EksSkellybur's Comments
South Coast Chieftain
5 Stars for Murlocs once again. Ad now I’m officially scared to say that Murloc Shaman came back in a Big way.
Arid Stormer
Eeeh, i’m actually going to give this 3 stars, unless you can buff the stats afterwards, which I’m not seeing as of yet. 3 Stars
Spawnpool Forager
5 Stars instantly, even if you aren’t playing Murlocs. just having a 1 mana minion this strong speaks some volumes. Effectively being a stronger Firely, even.
Neeru Fireblade
So other then Darkglare, I think Neeru seems to be just an okay last-ditch card. If Chef Nomi can do it, so can Neeru, I feel. So this will probably just be a mid-tier 2 deck, in my opinion. It’s strong, but the effort for you to use Neeru early is just isn’t exactly all that worth it in my opinion. Escpailly when TIckitus is still around. 3 Stars.
Altar of Fire
Seems fine, will see play with tickitus. Being able to burn up to 16 cards, now. 5 Stars.
You usually don’t care if your cards burn, so long as your burning your opponents more.
Barrens Scavenger
Just know that Darkglare is your friend, Number 1. Number 2, You can use both barrens and Strongman with some sort of Y’shaarj style deck. I think Barrens is fine, it’s just that you really want to draw out your cards either really fast, or you want value as much as you can.
5 Stars for Darkglare, 3 stars for Control.
Apothecary's Caravan
This is nice, just to get out your 1-cost minions. The only problem is that I which is more like “at the end of your turn” instead, been if it were to be nerfed as a 2 mana 1/2 for that yet chance. Being able to draw out your 1 manas, escpially for better card drawing would be what All Warlock decks would want, but Caravan is fit more for Zoo.
3 Stars, will see experimenting.
Imp Swarm (Rank 1)
Eeh. We had a Quest that had a a Rank 2 Imp Sawrm every sime it was Warlock’s turn, and look at that deck now. Your most likely never going to see a Rank 3, unless you somehow survived quite the play in hearthstone, so, It’s more a a 2 man 6/4 by turn 5. Which is absolutely scary, the more I think of it. Okay, Zoolocks will use this, nice. 4 stars.
Kabal Outfitter
I think Kabal Outfitter will be fine as a Zoo style Deck, sure. Question is if they actually want the buffs, which I think they kinda still do, even if they are using Horror. 4 Stars.
Bulk Up
Just play this with a card like Mor’Shan Elite, you either have a Delyed 5 mana 10/10, or a 7 mana 10/10 worth of stats, depending. I think Bulk up is fine, even as a Tempo style deck.
See? and this is why you need Talented Arcanist. This is 6 Mana deal 4 Damage to All minions, Effectively. Yes, The idea that you need 2 cards can be displeasing, however, when giving the chance, Rancor can help clear the ways for you. Effectively being its own Flamestrike. Plus, now you start using Shield Slam again, for Warriors that loved their armor. This is effectively much like another Brawl, so that combo idea is probably only going to be used less like once per game, but that armor will add up for you.
Conditioning (Rank 1)
Now, I’ve tried Menagerie Warrior, and I know someone like Kibler will meme with Counting, claiming that it’s either good or really fun to have, and there have bee times where I’m just wanting on board, and waiting on Turn 4-5, without playing anything but Armor Up. I think Contiiong CAN Work, it’s just that you’re pretty much forced to play this on Rank 2 at the very least.
I think you just need to give Whatley and N’Zoh a Second Chance, and while I do think it will get better, It’s still pretty uncertain for how much power it truly has. But I will say this. This deserves 4 Stars IF You happen to be also using the Ringmaster’s Baton as well. There have been times where it’s Turn 7 for example and I happen to have a 4 mana 7/8 Amalgam in my play.
Outrider's Axe
Warriors , especially those with Weapons, love cards like these where they chose if they need that extra card draw or not. I think it does deserve 5 Stars, just becuase you can effectively buff the attack, and you’ll be fine. plus you got Krastinov to try and sharp Outrider’s Axe for you.
Stonemaul Anchorman
Gets the Job then, and this is effectly much better then Azure Drake. Will see play, 4 stars.
Whirling Combatant
I can see a world where you would actually want Whirling Combatants in your deck. These are effectly just a more mid-range spirit of Risky Skippers, and knowing with how strong RIsky Skipper oce was, this is more a fair-play style card, so, 4 stars.
Blademaster Samuro
Update: So my overall thought about Blademaster Samuro, now that I’ve seen what he can truly pull is is something to be aware off. If you were to just buff the attack, it still surives, It’s going to effectively be a terrifying AoE Clear for you. You can really pull off some 4 Damage AoE when given, and that’s just 1 extra attack difference. Imagine with what it can do if it had more.
I’m ging to give Blademaster however still 4 stills, just becuase it’s a legendary, and you won’t always daw this by Turn 4-6. So you seriously need to fish for this card.
Spirit Healer
Yeah no, won’t see play, 1 Star. The Buffing from the spells are just too small of a reward system.
This feels more of a Manatide Totem then anything, but it’s still a pretty nice card. I think with some Organization with your murlocs you can effectly draw out 2 Murlocs or so. 4 Stars.