Thraben's Comments
Survival of the Fittest
I’m glad this gives a direct buff rather than what Rogue quest did. This way spells and cards that generate tokens won’t be busted and you actually need to draw and play the minions. Therefor this card does not win you the game even if you manage to play it unless you have a board full of minions. I don’t think this card will work that well unless the meta is very slow.
Also, the new druid/hunter legendary will also buff the minions in deck, encouraging the beast build. However due to Breath of dreams being important ramp card the deck will most likely run dragons at least to some extent.
Gonna need testing, sadly I’ll be pessimistic even when Kaelthas exists and give this card 2/5
Onyx Magescribe
Well.. “Alot of cheap spells” also makes this card weaker since it increases your chance on getting some less value spells.
Onyx Magescribe
A pretty awesome card to evolve into or get from Power of Creation. That being said I don’t think people will be adding this to their decks much but it’s a card I’m glad exists.
I have a feeling polymorph and silence effects will be used quite a bit when this set goes live…
Shan'do Wildclaw
I don’t ask for much, I just want the hunter quest to get support and this card is kinda giving me hope.. But probably ain’t it.
This wins arena games by itself.. Whether it’s okay, good or busted in standard is up to the meta. I think some cards are getting too much health these days.. This card is essentially same as the DH “deal 6 at the end” but better. Sheesh.
Crimson Sigil Runner
This would’ve been a pretty funny card for Togwaggle’s scheme..
This is an auto include in any DH aggro deck, if you manage to start the game with this and get to so the outcast your chances of winning increase significantly.
Guardian Augmerchant
Couldn’t agree more. It’s ridiculous that any class can give any minion divine shield for just 1 mana and even get a body out of it..
Imprisoned Sungill
They just wasted Paladin’s dormant minion and legendary for boring murlocs that probably won’t even see play.. Especially with support like this.
Why is this a 2/1? All other dormant cards have gotten ridiculous stats for their mana costs, why is this one so garbage? It could be a 2/2 or even 3/2 and it probably wouldn’t be too strong.
Guardian Augmerchant
Did.. Did they just print a 1 mana neutral card that gives any minion divine shield? This is gonna backfire so hard.
Glowfly Swarm
I don’t get it.. Mage is trying to be no minion mage while druid is trying to.. Do pretty much the same?
Don’t get me wrong I love that archetype, no minion hunter was amazing but why are both mage and druid doing the same?
Coilfang Warlord
This is 14/14 in stats and can kill something big and then stick to the board as a huge taunt? What are they thinking… Though I am glad DH gets some more control supports so all its card don’t exist to make one super broken aggro deck.
This card alone might be the reason you pick DH in arena.
Scrapyard Colossus
Awesome arena card. Would be decent for big demon stuff if it.. Well, was a demon 🙂
Pack filler.
Keli'dan the Breaker
The fact that this is a 3/3 really puts it down for me. It’s very unreliable and you don’t really even get a good pay off from using it. Yes, it’s “6 mana twisting nether summon 3/3” but the pay off simply isn’t worth it IMO. Godfrey is just way better but as we lose him, would we really replace him with.. this..?
Plot twist might make it viable but I’ll have my doubt for now considering how you basically have to always use them just so you can run this.
This is clearly for Embiggen Druid. Also a pretty neat card to get when you generate this even if you don’t put it in your deck. 3 stars
Fel Summoner
I repeat, it has no rush. Unless you somehow instantly kill it, you won’t get this effect before turn 7 and why would you need it for pit lord when you have the card that reduces the cost of the next demon you play by 2?
The fact that you’re spending an entire turn for summoning a poorly statted 8/3 that opponent can not only easily remove but also silence… Only to maybe summon one of the best minions from your hand that can then be removed before its effect activates is not good in any way shape or form.
There literally exists a better way to get Pit lord out easily, this card is absolutely pointless unless we get some actually huge demon worth cheating out.
This card is pretty hard to rate, nowadays minions have alot of health Hearthstone so this might end up being barely better than Shadow bolt. But against aggro it’s a really nice tool and I love my mage getting cards like this. I’ll give it 3 stars since it’s horrible on some circumstances and great on some.