Omnitarian's Comments
Anubisath Warbringer
It’s a potent effect, probably a big enough swing to win you the game if minions are your wincon. The only big caveat is that even though it’s lategame, you’ll want enough minions in your hand to capitalize on the effect.
The obvious problem is that it’s big and slow, and these sorts of cards usually aren’t run because A) at endgame, you can’t risk playing cards that do nothing because your opponent may be threatening lethal and B) decks can only run so many big minions, and even if a card is “good” decks will gravitate toward the plays that provide the best wincon. But! There are sooo many ways to cheat this out right now that I think it has a shot. Dorian, Joybuzz, Coffin Crasher, Anka, Zerek’s, Betrug, Luna’s, Darkest Hour, Dimensional Ripper/Boomreaver, Duel!, Muckmorpher/Eureka, and that doesn’t even count cards with revive/clone/trigger deathrattle effects. This is a puzzle piece that a lot of failed archetypes were looking for.
Splitting Axe
You need to have 3 totems on board to make this as good as simply playing Microtech Controller, Explodinator, or Hench-Clan Hag, which is a HUGE order. Even if you pull it off, this card is worse cuz those token cards put more attack on board by default.
Mogu Cultist
Idea: Druid can wait until he draws through his deck enough (2 cultists in hand), use Elise + Barista Lynchen, and Elise again for 8 Cultists in hand. Still bad, but hey.
Mogu Cultist
Is there even any way to guarantee this other than with Togwaggle’s Scheme or Lab Recruiter? Maybe there will be other cards that generate Cultists…
I also don’t like how it’s a lot of work to pull off, but if your opponent is above 20 health (which they will cuz you’re a combo deck) and saved a hard removal (which they will once they know you’re running this) then it’s not a guaranteed KO.
Arcane Flakmage
I’m actually pretty bearish about this one. You want to use it against token decks, but they’ll be able to answer this T2 and by T5 they’ve probably buffed themselves out of range, or have some other reach play to kill you. This card can be good on T5 to clean out damaged minions that value traded against you, (and reborn minions and the like), but I’m having a hard time imagining Mage playing a deck that goes for the board like that. And against decks that don’t really tussle for the board, or play only tall minions, it’ll be a Bloodfen Raptor most of the time.
Cloud Prince
Too much deja vu of Sunreaver Warmage, which is actually a decent card but probably won’t see play until the rotation.
While this deals more damage than Warmage, it’s harder to activate since your opponent can remove your secrets by triggering them. You also have to find secrets worth playing, and Mage secrets are rather meh right now.
Medivh’s Valet was an incredible card but it was actually pretty hard to use once Ice Block was HoF’d and you could no longer guarantee having a secret up throughout the game.
Splitting Axe
They really need something like Treespeaker for totems, cuz spamming totems does little other than clog your board.
Even if you’re gunning to use this with Bloodlust or Storm Bringer, I can think of better ways for Shaman to make tokens for that.
Whirlkick Master
This is really more of a 10-mana card lol, it’s not like Angler (where the cards are cheap and the body is durable) or Lyra (where you could discount the cards with Radiant Elemental and get a real chain going). Pretty sure Rogue doesn’t need this at all right now, maybe after Myra’s and Academic Espionage rotates she’ll be more interested in lategame card generation.
Tortollan Pilgrim
There’s some good spells to hit (Blizzard, Luna’s, Frost Nova, Power of Creation…) but I’m not sure any of those really benefit from having a very lategame 5/5 attached to it. Mage already has problems running Kalecgos. In other words: “has potential, but it’s greedy”.
Anka, the Buried
Deathrattle Rogue hasn’t been the same since Devilsaur Egg rotated, this certainly has the potential to fix that, but I’d like to see some more good deathrattles first. If this is your T5 play then your T6 can be Mechanical Whelp + Necrium Vial which is no joke.
Oh, and Mechathun lol, you’ll need to get lucky with card draws and avoid aggro decks but it still seems pretty scary.
Hunter's Pack
A solid card generator, you have to weigh the pros and cons against this versus Master’s Call. Will definitely see play after the rotation, I imagine. Also a good card to pull from Marked Shot, or include in a Brann Highlander Deck.
Zul’jin will double this up (also the generated secret if you play it) but tbh seems like it’ll overstuff your hand, and it’d suck not to get those extra copies of Unleash the Beast…
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Oh hey, Midrange Warrior support!
There’s some nasty stuff you can pull off with this – I’m thinking big SN1P-SN4Ps or other magnetized mechs, Reborn minions… But the most consistent use may just be Leeroy + Inner Rage + this to push 16 damage to face.
Desert Obelisk
I wish it had a different cost or more health or something – it’s a cool idea, but if you’re looking for clone/burst memes wouldn’t it be better just to do Leeroy + Faceless?
Paladin’s quest reward comes to mind, but not even Blackwood Pixie lets you pull it off with 10 mana. Druid May have the best shot, you just need Dreampetal Florist to hit this, Floop, or Faceless.
Hidden Oasis
Y’know, this really illustrates how busted Branching paths was. 2 mana cheaper, 12 armor as opposed to 12 healing…
This costs too much to be played on its own (maybe at 5 mana) but seems ok with the quest reward and Keeper Stalladris.
Scarlet Webweaver
Hunter probably has the non-beast earlygame tools to make “big beast” a thing, the same way Katrina Hunter was a thing, and Early Secrets+Big Mechs Paladin was a thing for a while.
With these two minions and Brann, I wonder if there’s gonna be Battlecry boosters for Hunter printed, as well…
Wild Bloodstinger
Hunter usually beats combo decks just by killing their hero. But this still has applications for shutting down your opponents lategame, even if it’s not their win condition: I’m thinking Warrior’s Omega Devastator, Shaman’s Shudderwock, Warlock’s Omega Agent/Barista, Freeze Mage’s Alexstraza/Antonidas, the new Highlander cards, Mojomaster… that’s all pretty specific techs though so this might just be a specialist card.
Expired Merchant
It’s a loot hoarder with a very targetable tutor. We need to see the high-end cards for Guldan first, since this isn’t like the days where he had Doomguard and Voidlord and Bloodreaver Guldan. He also needs better taunts/removal/healing before he can dream of having a slow or combo-based deck. But this clearly has potential!
Sir Finley of the Sands
Riding a scorpion gives him +1 attack, I see. I imagine they didn’t want you to tutor him with Crystology. Now you have to use Murloc Tastyfin.
It’s strong. We learned from Baku that having upgraded Hero powers early is massive. But the biggest downside I see is that it’s a big deckbuilding requirement, but the reward is *inconsistent*. The original Sir Finley was great in Pirate Warrior because ANYTHING was better for his gameplan than Armor Up. And you had to make 0 deckbuilding sacrifices for it. Whereas here, you’re committing to build your entire deck around an effect that does… stuff. Just… stuff. Stuff that doesn’t provide a wincon on its own, and you have no idea if/how it would synergize with your deck. That doesn’t seem like a recipe for a good deck.
Elise the Enlightened
I’m seeing this as pretty scary if you played Predatory Instincts the turn before. Or weird combo potential with Flobbidinous Floop.
My pessimistic side, though, is that Druid has a pretty bad and synergy-focused cardpool from the Year of the Raven so it’ll be especially hard for him to piece together a singleton deck.
A reverse Infested Tauren, kinda? There’s a few synergies with it (tokens, hand size, Warrior’s taunt handbuffs) but not sure any of those seem strong enough to see play.