Nightfall's Comments
ah, like king crush (not played), lord jaraxxus (meta to aggro), cenarius (to slow), prophet (only used in combo priests), edwin (to weak to silence) and al’akir (horrible stats for the cost even with the effects). tirion is very strong tho, as well as gromm and of course mage legendary. MY ARGUMENT IS NOT INVALID
A Light in the Darkness
its like unstable portal, but with 3 options, if you play this on turn 2 and choose for example a 4 mana minion next turn will be very strong
A Light in the Darkness
this is a good target for anything that can change it into something from the same or higher mana catagory, which is why it’ll see play in shaman
Forbidden Ancient
it would be better but the taunt would make it different from the other forbidden cards (it already is since its the only minion but still)
Usher of Souls
This card actually helped me making a C’thun deck since it helps with the forbidden ritual card.
Bog Creeper
uhum doomguard is used to kill an enemy on that same turn, this guy is to stall the game
Aberrant Berserker
it changes the 1 damage ping into a 2 damage buff for this minion, if you can play something else you probably will be playing something else, but this could be a good play
Am'gam Rager
wild is like 1/4th of the game (wild, classic, adventure, arena) so I think it’ll be fine
Darkshire Librarian
ill keep it simple, possibly good in zoo, horrible in almost any other decks, for example c’thun decks (which I don’t know if they will work)
Blade Flurry
rip so much worse than the first version but I guess it could see play as a good way to clear the board
corrupted version doesn’t come with an army of murlocs but a slimey companion