Thraben's Comments
Inara Stormcrash
What an ugly card… Strong. But ugly.
Looks like Shaman indeed gets a more weapon/attack power themed archetype. Can’t say I’m interested, sounds very boring way to play shaman of all things.
Cloak of Shadows
Paladin had the 3 mana spell that made you immune until next turn and it saw surprisingly little play despite being a better card in every way. Of course Rogue needs cards like these way more so we’ll have to see.. I doubt this will be that good though. 1 star.
Felsteel Executioner
There better not be any handbuff mechanics that can target this on Demon Hunter… Like never. Otherwise this will be so busted
Insatiable Felhound
Yay more support to control Demon Hunter. I’m tempted to give this 5 stars, it’s waaaaay better than Tar creeper and it was played consistently in almost all control decks. Of course the game has also power crept alot since then but this is genuinely one of the strongest taunt minions ever made.
Yeah I’m gonna give it 5 stars.
Well damn with Y’shaarj you can burn 10 cards from the opponent’s deck, that’s disgusting.
Warlock can hold its own till late game and stuff like Twisting nether can corrupt this while also keeping you safe. Really awesome care, 4 stars.
Cenarion Ward
Well this is a card game.. Cards have synergy and the better the synergy the better those cards are. The eclipse cards are not good unless there’s good cards to go with them and vice versa.
Cenarion Ward
People who rate this card bad are already forgetting the eclipse spells… Playing this twice giving you 16 armor and summoning two 8 cost minions is pretty damn powerful if you ask me.
4 stars. Big spells is exactly what Druid wants now.
Grand Totem Eys'or
A card that might finally, actually make totems work. I have always hated totem mechanics cause they have NEVER worked yet Blizzard has always pushed them thus making half of Shaman pointless. This might finally change something
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon
I don’t care if it doesn’t work but I wanna try some kind of control secret c’thun mage… This is gonna help in drawing the pieces pretty nicely.
All in all a really nice design. Mage has been pretty monotonous lately so it’s good to see them shifting the archetypes a bit. If secret mage will be a thing this card will be in center of all that. 4 stars.
Welp this is so much better than Cairne Bloodhoof. It does require you to have another minion for the effect but that’s not hard to achieve at all. Any aggro deck should be terrified of this card.
Tenwu of the Red Smoke
This will break a card of some sort one way or another.. I really hope we get a card that shuffles something powerful in the deck so this can double that effect.
Either way, this is a card we’ll see for a very long time. Even if it’s good right now, every expansion has the potential to create something op with it. 5 stars.
Deck of Chaos
Cough 4 mana 9/12 Malygos cough
Sadly relying on drawing a card that makes your deck work is often wishful thinkful. Warlock is one of the classes that can make it more consistent but we’ll see how it goes… 3 stars, interesting.
Zai, the Incredible
Ah yes can’t wait to be smacked to face for 16 damage from 4 twin slices
Grand Empress Shek'zara
It seems Rogue has a theme where cards are shuffled in the deck. This will draw all of them which is powerful if we get more things than the 3/3 summoning tickets.
So this is supposed to make Shaman work with weapons? Talk about underwhelming..