TallJake26's Comments
Y'Shaarj, The Defiler
Holy CRAP Control is getting heavy this expansion.
This is essentially a resurrection spell, except that it’ll most likely fill your entire board. With beefy minions, too. AND it resurrects spells in a way too, by returning them all to your hand and making them cost zero.
So this card basically destroys all enemy minions and then resurrects a full board of minions for you. Man, the power levels in Hearthstone are going insane.
99.99% sure this will get nerfed.
N'Zoth, God of the Deep
Crazy good highlander card, and easily strong enough to see play in just about any control deck. 5 stars for sure.
Solar Eclipse
You’d have to be at ten mana and also have that exact combination of cards in your hand for that to work. But yeah, I could see that happening.
Fleethoof Pearltusk
Honestly, I think this card is pretty garbage for the standards of today’s meta.
We had Faceless Corruptor which basically had the same stat line, except that you’d have to sacrifice a small minion – which usually wasn’t a problem, because you could still attack one last time with your small minion before sacrificing it, and plus most of the time the small minion would be a left-over one drop from the really early game. Plus, the fact that you got two 4/4s out of it made it more flexible than this card. And even more, you could usually actually play it on curve, unlike this card.
But even Faceless Corruptor fell by the wayside as superior cards flooded the meta. Even a 5 mana 8/8 wasn’t good enough anymore.
If Faceless Corruptor didn’t work, I have no hope that this card would work. 1/5 stars
Darkmoon Rabbit
There are some potential synergies with rez priest though.
This card is basically a ten mana destroy three adjacent minions – a weak/decent card to have inside a control deck. But if you get to resurrect this with Psychopomp, you basically have a 4 mana “destroy all enemy minions”.
That’s a pretty niche synergy though. But if the meta is ultra big-minion heavy, we might see a bit of it.
Judicious Junior
Yeah, maybe. But one issue is that with the Commencement spell you’d probably be playing Big Paladin to cheat out minions. If you’re playing Big Paladin, you’d also want to play Duel.
Pulling out this minion on a Duel isn’t the best, with its measly 4 attack. You could end up with an awkward 4/5ish body on the board, whilst at the same time having summoned your opponent a free minion. To be honest, I think there are better big minions than this card to put in Big Paladin.
Wave of Apathy
Yeah, true. Cabal Acolyte might be taking the place of Convincing Infiltrator in control decks this expansion.
Shifty Sophomore
There’s a lot of bad Combo cards going around right now. You could get a Necrium Apothecary with a deck with zero deathrattles, or a Headcrack, or a Kidnapper.
This card might as well be a 4/4 with stealth, because the spellburst effect is quite irrelevant. And a 4/4 stealth is pretty bad – it has no immediate impact on the board and just sits around for a turn.
Sneaky Delinquent
True, but Stealth Rogue only has 2 different cards that synergize with stealth – Greyheart Sage and Ashtongue Slayer. Putting just those 4 cards in your deck doesn’t seem to warrant a full-on Stealth deck.
Tour Guide
Wow, it’s literally a Kobold Librarian for Warlock but with 1 less attack. Impressive, not a bad card at all.
Robes of Protection
You sure about that? The main spells aggro/zoo decks have to watch out for are AoEs, and this card doesn’t protect your minions from them.
This card also doesn’t protect your minions from battlecries or even other minions. Your minions would still be dead after your opponent plays a Reno, or rushes something at you.
In my opinion this card’s just gonna be a 2/4 most of the time.
Lake Thresher
Wow, actually… Surprisingly not that bad. I’d put this card in my Embiggen Druid build.
In Formation!
Yeah, I agree. The taunt AoE buffs are only good when you get to quickly take advantage of them and flood the board with overstatted minions. There’s way too many taunts that cost too much for you to take advantage of their buffs properly for this to work.
You might just end up with a +2/+2 buff on a 10 mana Living Monument when you cast Into the Fray on your hand. Completely worthless.
Nice arena card, though.
Guardian Animals
True, and you’ll have to not draw your key beasts before you play this card.
Blood Herald
Damn… Cards like this, that cost a lot and are overstatted, but also don’t do anything when they are immediately played, are generally trash.
Hearthstone has moved past the days of “ME HAVE GOOD STATS FOR THE COST”. Now, it’s all about having rush, taunt, or some other OP effect.
Bloated Python
Huh, I’m really seeing a Tempo Hunter starting to take shape now.
So on T1, you could play a Demonic Companion or Battlemage, and get around 2/2’s worth of stats on board. T2 you buff your minion with Adorable Infestation, summon a 1/1 and also play the 1/1 you get from your hand, for a total of 5/5 in stats. T3 you play this, and T4 you copy this guy’s deathrattle with Mok’Nathal Lion and trade them into something, and get 2 4/4s back.
True, but 4 mana split among ALL enemy minions isn’t a lot though. At best this might destroy a single medium sized minion.
This card is so pointless. How the heck did Blizzard imagine that this card could compete with Convincing Infiltrator?