Omnitarian's Comments
Jepetto Joybuzz
Obviously a wicked good combo enabler, but the challenge will be making sure you don’t draw your combo pieces before you draw this. Or finding a way to shuffle the pieces back in- which, mind, will require an extra turn or two spending all your mana, which means not being able to defensively handle your opponent’s board. For precedent, this is part of why Luna’s Pocket Galaxy never became part of a combo deck. Plus it’s hard for most classes to find the mana discount needed to shuffle back the best combo cards right now (Malygos and Mecha’thun), so it’s not that easy to design failsafes when you’re using Gepetto.
This guy is not an unstoppable combo machine, and even if it turns out to be oppressive there’s always Mojomaster, so I’m not too concerned.
Bronze Herald
This kind of effect is good, since dragon decks always were easier to play when you have guaranteed dragons to draw. Like, the lowkey best use of Netherspire Historian was that you could pull an extra dragon to make sure all the other dragon synergies in your hand would proc.
Sadly this cards comes after WitchDoctor and Cathedral Gargoyle, but its effect is still great, a good mix of tempo and value that even buffs your Twilight Drake. A great add if dragon Paladin can be a thing (granted, that’s a big if).
Vereesa Windrunner
This is cool, a boost to the various “shot” cards that never get any love.
The odds are against this kind of effect, though. Weak to aggro and doesn’t offer enough quite enough burst against control. Playing Multi-Shot/Arcane Shot/Explosive Shot without the damage boost probably isn’t worth it. Baited Arrow and Wing Blast are the best targets, but is that good enough reason to run this (and cut off being able to play Master’s Call and whatnot?) Also, with most of the “shot” spells you’re making your Zuljin turn less reliable by playing spells that can target your own minions. All in all seems like another “the class will have better things to do” legendary.
EVIL Genius
Zoolock for life, baby. The Grim Rally Zoolock was already running Sanguine Reveler to pop Scarab Eggs. This is probably even better because you get a refill on Lackeys which are totally perfect for the deck.
EVIL Conscripter
Well, it does what it says on the tin. Priest seems the least likely to be able to exploit the Lackeys, though. Probably won’t be able to find a home.
Best I can come up with is that priest now has a lot of earlygame cards that replace themselves in hand, which is good if you’re running Twilight Drake.
Unleash the Beast
The simple question to ask is if this is better than Savannah Highmane – and the answer is “probably”? The Rush is good if you’re against a board-centric deck. Against control, you get a second copy to remove the setback of them removing it. You have to pay the mana for it all over again, but without Deathstalker Rexxar, Hunter will be happy to have more big cards rather than more tempo in his lategame.
And obviously, it rules with Zul’jin. Thumbs up from me.
Keeper Stalladris
Here is the reveal video that shows how this works in action-
Note that the spells you get DO NOT cost 0 (as they appear on the Choose One screen), they cost the same as the original spell.
That leaves me kinda underwhelmed actually. It’s at minimum a 2-card 4-mana combo that adds two slightly-overpriced spells to your hand. I’m not sure it’s worth it to run the weaker Choose One spells (Starfall, Mark of the Loa) just for this card. It works just ok with Wrath and maaaybe Call of the Wild for Token Decks. It’s also nice for Druid to have card draw/generation now that a lot of his best card draw is nerfed or rotating. But the vibe this card gives me is that Malfurion will have better things to do.
Never Surrender!
Very cool card, can rescue a wide board from being killed by AoE. Even its mere existence might force your opponent to play sub-optimally.
Biggest problem is that Token Paladin received basically no support in the Year of the Raven (would have made both Odd and Even decks more oppressive), so unless there’s lots of support in RoS there won’t be any decks to slot this into. Secret Paladin as we know it is more of a sticky-board deck than a wide-board deck.
Lightforged Blessing
It has so much “little combo” potential, like with Glass Knight, Kangor, rush minions, Baron Geddon… I somehow feel like it’ll find a home. I’d say the biggest “nah” factor is that Paladin has excellent healing both mid game (Flash of Light), lategame burst healing (Shirvallah + Kangor), and anti-burst tools (Time Out) that this simply becomes irrelevant.
Power of Creation
Has potential, but something about it just leaves me skeptical… like, at turn 8, aggro and midrange are threating lethal, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get a Taunt or Rush off this.
Also worth pointing out that not counting what they might print this expac, Mage’s 6 mana minions are REALLY BAD to summon with this- Arcanosaur, Meteorologist, and Toki. They will shove their way into a lot of your discover pools with this card.
Friendlier to tempo with Elekk than the Battlecry minions- equip this and then Elekk next turn. You can buff this weapon for extra bombs but I’m not sure that’ll be totally necessary. If bombs work, this’ll work too, needless to say.
Clockwork Goblin
I love the idea of a Bomb Warrior, he’s always been lacking in win conditions other than fatigue (even moreso with Fire Plume’s Heart rotating out). Easy to combo this with Elekk, and even Control Warrior would be happy to pull this from his Mech Discovery tools. Good show.
EVIL Cable Rat
The lackeys are good tempo, but not SO good that like, you’ll be putting the equivalent of a Novice Engineer in a tempo deck. Even if you can pump this up with Battlecry or Lackey synergies, there’ll probably be better cards to play.
On the plus side, it is very cute.
Heistbaron Togwaggle
Well, seems legit. And Rogue will probably be happy to run Lackeys anyway, as good tempo and combo activators. Good stuff.
Hench-Clan Burglar
Seems solid. A guaranteed card for Tess/Burgle Rogue, and a good standby if you’re a value-minded deck but still wanna play Raiding Party. Dunno if it’ll find a home in a meta deck but worth considering if you’re scraping together a Rogue deck.
Travelling Healer
Am I the only one weirdly annoyed that the character isn’t quite centered in the frame?
You can do a cost/benefit of this compared to Silver Moon Guardian, Bubblies and Yummies, and Lifedrinker. Probably pack filler unless a highly specific healing/divine shield synergy manages to work with this.
I love the flavor and novelty of its effect! It’s exactly what we needed for some underplayed cards to have a chance to shine. There are even some sneaky cards for this to activate like Mirror Image and Splitting Image. This + Jan’alai is practically a finisher by itself. The list goes on.
The only downside is that you’re only allowed one of these in your deck, and he’s such a big, weak target you can’t expect him to last more than the turn you play him. Are cards like Astromancer, Mirror Image, Unexpected Results, etc going to carry the deck enough in the many turns you won’t be able to combo them with Kadghar? Should be fun to find out!
Madame Lazul
A cross between Curious Glimmerroot and Chameleos.
But- and I think this is key- you can more selectively choose which card you get compared to either of those, so you don’t have to be a tempo deck stuck with a big removal spell or a control deck stuck with a cheap aggro card. Also less likely to wind up with one of your opponent’s psynergy-specific cards you can’t use. This seems perfectly playable- not an auto-include, but playable.
Oh, and if you choose a Minion it psynergizes with Princess Talanji if you’re into that sorta thing.
For a pack filler it’s actually ain’t bad, hits a power level similar to Armani War Bear. If you have a Timberwolf or Dire Wolf Alpha out it starts looking especially appealing, gives you a boost to knock out earlygame taunts and leave a token behind. Rush + Deathrattle Summon is a good combination of abilities, I.E. against control decks who don’t have a board, you can toss this out knowing it will at least leave a body once removed.
Also, this card might be the single reason they nerfed Flametongue Totem to 3 mana lol. RIP.