Electronick's Comments
Wrapped Golem
This doesn’t look good to me, very similar to that warrior card Obsidian Destroyer that was a budget option for control warrior but didn’t see a lot of play.
This has one less health but has obvious healing/reborn synergy. The thing is these big reborn minions are going to die so easily to a ping/onboard lackey and the 5 initial health isn’t that high for a defensive-minded card.
Good in arena though I’d imagine.
Whirlkick Master
Not sure if it’s good enough but I really like it. Slapping this down on 10 mana with some preps could be pretty scary…that is until you get 3 raiding parties off it.
Thief Rogue - Shadows HoF - Legend (Kibler)
Ps. Mage is basically an autolose. Best you can hope for is saps and put tempo’ing the mage AND hope they don’t hit a giant or pocket galaxy early.
Thief Rogue - Shadows HoF - Legend (Kibler)
Tess basically. Make sure you’re using your shadow step with her, play her after the brawls and try and get Togwaggle’s scheme from the spell lackey.
I’ve swapped out Greenskin for Heistbarron Togwaggle as well which helps in those matchups.
Hidden Oasis
Lucentbark quest Druid seems it could be a really cool control deck. The only drawback is the normal
Druid hero power is quite helpful for taking damage against other control decks.
Late game quest Druid is going to be pretty scary though; 10/10 taunts, 6/6 taunts and 12 health restore, gloop sprayer antics, through in alex etc.
With a few more choose one effects you could probably make it a highlander deck with Elyse. Could be a real powerhouse.
Plague of Murlocs
Immediate reaction is this is insanely strong in control shaman with their board clears. Good in Murloc shaman as well, obviously.
Not going to lie, I love control Shaman and it’s already not that far from being a great deck, this obviously helps.
Also any tool that stomps on Mech hunter is fine with me.
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Nothing confirmed yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if we all got a free legendary quest again.
This is an interesting card with an interesting stat line. Isn’t going to see play anytime soon but who knows what the next expansion will bring.
Also this happily goes into my super greedy wild Reno betrug death rattle deck.
Dragon control Shudderwock is fairly decent at the moment..I’d happily pop this in for the memes alone.
High Inquisitor Whitemane
Or conjuror mage…CC a mountain giant, create two more and then res the first one. Yep it’s a totally win-more card.
High Inquisitor Whitemane
Couldn’t agree more. I’m struggling to think of a situation where this would be good. Other than Shudderwock Shenanigans…actually I’m definitely trying it in that.
Vanish and Mind Blast Rotate to Hall of Fame, 10 New Basic & Classic Cards Will Be Added To The Game!
Well tbh Maly will always be fairly relevant until he eventually gets hof’ed and you get your dust back.
Velen does look kinda worthless at this point though…sorry dude.
Tempo Bomb Warrior - Shadows Post-Buff - #3 Legend (Fibonacci)
Re: Soulthief. When you’ve only got removal and dead cards in your hand/when you think they’re about to play Activist.
Also I’ve gotten Shudderwock a few times from control Shaman which can get a bit silly…especially as he then plays Soulthief’s battlecry again and you end up with another copy. Again, super fun. Oh and I once stole warriors Mechathun and combo and then used it to win the game.
Tempo Bomb Warrior - Shadows Post-Buff - #3 Legend (Fibonacci)
It’s good for either clearing the board or going face…or clearing a taunt and then going face.
I’ve had it a few times from Activist before and it feels super good to play. It probably would have been seen more if we weren’t in a rogue meta where weapon removal has been everywhere.
Toki's Wild Bundle Now Available! Get 56 Wild Packs for $34.99! (Available Until July 1)
I enjoyed Wild a few months ago but it’s really become a dumpster since the release of Snip-Snap. Still, this is worth it for the dust alone let alone so I’ll get it nonetheless.
I really like this card. I think it fits really well in a battlecry deck (Shaman quest is an obvious one) and possibly singletons decks.