TallJake26's Comments
Ysiel Windsinger
Not that good. Keep in mind that this card makes Innervate and Coin cost 1 mana as well, so using this card in a combo deck means you have to get rid of Innervate.
Shadowjeweler Hanar
Might be a fairly worthy addition in Highlander Rogue for resource generation. Asides from that, there’s not much to say about this card.
I’d compare it to Commander Rhyssa from RoS. Fairly good card, but its deck archetype was always too weak to be truly relevant.
Blackjack Stunner
I mean, assuming that you do play both a secret and this minion on the same turn, it’s still not a very impressive play. Playing this on turn three would basically Sap an enemy minion and play a 1/2 body. The 1/2 body, though, takes up card spaces in your deck and isn’t going to be relevant by turn three – your opponent can probably just ignore it.
I think you’d just be better off running Sap as removal.
Blackjack Stunner
But this is a conditional Sap. Not only this, but to use this card effectively you would need to use two cards, a secret + this.
I guess the biggest problem with this card is that sap just defeats this card in terms of plain efficiency. Sap requires no setup, costs just 2 mana and uses up one card. This card is just the tacky, fancier alternative to Sap : this requires a setup of a having a secret, costs 3 mana total and uses up two cards.
Sure, it can target minions that can’t be targeted by spells, and it leaves a 1/2 body, but I’d still go on to say that simply running Sap in your deck is better than running this card.
Teron Gorefiend
Actually, I’m feeling like this is a really nice inclusion in Face Hunter. Summon a bunch of Leper Gnomes, destroy them with this, trade this into something and get your Leper Gnomes back.
Pit Commander
Looks like Control Demon Hunter is shaping up. Put all those token spells that summon 1/1s with rush into your deck to deal with early threats so you don’t pollute your demon summoning pool with weak demons. Later in the game you can pull out massive demons with this.
Kargath Bladefist
It seems like as time goes on, Blizzard just prints more and more outrageously overpowered cards like this one. I feel like they’re actually starting to power creep previous cards.
A 4 mana 4/4 with rush is essentially a rabid worgen with +1/+1 and +1 mana cost. There was really never any downside to running rabid worgen, asides from the fact that it didn’t pack enough of a punch. It’s the same with this card – there’s literally no drawback for this card.
But then, there’s the overpowered deathrattle that shuffles an 8 mana 10/10 with rush into your deck. Absolutely insane.
There’s literally no reason why you shouldn’t run this card in pretty much any warrior deck. Even aggro might want this – an 8 mana 10/10 with rush can destroy a big taunt and leave a massive body on board to go face next turn.
Fungal Fortunes
Not that much. Any combo pieces like Mechathun, Alexstraza, Floop, Malygos and so on would potentially be discarded. There’s no way a Miracle Druid could risk discarding any of those important combo pieces – doing so would be essentially forfeiting the game.
So, yeah. This card does speed up Miracle Druid quite a bit, but the risk of discarding your combo pieces far outweighs the potential gain of cycling through your deck faster. Druid already has plenty of efficient options to speed up card draw that don’t risk discarding combo pieces.
Unless there is a Druid spell this expansion that has some kind of instant destroy-the-enemy-hero effect, this card won’t see much play.
Blackjack Stunner
Nope, honestly this card ain’t gonna make it. Blizzard’s probably gonna print like two Rogue secrets or so this expansion, and we already have one of the secrets – the Ambush secret that instantly is triggered when your opponent plays a minion.
So, to use that Ambush secret in conjunction with this card, you have to play them on the same turn. That’s three mana total. Not a very flexible play.
Assuming that the other secret that Blizzard’s gonna print won’t trigger so easily, we might actually have a 1 mana removal tool. However, you only get two copies of that secret in your deck, and two copies of this card. Not very consistent to rely on this for removal.
All in all, this card can be compared to Mage’s Cloud Prince – 4 mana 4/4 that cast a 1 mana Fireball! But it saw no play because Mage didn’t have enough good secrets. This is basically the same thing, except for Rogue.
Shadow Sculptor
For Aggro Rogue to do that, it would have to run Galakrond and all its support cards. The Neutral Galakrond cards are out of the question, having no immediate effect on the board and being too slow. The Rogue Galakrond cards also have weak immediate effects, and weak cards like that don’t exactly fit in an aggro type deck. Nah, running this package in an aggro Rogue would just ruin aggro Rogue.
Not sure this card would fit in any kind of competitive deck.
Eye of the Storm
Rain of Frogs only summons minions with 6 total attack. This card, on the other hand, summons minions with a total of 15 attack. In other words, Rain of Frogs could be ignored, while this can’t be ignored.
Either your opponent uses up a board clear like Twisting Nether, or they lose the game. And even assuming your opponent does use a board clear like Twisting Nether, they would be unable to do anything else on their turn asides from clearing the board, since they just spent eight mana.
So, the worst case scenario for this card is “skip your and your opponent’s next turns. Overload three mana crystals”. And overloading three mana crystals in the late game barely impacts the outcome of the game.
Bad Luck Albatross
And then you spam “Thank you” back when your opponent resurrects a Wyrmrest Purifier.
Blowtorch Saboteur
Yeah, but keep in mind that Saboteur made the opponent’s hero power cost more NEXT TURN. This guy makes the opponent’s hero power cost more THE NEXT TIME IT’S USED.
So Saboteur’s effect could just be ignored by not using your hero power the next turn, while Blowtorch’s effect CAN’T be ignored, unless your opponent plans on never using his hero power for the rest of the game. I doubt you’d want to use Saboteur instead of Blowtorch.
But, yeah. This card won’t fit into any real archetype and straight up won’t see any play asides from arena.
Actually, you’re kind of right. Some cards like that just outright win the game for you, and that’s just how Hearthstone works.
Personally, I think Blizzard should remove all the tech cards from the game : EMP Operative, Hemet Nesingwary, Mind Control Tech, Flare, Chief Inspector and so on. But that’s just my opinion.
Holy crap, this card literally annihilates some decks. RIP control warrior permanently in wild format, as well as the entire duration of this expansion. Also RIP High Priest Thekal – this card has singlehandedly made Thekal completely obsolete.
With the sheer potential of this card, I see no reason to run it outside of any deck asides from hyper-aggro.
Sure, it is a two mana 3/6 with taunt. But it’s a 3/6 with taunt that is heavily delayed.
Imagine drawing this on, say, turn four or five. You spend two mana, as well as a card, on this. Then, maybe two turns later you get the 3/6, which just isn’t very impactful anymore.
I’d rather just put a solid body in my card than rely on an delayed, unreliable quest like this.
Kronx Dragonhoof
LOL, I actually crafted two Wild Bloodstingers and two Scarlet Webweavers thinking that those cards were sleeper OP – play two big beasts and make the opponent discard one card for seven mana total. Turns out I was wrong and there are much better ways to win than just getting a bunch of raw stats on the board.
Nah, I’m not sure this is the right fit for token decks. Even if you transformed a 1/1 into this, the card would still feel pretty weak. You would have spent your turn 4 essentially adding 5/5 worth of stats onto your board – not too bad, but there are much more powerful things you could’ve done – Blessing of Ancients, Power of the Wild, etc.
But yeah, in Wild… Imagine drawing a bunch of little magnetic minions with Crystology, hand-buffing all of them with Glowstone Technician, discounting them with a couple Galvanizers, and then unloading all the magnetic buffs onto this card. Then you can summon a Silver Hand Recruit with your hero power and transform the recruit into another copy of the mechanical monster you just built.
That doesn’t sound meta-breaking, given that you can’t give your mechs charge, but that’s just some food for thought.