Thraben's Comments
Diving Gryphon
It’s a 3 mana deal 4 damage to minion ( not through taunt) and draw a rush minion which is an effect worth 1 mana if we compare it to the Warrior card that does the same. But this is hunter where tempo is more important so I think this card is actually pretty good.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Play this, get Ysera and the new Deathwing, play Ysera and make Deathwing kill them. Why? Because you can!
Priest had Dragon Soul as a 3 mana weapon with the same effect and that card saw no play whatsoever.
I’m pretty sure this card will go through similar fate… Yes, mage can cast tons of spells as of now but ehhh I just don’t see it.
2/5. Has potential but unlikely.
Dragon Breeder
Valueeeee! Using this with most of the dragons who discover a dragon and that alone is really nice, the Druid one will especually love this. It’s also very nice with the new paladin dragon that heals 8. More dragons. More value. More 5/5 cards.
Valdris Felgorge
What. The. Heck.. This is a Sprint on a 4/4 that also increases your hand size? That’s pretty insane especially since Warlock seems to be getting pretty nice control tools. This won’t be op but it will be interesting to see what people come up with using this card.
This might be useless thing for the most part but it can reduce the cost of mountain giants even more lul
Flik Skyshiv
What an amazing desing! Absolutely love this, it’s so simple but effective. Perfect example of a card that’s alright in most situations but incredibly powerful in some. 5/5 desing, it probably won’t be more than 3.5/5 from its power though.
You get it wrong. It says “a turn”, not “your turn” or “your opponent’s turn”. Your turn starts when an opponent ends his turn, that’s simply how it works.
I totally understand why people are confused with this, I guess the better wording would be something like “At the start of your turn if you took no damage last a turn, summon 3/6 taunt” or something. It would be broken as heck if it worked the way you think.
Dude you understand it wrong. You play this, end turn and then if the opponent doesn’t damage you on their turn this triggers at the start of your next turn. It’s obviously not a “2 mana 3/6 taunt”, that would be beyond broken. Is it good? Yeah IF you don’t get damages. Against aggro decks this is a dead card and also keep in mind that sidequests don’t start in your hand. This card is extremely great if it starts in your hand and it’s a slower matchup but imagine drawing this on like turn 6 when the opponent is ahead, even if you manage to pull off a 3/6 taunt it won’t mean that much at that point of the game.
In a perfect world this card is extremely powerful but if you look at the flaws realistically then it’s alot worse than it seems. IMO this is the worst of the side quests by far.
Dead card against most aggro decks and something like mage, rogue and hunter that can easily damage you. Naturally that costs 2 mana for them but that’s not stopping them from doing it. This card is hard to rate as it depends on the upcoming meta alot but I can’t see this being that good if I’m honest.
Anus jokes aside this card seems pretty damn sweet. This will turn your lynxes into remove and the effect in general is powerful in almost any situation. If that wasn’t enough it’s a huge body of 7/6 for just 6 mana. 4/5 from me, great inclusion for any hunter deck and especially the queat hunter and that’s what I want the most from this expansion’s hunter cards. That quest has potential but it still needs some pushing. All around well desinged card.
Crazed Netherwing
Hellfire deals 3 damage to all characters for 4 mana… This is a 5 mana hellfire with 5/5 body attached to it. Given how Warlock isn’t the best at ‘hand’ling dragons the condition may or may not be easy to achieve, the card itself being a dragon helps for sure. Easy 5 stars if we get decent pool of dragons Warlock is comfortable using.
Nether Breath
In before Warlock (and neutral) gets a couple of good cheap dragons and Zoolock is busted again.. I feel like this should only deal damage to minions, it doesn’t fit the Warlock theme to deal face damage especially if the spell has no real negative downside to it like Soulfire does. Weird. But it’s a good solid 4/5 card and I hope this pushes control Warlock to better direction.
Dragonrider Talritha
There is lots of support to make this work. If Paladin gets even one decent card draw card in this expansion this card will be pretty nuts. It’s pretty good even now considering that there will probably be more good paladin/neutral dragons and the main problem for dragon paladin was the lack of dragons. 3.5/5 unless we get something great to add to value of this card.
Envoy of Lazul
Do you really want to play this though? If I remember right Glimmeroot was played cause it added value to a decent 3/3 on curve at a time. This card’s ability is harder to pull off in some cases so it might end up being a 2/2 for 2 mana for nothing which is really bad. This card is not good apart from giving you information on what the opponent is holding and I’m not sure if you want to put this in your deck just for that. 2/5 IMO.
Yayyy my quest hunter deck will love this! It’s not the best card by any means but certain decks will love using this and it’s a pretty great arena card as well.
Deathwing, Mad Aspect
Oh damn I didn’t realize that.. That does change quite a bit to be honest. Not that big of a deal in a control deck though.
Guess that makes it less likely to be in every mid-range/control decks then. 4/5
Malygos, Aspect of Magic
The card is strong, 5/5
But what the heck happened to the art? That doesn’t even look like Malygos aside from “it’s a blue dragon!” Like ???
If this is one of the meme cards of this expansion I think it fills that role in a pretty fun way. But yeah, not a good one for any serious deck.