Electronick's Comments
Mech Paladin - Shadows Post-Buff - #12 Legend (Cantelope)
Ain’t that the truth.
Does Snip-snap actually work in this deck? I’d be a bit concerned about the anti synergy with Kangors.
Control Shaman - Shadows Post-Nerf - #19 Legend (LvGe) - Updated
Can confirm it’s actually OP with Zentimo against zoo/token/bomb hunter. Especially if you summon one spell damage totem as that impacts Zentimo’s subsequent casts.
I was skeptical as well but I’d recommend it.
I’m not sure if two Spirits are too many though.
Recurring Villain Healadin (ROS post-nerf)
Not needed and would mess up your CTA to Paragon of light.
You want your buffs for villain and paragon; once you have 3+ villains on board constantly resurrecting you don’t need an prelate.
Also the Undertakah wants all 3 villain deathrattles therefore summoning 3 more Undertakah’s when he dies.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
Yes Bliz! Finally something that has been a no-brainer for years.
One has to imagine that Boomsday card costs were chosen with the odd/even decks in mind and that is perhaps why we’re seeing these buffs.
Zetalot 83% WR prist (10-2)
This comment made me smile.
Just to point out though that if you’ve had a few RV’s die, multiple undertakahs are spawned.
It’s still a bad deck though.
Secret Hunter - Rise of Shadows - Legend (thyme)
If you have Vereesa I’d recommend Jepetto hunter; I was playing it last night at rank 5 and it’s surprisingly effective.
Secret Hunter - Rise of Shadows - Legend (thyme)
Begins with a Z.
This deck looks weak though, not sure why you’d ever play it over mech/bomb or even Jepetto hunter
Recurring Villain Paladin
This sadly is not a good deck at the moment. The heavy amount of weapon removal in the meta really hurts it.
Conjurer Mage Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I don’t suppose you have a link to this do you?
Conjurer Mage Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I’ve tried many variants with this deck, some of which include one or two copies of meteorologist. Generally speaking I found the card too clunky. One is fine but I think 2 is overdoing it. Would probably swap out a POC.
Dastardly plans and a pittance of armor: an analysis of the Scheme cards
Rogue scheme is going to be horrible in wild, especially in that mill/n’zoth Deck that is disgusting to play against as a control player.
I like Hagatha’s scheme, generally speaking you don’t mind holding onto board clears for a good number of turns.
Heal Druid Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows – April 2019
I will certainly try this deck at some point. My concern is that it looks a bit ‘too fair’ to be tier 1/2.
I did see Kibler using a token/heal hybrid deck that could work though.
Witch's Brew
Hmm, my bad. This makes it an extremely good card in a control shaman deck.
With that being said, no bubble has been burst because there was no bubble in the first place. I was simply offering a suggestion as to why echo wasn’t used? Whether I’m right or wrong, I simply do not care. Like I said, I love Control Shaman, so I’m actually pleased with the interaction.
Witch's Brew
Maybe, but I think my explanation is more likely. Shame really, I do love an ultra control Shaman and this would be a very powerful combo.
Witch's Brew
Echo creates another copy of the spell in your hand, so each cast is a new spell.
This is one cast I imagine.
Just a guess anyway, otherwise I literally see no reason for them not using ‘echo’.
Very cool deck, I got smashed by a similar one but with Togwaggle’s scheme. I’d definitely swap a violet haze for that.. Violet haze actually has anti-synergy with Undertakah; you just want OP deathrattles for him.