Lluadian's Comments
Storm's Wrath
So basically it’s the lotus card but with overload 1 this will be played considering that one overload card.
This is a really nice looking card and considering the support for being overloaded this will be experimented with a good bit.
Even if you run no other murlocs this is a nice value card you get 2 more random murlocs and potential to highball a 4/4 murloc as one. On average you’ll summon 2 more murlocs with at least 2 attack.
4/5 simply because there’s still not enough cannons. And take into account the new 1 cost pirate that gives you 2 more 1 cost pirates. And the pirate that summons to field from hand when play a pirate. This is a rather dangerous card for aggro.
Sky Raider
So anyone wanna go play pirate warrior? This will definitely be involved in an attempted comeback in wild.
Sky Claw
This definitely won’t be played with khengor spell it looks more like an aggro mech set up.
Man mulchmuncher is starting to get some real support just from this set. So many ways to load up treants to board early.
Ritual Chopper
This is a nice card for early removal of big health minion not many classes can knock off a 4 health minion for 2 Mana. Can be nice against something like murlocs.
Its rather likely to see play in a dragon deck especially if it runs high cost dragons that are harder to find an opening to play.
Rolling Fireball
This will definitely make you put more thought into minion positioning when facing a mage. this basically has potential to wipe out multiple minions if roll keeps going till runs outa dmg.
Righteous Cause
This is probably the iffiest side quest I’ve seen so far unless you could summon all 5 in one turn it’s use is questionable. Of course with the 7 cost end of turn fill board with 1/1 this would make them look better.
Parachute Brigand
I’m wow anyone else wanna go into wild and play this new aggro pirate setup it’s a patches that comes from your hand with +1/1.
Mana Giant
Let’s see every twinspell will generate at least 1 reduction quest mage will add cards that reduce cost. In general most mage decks would clear this easily.
Lightforged Zealot
Looks like another card for the change neutral cards into random class cards setup. And having this as a potential random as well as the 7 cost being able to generate 5 more cards it may see play.
Lightforged Crusader
This is definitely meant to be played with the 2 cost that makes all neutral cards in your deck into random class cards. Yes random cards aren’t bad but if your hand is mostly empty 5 random cards is better than nothing.
Lightforged Crusader
I think point missed was that neutral that would change all neutral minions in deck into random class cards. If in late game and your hands mostly empty for 9 Mana you get 2 minions out and 5 cards added to your hand.
Invocation of Frost
Yeah this will definitely see some play and can do more dmg than the other 1 cost freeze.
Hoard Pillager
Wow that’s a nice card depending on what weapons you have used. Rogue would have issues due to hero power. Of course the weapon stealer can nullify it since the weapon doesn’t break. But this would be used by something like quest warrior.
So basically it looks like a card to play in a big druid or one running treants since one can add 2 cost treants to hand to play.