Nightfall's Comments
Hooked Reaver
very good minion
-warlocks hero power now not only draws cards but works towards activating this card
-the new ‘damage your own face’ cards + the old ones help with activating this card
-jaraxxus would always be able to play this minion in it’s activated state
-it’s quite cheap, making it great for making a comeback after using a boardclear (like perhaps felfire potion)
The Darkness
deck of wonders casts a spell everytime you draw 1, but if you’ve watched the stream (it’s up on youtube on the official hearthstone channel) you can see that it takes all 3 candles to summon him
The Darkness
I love this card only because it will feel soooo good to see your opponent throw their removal at your minions when they know a 20/20 is coming
5/5 will make hearthstone fun again
Sneaky Devil
this card itself might not see alot of play, but personally I am a fan of bane of doom, and getting this from a bane of doom will likely be pretty good
I hope you’re right, but even if you are people will just run weapon removal, making them bad again.
which results in less weapon removal
which results in more weapons
which results in….
why evolve shaman? when you evolve the buffs go away, making this a horrible card for evolve shaman
all legendary weapons seem to be quite bad on a power level, doubt lots of people will play them. I mean even warrior, the weapon class, seems to get a weapon that just seems too random to be good and reliable. at the end of the day all you want from a card is to give a predictable and strong result.
actually, that 3/3 weapon is only worth about 3 mana and you’re paying 5 mana for a minion without battlecry and happens to be random
Legendary Weapons Guide & Deck Lists - Kobolds and Catacombs
`Why would you ever? it’s a useful card for when blizz makes 1 too many good weapons and they all take over the ladder
Ironwood Golem
actually they are only bad because they usually don’t do anything. This one however has taunt.
Ironwood Golem
actually they are only bad because they usually don’t do anything. This one however has taunt, meaning that even if it can’t attack, it will still have an immediate impact on the board
Ironwood Golem
Why not play tar creeper for 1 less mana, and always get to attack with 1 attack?
Skull of the Man'ari
the rune spear still sucks more, but I too believe warlock didn’t get good legendaries. besides the legendaries however, the other cards in warlock seem pretty good
Skull of the Man'ari
rly, no battlecry is a blessing for a pretty good amount of demons
Skull of the Man'ari
the power of this card depends completely on how much weapon counter cards will be in the meta and how slow the meta will be. I think at the start of the expansion, it will struggle to work, but when people stop using as much weapon removal, it will get used a bit more.
still, I doubt warlocks can really draw enough to both spend their mana and still hold a demon for the skull to summon.
it’s probably just me, but I don’t see a healing spell that needs you to sacrifice a minion being good.
-it doesn’t change the board state in your favour, actually, you’re only off worse after using it
-it could work with eggs, but then again, you’d need both cards for it to work.
-it don’t draw you another card does it now? you draw this instead of a removal spell or strong minion