Electronick's Comments
Whirlwind Tempest
Hmmm, walking fountain with ancestral spirit (so that it’s more likely to survive) and this card could be ridic.
Witch's Brew
I have a feeling that the reason for not using ‘echo’ is to prevent the Krag’wa synergy. My guess is you’d just get one copy of it back if you played the frog the next turn rather than multiple copies ala Unstable evolution.
The Boom Reaver
This ‘could’ be good if you could play it with the spirit on board?
Thing is, why wouldn’t you want to be hero Dr Boom’ing at this stage and all mechs have rush anyway. Hmmm.
Aranasi Broodmother
I agree that it may have likely made an even warlock deck, although you’d have to consider the anti-synergy with the hooked reavers….actually scrap that, I’m not it would have made that list.
Hench-Clan Hag
4 mana for 5/5 over 3 bodies, two of which can synergise with any tribe? Yep seems like a really solid zoo card.
Aranasi Broodmother
Don’t get me wrong, I love that combo more than anything..I’m just not sure how viable that is. I hope I’m wrong because we really need a lot of healing.
Aranasi Broodmother
Oh and even when you draw it late, it’s a massive tell to your opponent.
Warlock is going to need a lot more than this for survivabilty after losing spellstone.
Aranasi Broodmother
Tbh that was gvg and power creep has been insane since then. I doubt you’d see that card played much in standard these days.
The effect is a lot worse because you can’t choose when to play it. Getting this in your opening hand is going to suck. It’s a 4/6 taunt for 6 mana. Would have been great in a world with the Skull, but looks underpowered now.
Aranasi Broodmother
Hmmm, this seems way over costed for the stats. Absolutely horrible card to mulligan or draw on turn 1 or 2.
Really the best case scenario is that you draw it late game and then turn it into a legendary with Rafaaam.
Underbelly Fence
Great card for a deck type that I have to say I do not enjoy playing against.
Plot Twist
Holy hell this card is insane. Combos with the Betrug, Elk and then If you Rafaam afterwards you’ll turn them all into legendaries.
I’m 100% playing control warlock when the new expansion hits.
Yeah I realise it’s combo disruption but I don’t see why you couldn’t use it to get a big dude out, especially one with a divine shield.
Probably a good card for control paladin. You pull out a big dude vs their small dude.
Really cool card, possibly not viable but definitely fun.
Ray of Frost
Mana Wyrm got nerfed for being a ridiculously snowbally broken 1 drop.
However turn one MW, turn two 2x’s RoF would basically be GG.
Overload Control Shaman - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf (wiRer)
This is a really fun deck to play but not really meta playable sadly.
I only have one Giant so I swapped in LK. Nothing like a board of LK’e that summon another copy when they die.
Walking Fountain
Scary card that may as well have taunt. It reminds of a rexxar beast Hunter would guarantee to get when you have lethal on board.
Sludge Slurper
I think this is deceptively decent. 1 mana 2-1 is ok and the lackey allows you curve out on turn 2 without a tempo loss (they’re considered to be worth 2 mana).
Works well with a Hagatha hero card. Works well in an overload shaman deck. What’s not to like?
Well corpse taker is an obvious one, thankfully that’s rotating.