Thraben's Comments
Desert Spear
This is basically a 3 mana 2/3 weapon which can be made stronger with beast mechanics, for traditional hunter this is a pretty nice card for sure. Lynx shrine works pretty nicely with this too.
We haven’t seen the Hunter quest yet either, could be stronger but as of now a solid 3 star card.
Livewire Lance
Would you lose one power from a weapon for lackey generation? The obvious comparison is the 3/2 fiery war axe with no ability. When considering this we have to take in account the huge amount of strong 2 drops in this expansion and especially cards like Underbelly Angler which you want to get rid of as soon as possible.
That being said.. why is Warrior of all classes even getting this card? Rogue or Shaman would want this way more (Can’t give this to warlock).. Really weird desing especially since this weapon also sucks with the quest compared to the other options.
If I desinged a weapon for warrior now it would be a 3 (or 4) mana 2/3 weapon with “when you deal damage with this gain as much armor” which would help the quest warrior to stay alive a bit, it would have nice synergy with weapon buff too which is something warrior has some access to.
Weird, lack of synergy, there are better options. 2/5
Micro Mummy
This card is without doubt a fiver. The quest hero power will make two of these to buff each other. I would hope for some more reborn minions with slightly spicier synergies with the quest hero power. This is nice but will it make you win the game… not really. Hope we get at least a 3 drop.
Plague of Flames
Rafaam’s scheme plus this is literally a 4 mana board clear wow…. It might also be nice to run at least one of these in zoolock rafaam deck because if everything fails you can just clear the board and rely on Rafaam as last resort.
This kinda makes the rogue plague look laughable.. huh.
Anubisath Defender
With druid quest out you can cast hidden oasis for a 6/6 taunt, heal 12 and then play one or two of these for up to 12/16 tempo swing at best.. if that isn’t insane then I don’t know what is.
But druid will run out of cards…. Nope, overflow literally just fixed the only issue this could have. Overflow will also curve nicely at 7 after hidden oasis and if your taunts get a bit damaged it will also heal them (perharps even after trading) which sounds awesome. 5/5 I’m genuinely excited to try out Druid this expansion.
7 mana draw 5?? It’s not quite ultimate infestation which also let you put board presece but drawing 5 for 7 is really good. A must have in highlander druid deck if there ever will be one.
And yeah wether the heal exists or not is quite unrelevant. Lucentbark thanks though. Somewhat hard to say if Druid can run this yet in the upcoming meta but we’ll see. 4/5
Hack the System
Even if this deck becomes top tier it’s kinda dead when people start running lots of weapon destruction in their decks…
BUT when you think about it warrior has things like the supercollider that allows you to attack 3 times while controlling the board. Sulthraze can attack up to 4 times right away too. If warrior gets a good lowish cost weapon that further supports the control theme I could genuinely see this being a thing. You control the game and start spamming 4/3 minions in lategame. It works pretty well I’d say.
However as many people say there’s no real reason to play something like this when Dr. Boom is a thing. Which is absolutely true. I think Dr. Boom was one of the biggest mistakes made by Blizzard recently, they could have at least nerfed him a bit by now.
Colossus of the Moon
If there’s ever a consistent way to cheat this out this card will be super strong, as of now it’s a bit too slow.
This makes me think about Big Warrior though, imagine using dimensional rift and getting two of these or even getting it out with the Boomship. This is also potentially pretty insane with resurrection priest. That being said I wouldn’t rate this 2 stars just yet, it deserves a solid 3 stars at least.
Plague of Wrath
Warrior just got the thing it least needed and the thing people least wanted it to have.. More control tools.
This is a great card but I hate to say that I think Warrior has so much control stuff at this point that it won’t even have room to fit everything in. At least this is a pretty well balanced one as it relies on other cards (whirlwind) for the most time. 4/5.
Aggro priest anyone? Hahaha.. no.. if this was taunt it would be incredible but in most cases you can just remove the other minions and this becomes nothing much. I’d actually love if this could buff itself after death so you’d be left with a 2/2 in worst case scenario but I don’t think that quite works?
If you have two of these on the field it creates some shenanigans but that’s about it. A solid 3 star card I’d say
Generous Mummy
You’re first, you play this on turn 3, it’s enemy’s turn 3 they play any removal ever, you end up with 5/1 minion on your turn 4…
That being said I don’t think this is exactly that bad cause the opponent wants to remove this but also doesn’t. While it loses the reborn, I think this card is decent for silence priest with those stats. Against any aggro deck you basically doom yourself though.. 😀
Also.. like it or not this is a cheap reborn card for the pally quest, if we don’t get enough reborn minions we literally have to play this lol. 2/5
Wasteland Assassin
I underdtand what you mean but you can only use the hero power (normally) once per turn. It’s NOT going to be worth to spend it on making a 2/2 with reborn into 4/1, it just isn’t. The only circumstance this would be good with is if the opponent is in top deck mode and can’t sustain the 2-6 damage you trade in, that’s simply not going to happen. It’s much better to use it on minions that actually make difference like mechanical whelp, zilliax, mecha egg or even Tirion.
Wasteland Assassin
Good point but even if it’s reborn as 4/1 stealth it’s still waaaaay too slow to do any good. I’d rather play even a 3 mana 3/3 with reborn and nothing else than a 4/2 with stealth reborn for 5. It’s not good enough and it’s too slow for the pally quest deck to make proper use of.
Also, if you copy it after the reborn it obviously won’t have reborn anymore. So yes you can spam 2/2 minions that reborn into 4/1 with stealth but after that it won’t be much cause there will be way better things to use the hero power on like mechanical whelp or some utility card.
Wasteland Assassin
This is better than that spooky 5/1 Kobold card but ehhhh mainly good in Arena
I really hope we get good reborn cards for the pally quest..
Into the Fray
In before Warrior quest reward: fill your hand with taunt minions…
This is Smuggler’s ride x2 in a single card for taunts which is quite insane, gonna have to see the new taunt minions though, right now it’s not quite enough
Anubisath Warbringer
This is a really good card, why are people rating it 2 stars? Yes it’s very limited to certain decks that can run it but the ones that can benefit really well from this.
Mogu Cultist
I like these meme cards but do they really have to be epics? Like … No one likes to get these from their packs and those who want to meme around don’t want to spend 800 dust on these. Not only that but they also take room of neutral epics, annoying.
Tortollan Pilgrim
Oh look it’s a tortollan primalist just not bad. Interesting, will see at least some experimenting. I feel like Mage is just full of spells this expansion, everything screams that.
This…. this is rogue quest on a minion (kinda) yikes. Normally decks like this don’t work (looking at you Lady in White) because the Rng to draw the specific legenary is generally low. However this is Warlock we are talking about, not only does warlock have tons of card draw but also you guessed it, Plot twist. It’s generally pretty easy to cycle through cards until you find Tekahn.
The question goes, how much lackey generation is there and is it enough? If this works we are looking at 1 mana 4/4 with an ability. And oddly enough this makes Warrior quest reward look laughable in comparison.
My guess is that as of now this deck won’t work since there’s not enough lackeys, however the more lackeys generators they make the etter this becomes and if the new lackeys they are planning have even better synergies with Warlock stuff I can see this becoming a real threat. 5/5.