TallJake26's Comments
Cannonmaster Smythe
Hmmmm… How is Paladin gonna get these secrets on board though? I don’t think painstakingly drawing and playing 1-mana secrets from your deck has enough bang for the buck, just to support cannonmaster.
And some of the decent-ish Paladin secret synergies are rotating too, like Desperate Measures and the 2 mana 3/2 weapon.
Primordial Protector
True, the issue that it doesn’t have taunt or rush is a serious detriment to this card. But hopefully the massive board swing you get from this guy is more than enough to make up for it.
For example, this card might find a place in Big Druid. You can tutor survival of the fittest with this card AND summon a big 10-drop. Even though you’re basically doing nothing on T8(unless you get lucky and that random 10-drop has taunt or rush), Druids have been doing nothing for most of the game up to that point. Plus, Druids can potentially get up to 8 mana long before their opponents can build a decent board to hit face.
Primordial Protector
Literally any deck that is slow, values having minions on board and has a handful(maybe 2-4) of expensive spells would be looking to run this.
Sunscale Raptor
Mehhhh… I mean, unless we’re getting a new 2 mana synergy kind of beast like Crackling Razormaw this expansion, I don’t think the beast tag is very relevant, at least for turn 1.
Also, the statline is honestly pretty mediocre. 1/3s aren’t groundbreakingly overpowered anymore, not when you could run battlemage as your 1 drop.
I guess this would find a decent amount of play in hunter decks in general, but it won’t be as powerful as Dire Mole was back in the day.
Blademaster Samuro
Oh yeah, you have a point, this card might fit into Libram Paladin thanks to all those 0 mana +1/+1 spells. I didn’t think of that.
Probably not in priest, though. If you’re looking to clear the board, you’d probably be playing some control deck. And if you’re playing a control deck, a buff spell like Apotheosis would be mostly pointless in your deck, except to buff up Blademaster for this one very specific combo. I don’t think it’d be worth it to run 3 bad cards in your deck(1 blademaster and 2 apotheosis’s, presumably) just to add in one extra board clear. You’d much rather run a 1 card combo of Breath of the Infinite or Holy Nova for more consistency.
^ That might be a sick combo though – you deal 3 damage to all enemy minions and also heal a crap ton of health, since this guy’s frenzy ability presumably contributes to lifesteal from apotheosis. But I don’t see that as being consistent enough.
Blademaster Samuro
4 mana deal 1 damage to all enemy minions is not impressive at all, by the standards of today’s meta. In fact most aggro decks seem to play 2-3 health minions now, like battlemage, bonechewer brawler or treants you get from token cards.
You’d need somewhere around a 2-3 damage aoe to really make a dent in your opponent’s board – 1 aoe damage is pretty irrelevant now. And to get a 2-3 damage aoe off this card you’d need to run some handbuffs, which I’d say would make your deck pretty weak if this is the only card you’re looking to handbuff.
Not only that, but this guy’s aoe clear only triggers once. So after his initial effect his 1/4ish body left on the board would be pretty irrelevant.
And against pretty much every non small minion-based aggro deck, this card is unplayable garbage.
This card is pointless, I’m not sure why they made such an underwhelming effect for this card.
So you get a 3/4 on turn 3… meh. And like, five turns later(hopefully) you pull out a pathetic 3/10? With a measly 3 damage to your opponent’s face?
I mean, I guess if you could tutor that 3/10 out of your deck it’d be alrigghhhtttt… But honestly I still don’t think it’d be worth it. A 3/10 body is just lackluster and uneffective.
Imp Swarm (Rank 1)
Theoretically this could serve as Zoolock’s midgame, but the issue is in the current meta if Zoolock still hasn’t killed their opponent by midgame then Zoolock might as well have lost.
1/5, I see literally no reason why you’d want to run this.
Ehhhh, I’m not really feeling the hype. Shaman’s burn spells are all pretty trash to be honest with the exception of maybe Lightning Bolt. Unless they put out like 2 new decent burn spells for shaman I’m afraid this’ll fall short.
Even if burn shaman becomes a thing though, I’d argue Imprisoned Phoenix is better than this 75% of the time anyways.
Razormane Raider
Imprisoned Felmaw, but three mana more expensive. I’ll pass on this one.
Feat of Strength
Board full of 4/4 taunts? Why not have a board full of 9/9 taunts instead?
But asides from the Clown synergy, this card is pretty garbage. 1.5/5
Fizzy Elemental
Still feel like this card is for the most part outclassed by Scrapyard Colossus (which actually also happens to have the elemental tag, so you could still resurrect it with N’zoth).
Deathmatch Pavilion
You don’t always have to play this on turn 2 for it to be decent, you know. There’s nothing wrong with playing it later than that.
Personally I can see this being run in Totem Shaman as a nice refill-your-board kind of tool, after your opponent has just cleared your totems on T4ish and you want to make a comeback with your Whack-a-Gnoll Hammer equipped.
And yeah, your comparison to Feral Spirit isn’t the best. Feral spirit more or less cripples your next turn with the 2 mana overload, and this doesn’t. That’s a pretty significant difference.
Faire Arborist
Literally a Landscaping if you play it on turn three, but with one less Treant tag, so you won’t be able to discount Aeroponics as much. And Landscaping was decent back in the day, summons a 4/4 on turn 3 with no immediate effect on the board. But I doubt it’d make any significant impact on today’s meta.
The corrupt effect is super mediocre, nothing to write home about at all. So 1.5/5 for me.
Dancing Cobra
Do keep in mind that this must be corrupted to become poisonous. So on turn 3 you corrupt it, and on turn 4 you finally play it.
And a 1/5 with poisonous on turn 4?!?!? No thank you.
Even if this was just a straight 1/5 with poisonous for 2 mana I’d seriously question putting it into my deck.
G'huun the Blood God
I think this card is a lot less flexible than you think. At the moment, Priest decks usually don’t run a lot of healing asides from Renew or the occasional Waterbearer. Playing this card would take a big chunk out your hero’s health, something that might not be replenishable, especially since after you become Galakrond you won’t be able to heal yourself with your hero power anymore.
Not to mention this is an 8 mana 8/8 that has no immediate effect on board when it is played.
G'huun the Blood God
Really? This is an 8 mana 8/8 with no immediate effect on the board. And if you choose to play the two cards that you’ve drawn, if those two cards were cost-heavy you’re gonna take a bunch of face damage and potentially open up yourself for a lethal. If those two cards you’ve drawn aren’t cost heavy, then they won’t make much impact on the board and this card’s gonna come out kinda weak. In my opinion running Murozond might still be a better bet than this.
Carnival Clown
NGL that idea actually makes deck of chaos sound kinda viable now. 7 9/4s with taunt on board? Hell yeah, sign me up, since nobody really runs Flamestrike anymore.
Redeemed Pariah
Lowkey this is like unnerfed Undertaker but for one more mana and increased stats. But I don’t think unnerfed Undertaker would even be viable at all in today’s meta, so 1/5.
Hahaha I guess Hearthstone had to throw in some racial diversity in the mix, huh?