added to hand. Next it can also specifically pull copies of card targeted by scheme if used one early. Then we come to drawing shadow and triggering which would then let us draw a regular card. After that we have waxdred working on similar principle. And then we get to the irritating ones this can pull bombs from deck when you choose to interrupt the blastmaster drops. And most recently this also works for rogue as a counter card to the unlucky albatross drawing the 2 1/1 minions from deck.
Not sure if missed any but that’s all the uses I know of off top of my head in standard. The only drawback is you don’t wanna play this after Hakkar dies.
Bad Luck Albatross
So I’ll just call it before hand if this goes big in new set all the warlocks will probably run a Rafaam and the pallies will run Prince Liam.
I’m surprised nobody remembers Liam but someone may make a deck for it if this gets big.
Even after turn 5/6 it still beats just dropping 7 Mana on pocket galaxy since can basically turn it into 6 cost 4/4 all minions in deck cost 1.
You missed the part where this can pull a 2 turn combo with Alextraza to go lethal at turn 10. Dragoncaster into pyroblast to face then fireball to face for 4 Mana is 16 dmg so lethal if dropped Alextraza turn before or even if you already crippled them. That required 4 unique cards plus any random dragon in hand so it’s doable even for a Highlander mage.
With this even a crappy legend could be a pain imagine a 5/5 Lorewalker Cho dropped on an empty field. That card isn’t usually a threat more a nuisance to avoid using spells but if it was a 5/5 without having to buff it now opponent may need to use spell or waste a big rush/charge minion. Go over all the legendaries and if turned them into 5 cost 5/5s they’d be a lot more threatening even if they’re power isn’t that great. It also shrinks the pool of legendaries you wouldn’t want or would do nothing.
Zilliax, Emeriss, Alextraza, ysera, malygos, cenarious, tirion, tekhan, Shudderwock, alakir, shirvallah, kalecgos, Myra rotspring, heistbarron, swampqueen hagatha, godfrey, hireek, voone, Crowley, possibly grommash, thalnos, weaponized pinata, snip snap, gruul, collosus, and any charge legendary really. That’s just a few you also have more legends that cost more but have lower stats or cost more and is only like 1/1 stronger like Siamat.
Basically yeah there’s alot of bad legends but they look a lot better as a 5 cost 5/5 than they did before. Take note I did not include Highlander triggered cards or any currently released for this set. So yeah while there’s plenty won’t like it changes every turn so odds are it will turn into something useful even if just getting stats on field.
Bad Luck Albatross
Not just Highlander it can also screw with someone trying to use mechathun deck but interrupting Highlander is probably biggest nuisance. This would be a really annoying card for a quest pally since you could potentially toss at least 8 1/1 minions into opponents deck possibly more if opponent doesn’t get it off the board. Could troll with rogue as well using the shadow on it so 3 more get summoned straight from you deck. Overall it’s a meme card that has tech uses similar to meme loading opponents deck with weasels.
So basically a delayed duskbreaker that cost 1 more with 1/2 more stats and only effects the opponents minions. That’s not that bad actually.
And there would be a few ways to make it more annoying like if spent bit more Mana and gave it reborn. Or used another card to manually trigger it. Overall it’s a good card and can force your opponent to reconsider their strategy some depending on deck build.