Electronick's Comments
OTK Exodia Paladin - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #3 Legend (Charon)
I personally prefer to run one of each. Getting both Wild Pyros off CTA can straight out lose you the game against swarm decks.
Crystology can pull out Kangor and Lynessa when needed. Shivalah + Kangor combo can virtually heal you up to full health. It was also better when the deck ran 2 Stonehill’s prior to the new expansion.
One Card From Being Good: Deck-Building Lessons from Kingsbane Rogue and APM Priest
Brilliant read; thank you for the article.
OTK paladin is another good example imo. I’ve been playing the deck since Boomsday. With the release of a few cards it’s gone from being an off-meta deck to tier 2.
The main card is of course Time out. I cannot tell you how many times this card has given me the win. Bounce your third horseman into your hand and play time out.
The second card is Flash of light- Paladin has struggled with card draw for a while now. FoL gives you that plus very decent healing (especially combined with Crystal Smith Kangor). As a bonus you can use it to heal a minion and then Lynessa draws you more later.
Amazing Rank 100 Legend Even Pala Feat: JingleBells
Oh, duh. For some reason I thought it was 10 mana? I don’t actually have the card yet. Could play dinosize and then rebuke to shut out a board clear?
Amazing Rank 100 Legend Even Pala Feat: JingleBells
I’ve been thinking about trying out dinosize with the spirit myself. Having a 10/10 plus whichever minion you’ve just dino’ed (particularly corpsetaker) would be very hard to deal with. Pity you can’t use rebuke on the same turn.
Malygos/Mechathun Paladin
Interesting idea this, not sure if it would work but I’ll keep an eye on it. Worth putting a baleful banker in the deck for another shot at the prismatic lens?
Self summoning Undertakah combo (infinite value)
Ps. +1 for the rag lightlord love. I really need to make a Reno/high priest/n’Zoth wild deck soon. That forbidden healing and Crystalsmith combo is hilarious.
Self summoning Undertakah combo (infinite value)
You’re right about Flash and Pyro for sure. I tend to keep my pyro’s for a full clear with equality unless necessary.
I like KEA because it can become difficult to build up a threatening board later in the game, especially now we have removed cube.
Sadly I think the self-summoning Undatakah isn’t all that viable. I’ve found that I’ve either won already or lost. Probably very good vs odd war but I haven’t seen many of them so far. I really do wish he had taunt.
I wouldn’t d/e anything until at least a few weeks into whatever new expansion comes out.
I’d definitely try Renolock in wild as well. The deck is a huge amount of fun to play and a lot of different routes you can go down in terms of tech choices. I can’t ever see that archetype dying.