Nightfall's Comments
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
That would be an evil (because of the old god and stuff) qnd epic way to destroy your enemy
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
Well duh of course the minion is random and give me 3 STRONG GOOD examples of at the end of your turn cards
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
I think y’shaarj is better, but thats just my opinion (weaker to boardclears, doesn’t empty deck to much, etc)
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
c’thun could be strong but also could be weak, n’zoth works with simply adding 6 good deathrattles to your deck, BUUT y’shaarj doesn’t have to be played later when minions have died and stuff, because y’shaarj’s effect works throughout the whole game and will be strong untill you run out of cards in your deck. y’shaarj is very strong because if I take for example varian wrynn, you get 1 7/7 + 3 cards, minions instantly played, thats weak to a strong board clear, not only killing varian, but also possibly 3 other cards. if y’shaarj gets hit with a board clear it might kill y’shaarj (I highly doubt it because its a 10/10 and stuff) and probably will kill the other card. y’shaarj might not look stronger than varian, but I think he is. for a neutral card to be stronger than a class card it must be a strong card
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
don’t worry since y’shaarj is an old god he will be experimented with and than they’ll see y’shaarj is as kripp would say it preeeetttty goooood
Ancient Harbinger
he’s just saying the obvious, this card is obviously to get the old gods from your deck to your hand
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
less rng not class specific (warriors can’t really use varian to much because it draws 3 cards and warriors most times go late game), it’ll see some play…
Cabalist's Tome
Play alot of eatheral conjurer and you’ll see what cards you will be getting and if the avarage card is good enough to pay 5 mana for 3 of those avarage cards
Skeram Cultist
Simple enough, dont get why this one is rare and the other cthun buff cards are common, since spthe other cthun cards seem just a bit better, seems like a solid card for a cthun deck…
Scaled Nightmare
priest is gonna be bad, shrink is gonna go away, shadow word pain is also priest, which is still gonna be bad, shadow word horror sucks and will never see play, I THINK, yeah look again its a preeeettty solid dragon
Scaled Nightmare
hahaha dr boom keeps boom bots dr boom always has been that little bit to broken
Scaled Nightmare
validated doomsayer is horrible, you can pretty much only play it when the enemy has no minions on the board, otherwise it will lose to much health bevore he got his attack, this dragon has very unique and cool ways of working, validated not…
Scaled Nightmare
lol I like this dragon its gonna work in some cool way, at least I hope
Xaril, Poisoned Mind
the gvg and naxx cards still will be there in wild, but blizzard announced that they will keep classic balanced and wont nerf any cards for wild mode
Tentacles for Arms
I don’t think you can count tentacles as artifact for a museum, and I don’t think you can call cut off body parts museum artifacts anyways… lastly, it actually only gets destroyed for 1 card most of the time, not that its much more with other warrior weapons