Omnitarian's Comments
“An army of squirrels is still an army.”
This is exactly what Aggro Token Druid wanted to see. Is a +1 to your hand size for Hand Druid, too. A+!
Crystalsong Portal
Clearly usable in Aggro Token, which I’m glad they’re supporting again (what? It’s a fun deck!). There’s no guarantee you’ll get cards you’ll love to play, but 3 minions for 2 mana is incredible and the deck has no problem emptying its hand (ask Zoolock).
Another possibility is to make a kind of Spell Druid. This could pump up your hand size for a good Wispering Woods turn. Deserves experimentation at least.
Magic Trick
They’re called illusions, Michael.
I think we officially have all the tiny spells Mage would ever want to cast, now we just need more payoff cards like an Arcane Giant or something.
The only reason you’d want to use this is if your class doesn’t have any other AoE available, and even then probably only if there’s some way to cheat it out.
Or there’s always the highroll with Lady in White! She still has potential, right? Right!??
Catrina Muerte
Damn, dude. Not hard to make your only earlygame plays Witchwood Grizzly, Hecklebot, Zilliax, and Moshogg Enforcer, drop this (along with Seance on T10 if u nasty), then start following up with Mass Ressurection(s) which now revive at least one Catrina and gives you 4+ Huge taunt minions to work with each time. Wall Priest isn’t going anywhere.
Shadowy Figure
The biggest problem I see is that you’d wanna play this in a deathrattle priest deck, BUT those decks will want to revive their minions as a power play, and this messes with the res pool. You might try skipping the res strategy and use this to stack the Deathrattles for Undatakah, I s’pose.
Obviously you can tech against combo with this, but no matter the situation it works best to treat this as a recruit card that can cheat out big minions. I dunno if Paladin can cut enough earlygame minions to make that viable, but we’ll see!
Marked Shot
If you want tempo take Wing Blast, if you want value take this. Pretty cut and dry card.
Mana Cyclone
Well then, this is what Tiny Spells Mage wanted to see. Cast a bunch of cheap spells, use Luna/Auctioneer/Research Project for cycle, then cap it off with Elemental Evocation + this to refill your hand for 0 mana extra. Quite nice!
Commander Rhyssa
The nice thing is that there are secrets to make dropping Rhyssa failsafe- Noble Sacrifice and Never Surrender cover her from minions and spells respectively, and if all else fails Redemption will summon two copies of her (or distract your opponent into testing for it with your tokens, I guess). A card worth experimentation, clearly.
Ray of Frost
Mana Wyrm got nerfed for this 🙁
You’ve heard of Big Spell Mage now get ready for… Tiny Spell Mage? She’s gotten quite a few of ‘em now. You can do Miracle turns with Auctioneer and Sorcerer’s Apprentice but I dunno if the payoff is that good.
Felt like it’s important to add you don’t have to play this T4- the same way Warrior held onto his Dirty Rats so he could play them with Brawl. You can hold onto this until you can play it together with a removal card, or T9 when you can magnetize Zilliax onto it! But the obvious downside is that by waiting until then, Combo decks might have drawn their nuts.
Fel Lord Betrug
Feel Lord Betrug’s Boomzooka.
Combos OK with Soularium or T10 with Hero Power. If you can stuff your deck with strong Deathrattles it’s ok, but I’m having a hard time seeing how this would come together into a consistent deck.
Could easily screw over aggro decks, possibly to the point where they’re pushed out of the Meta(?!). Curving into Zilliax with this is just that good. Between this and Witchwood Grizzly, aggro decks are gonna need to consider transform support (silence gets the job done too I s’pose).
Do crunch the numbers though- Aggro is used to dealing with T3 3/5 tarcreepers; for 3 extra health this comes out a turn later and gives them a free minion to fight back with. It’s a good wall, but not unbeatable.
It can, obviously, disrupt narrowly built combo decks, but please remember that giving your opponent a free T4 Malygos or 10/10 Mechathun is not particularly a good thing lol. And you have just as much chance of pulling their Loot Hoarder.
Walking Fountain
Control decks will happily play this, especially since the rotation of Healing Rain and Tidal Surge leave Shaman with no class healing (other than Omega Mind…). And he serves as a big threat against other control decks (even more dangerous if you picked up Bloodlust or Rockbiter from Hagatha).
Probably too expensive for Midrange Elemental, but we’ve seen those decks willing to drift to the lategame (by including Shudderwock and Hagatha). So maybe!
Fun card. Can copy a big deathrattle or aura effect. T7 you can combo it with Ancestral Spirit to revive a big boy.
The clever design of the card (and biggest downside) is that you don’t wanna use it with Shudderwock- mostly because copying those battlecry minions will turn this into a vanilla 4/4.
This is a buildaround card, very reminiscent of Seeping Oozeling. We’ll have to see if Shaman has enough things you’d wanna clone to be able to make this worth it- for instance Thrall doesn’t have a single Deathrattle in standard (?!), much less a big deathrattle. So do you target Al’akir and Zilliax and that new rush/lifesteal/windfury dude? Do you use this to make Eureka Shaman viable?
My vibe is that this is a cool card that doesn’t have enough support to be meta, but that could change heavily depending on what other cards we see.
Crystal Stag
Would you rather have this, or have Stampeding Roar + Oondasta? I think it’ll be outclassed.
Sludge Slurper
It’s a cheap and consistent proc for Likkim and Thunderhead. It gives you token support for bloodlust or Storm Bringer. Aggro and Token Shaman feels like it needs a lot of “special somethings” to be viable. This could be part of the picture.
If Burgle Rogue is ever gonna be a thing, this is how you do it. Makes Wing Blast and Scorch look like trash. Love it! The only downside is a lot of the old, good Burgly tools (namely Blink Fox) still use the “from your opponent’s class” wording, so mirrors will be weird and inconsistent (against other Burgle Rogues) or downright disastrous (against Rogues running a different archetype).