Thraben's Comments
Wretched Reclaimer
Bonkers with reborn. I love how Paladin got the reborn quest but Priest gets all the best reborn cards and synergies lmao. 4/5 cause it always requires another minion on board.
Khartut Defender
Heal druid is the only deck I could see this being used but even then only barely. In arena this is decent but yeah better options exist as of now.
Sahket Sapper
I disagree. Rogue could use more 4-drops like this. The card is big anti-tempo for the opponent and sap is extremely powerful thing to have right now as it messes up magnetized mechs and other big threats. Yes it’s a deathrattle and hence slow but you can indeed trigger it with other ways like necrium blade which you can set up on turn 3. The card sucks against aggro but that can be said about 90% of Rogue cards lol
And really? Silence counters this? That applies to every single deathrattle card in Hearthstone and if they need to silence this doesn’t it only mean that this is powerful? 😀 Yes you can play around it but that’s what I mean by “trading is awkward”, it troubles the opponent alot. I can maybe see this being a 3 card but it’s also a pirate, that’s what makes it 4 star on my book.
King Phaoris
The new Reno is starting to make a bit more sense now since it’s a board clear on a minion. Mage quest also generates spells so no need ti be so hesitant to save the spells for this. Good point.
King Phaoris
If you get even 3 medium cost spell summons (~5 mana) from this it’s well worth it, not quite on N’zoth level but it’s the least one can expect typically (6 spells is maximum too for 7 minion board). Randomness is a big drawback though. I can only see this work with Druid currently and maybe Priest.
BUT the thing that’s most awesome about this is that it’s a big nerf to conjurer’s calling 10 mana pool. Rejoice!
Sahket Sapper
Man is this card good. It’s a 4 mana 4/4 with a 2 mana spell slapped on as deathrattle and a pirate. it’s going to be very awkward for the opponent to trade into this. In arena this will also be an amazing card, 4/5
Conjured Mirage
I love how this card is desinged. 5/5 on that front. It might not be the best card but c’mon this is very different from anything we’ve seen and I love peculiar desings.
Pharaoh Cat
This is a good card for thief rogue until you get colossus of moon from it lol.. In fact in any rogue deck colossus of moon would be a really bad result from this.. that being said I don’t think this is that good. 3/5 maybe? Quite a big risk..
Pharaoh Cat
Why is this a rogue card??? Paladin got the reborn quest but I feel like the other classes get the superior reborn cards.. what’s the logic in that? This is exactly the kind of card Paladin would want for the quest lmao.
Shadow of Death
Oh wow.. That’s… pretty insane honestly. Sadly this is Rogue we’re talking about so it can be hard to stay in the game until you can build anything substantial with this card.
I’d compare this to Espionage directly, yes espionage shuffles random cards that don’t cast right away but they’re 1 mana aka almost free and still trigger battlecry. The big advantage Shadow of Death has is that you can actually choose what you shuffle in your deck but that also restricts it to minions and you need to have one on the field. You can also shuffle extra copies via Elekk which is neat.
Best things to copy with this are strong deathrattle minions like mechanical whelp and of course minions like Leeroy that combo out for lethal. The only real problem is that Rogue has hard times getting there.. Maybe a combo of some sort will rise up eventually, for now it’s a solid 3.
Embalming Ritual
Zerek would be pretty interesting with this. I have a feeling that the Priest quest will be about resurrection, if so this will go in very nicely.
Pharaoh's Blessing
Would you pay 2 more mana just to get taunt divine shield? I wouldn’t.. But this is pretty neat for trading I guess but that’s about it.. 2.5/5
Tomb Warden
Welp if you buff this even once (by 2) it’s 10/16 stats for 8 mana, not only that but it’s also split in two which can be quite insane. If the buff taunt thing works out this card will love being discovered from the 2-drop. I think this is exactly what taunt warrior needed, some very serious threats. 4/5
These are relatively weak to silence though and there’s even that 2-drop that silences taunts specifically. That being said I don’t think this will get out of hand too much.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
If you have even one lackey on the field when you play this it’s not loss in tempo at all. That’s why it’s so good. The more lackey generation warlock gets the stronger this gets, it’s probably not that strong as of now but it might be busted in next expansion
Titanic Lackey
Then you’re greatly underestimating what this lackey can do, taunt is one thing but +2 health is huge.
Titanic Lackey
Is this a new lackey? If so holy crap is that good, I feel like this can be a bit too good even.. Rogue finally gets something to technically protect itself a little bit. Really scary with zoolock too, yikes.
Awesome arena card to say the least. Strong even in constructed depending on how fast the meta is. 3/5 for now