Electronick's Comments
Demon Hunter Nerfs - Coming Out... TODAY?!
Phew. They probably just need to do something about SoG, that card is ridiculous and backbreaking.
Demon Hunter Prologue Is Out! You Can Now Unlock the New Class!
Ps. I just followed the link to the guide on this page and it explains that anyway. I normally hate it when people ask questions that have already been clearly explained. Sorry!
Demon Hunter Prologue Is Out! You Can Now Unlock the New Class!
Thank you dude, you’re so good at replying to these questions: genuinely much appreciated.
Now you’ve said that I remember them saying it when it was first announced. It’s just difficult to keep on top of these things with so much new stuff happening!
I’m pretty impressed that we got two free legendaries for Demon Hunter with this prologue!
Demon Hunter Prologue Is Out! You Can Now Unlock the New Class!
Pretty impressed with the prologue. It’s fun and straight forward.
I’m not an agro player but I can see why this class could be fun and skilful. Lots of maths in terms of how much damage you can dish out. Outcast seems like a good and skilled mechanic as well. Makes you think a lot about your mulligan.
One question I have, which may sound stupid but are demon hunters getting ‘classic’ cards or is that covered in the Basic and initiate cards we unlock with this prologue + further cards with the new expansion?
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
It depends how you look at it. In terms of dust for real money then it’s probably (?) the best deal, certainly better than buying normal packs.
However buying packs/bundles from sets that you don’t play ‘just’ for dust is an expensive way of playing HS. You’re probably better off saving and getting the bundle for the next expansion which will get you new cards you may want to use as well as dust for duplicates.
Tirion Removed from Battlegrounds Soon, Balance Patch ~2 Weeks From Now, No Constructed Changes Planned
Glad to see Tirion going, he’s boring and OP.
Would love to see Cobalt at tier 4 as well.
I think if they nerf/remove rat pack that would be enough to stop Deathwing from being insane.
Highlander Mage - #8 Legend (Apxvoid) - Galakrond's Awakening
Deck is a lot of fun with just the right amount of potential for shenanigans.
Not totally sold on the new Reno hero yet but he’s a lot of fun.
Frenzied Felwing
Well I’ve just tried Reno, on average he was very good; lots of card draw and healing.
Battlegrounds - Demons Nerf Coming This Week, Big Content "Right Around The Corner"!
Thank god for that. Getting murdered by huge reavers and watchers is not fun. Hopefully Murlocs will be a little more viable now.
Excited to see Dragons I’m bg.
Galakrond (Control) Warlock Deck List Guide – Galakrond's Awakening – February 2020
Do you know if it continues to be 2 damage if Thalnos dies out of interest?
Highlander Hunter - #11 Legend (TheLiquidOx) - Galakrond's Awakening
I think it’s just a decent two drop with an upside. It’s also one of those minions which has a faux taunt on it for some reason.
As for Snake Trap, it’s the most fitting secret in this deck which aims to trade and do chip damage until a final burst. It’s particularly helpful for your faceless corrupter.
This deck is legit.
Tavern Brawl - Lunar Blessings!
This is how hunter should be in normal HS; much closer to Warcraft.
Quest Druid - Zalae - Galakrond's Awakening
Amen to that. Feels insane to play after quest completion.
Quest Druid - #27 Legend (SeolDaBi) - Galakrond's W1
Sweet deck. Rising winds will slide into this really well. I generated one from worthy expedition and it was insane…to the point where you don’t feel quite as reliant on hitting nourish quickly. The only issue I see is that you’re disrupting your beast res pool for witching hour..but then because of the reborn aspect of winged guardian, it basically doubles the chance of getting it anyway.
Embiggen Druid - #88 Legend (nezuko) - Galakrond's W1
4 games, 4 wins, 4 concedes. This deck is surprisingly good.
Arcane Amplifier
Great card that’ll 100% see play. Finally time for Jan’alai to shine?
Galakrond Rogue - #1 Legend (Kagome) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Thief rogue is goood!
Man this deck is fun. It’s more than likely not as good as ‘normal’ Galakrond rogue but it’s made up for with sheer shenanigans.
Highlander Dragon Rogue - Top 300 Legend (Firenoodle) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Yep. I’d keep Edwin though, an early Edwin can outright win you games and he’s insane with Galakrond.
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
I love HS and play it way more than I should…however this deck makes me want to quit. It has to be the dullest, most aggravating deck that has ever existed. I’d seriously rather play against face hunter bs than this.
Yep. It’s a really fun class and if they dial it down it could be a really skilful one.
Right now their tempo is so obscene they can make really sub-optimal plays in the mid game and still end up well ahead. Mainly because you have to feed your minions to Antean or you risk leaving lethal damage with 15+ hp.