Helioshadow's Comments
Dispatch Kodo
Synergizes with a lot of the newer cards (including the cross-class Paladin cards ๐ ), and is a decent card all around with decent removal and an ok stat-line, as well as being a make-shift Charge if you need to get rid of a taunt or need that extra bit of damage to finish your opponent off. Now what stat-line would make it a “good” card? Well Keeper of the Grove used to be a 2/4, so a bit less flexible; however, it also gets better with buffs; a 3/5 is about as good (if not better in some ways) than Sen’jin Shieldmaster, and a 4/6 is around the power level as (higher than in my opinion) Druid of the Claw, which costs 1 more mana. Of course the taunt is desirable, but you get rid of a threat guaranteed as opposed to letting them decide how to deal with them.
I’d say this is a 4 or 5 out of 5, but that’s just my opinion ๐
Auctionmaster Beardo
Poisoned Blade Rogue? Mana-refresh Inspire Druid? Oh no… Not… MAJORDOMU?!?!?
I feel that this card was specifically made to make other sub-par cards good lol. It has some insane synergies and can possibly be meta defining if there are innovative deck-builders out there who can put a twist on the old cards ๐
Oh I can only imagine… Think about it; you’re Druid/Ragnaros with a full 10 mana and Beardo on the field. Hero Power for 8. Moonfire for 1. Hero Power for another 8. Moonfire for 1. Hero Power for 8. Innervate. Hero Power. Innervate. Hero Power. 2x Raven Idol for a spell and hope you get another Innervate or two while weaving Hero Powers in with it. Even without getting Innervate from your Idols, you’re getting 6 x 8 = 48 random damage from your hero power alone.
Replace one of those HP’s and the Raven Idol for a Beardo instead, and you still have 5 x 8 + 2 (yay Moonfire) = 40 damage “from hand” (technically you need Majordomu out) for Beardo, two Innervates, and two Moonfires, and you’re left with one mana to Raven Idol into an Innervate for another HP :3
I can’t wait for this Trolden Highlight xD
Grook Fu Master
Pretty disappointing and too vanilla like the majority of windfury cards out there. It’s a pretty weak 2-for-1 trading minion, so… Idk, aggro’s getting destroyed this expansion lol
The only uses I see with this is doing some sort of two-turn combo with 6 mana and a bunch of buff spells… Let’s see… If a 3/5 can survive one turn 5 or 6 and no taunt is in play, you can double Abusive Seargent > double Cold Blood or double Rockbiter Weapon to get a 15/5 or 13/5 with Shaman. And you have room for a Sap or Evis against a taunt if you’re playing Rogue. A 5 (or 6) card Two-TK… Eh, it could work if you have a lot of draw as well as protecting your 3/5 with Conceal or something…
Shaku, the Collector
Another low-stat line and cool-effect minion. You’re almost guaranteed at least one class card, and more if you combo this with something like conceal (let’s be honest; this thing isn’t surviving more than one turn). Good addition to Burgle Rogue, and potentially great if Rogue gets even more stealth cards to make “Stealth Rogue” an actual thing *cough*MasterOfDisguise*cough* :3
Pretty under-average though; I feel that Burgle, Huckster, and Swashburglar are all strictly better in a Burgle-oriented deck, but meh. Oh I almost forgot; if you get Windfury or Windspeaker off of the Faction card, you can get two… Eh, idk. If I unpack it, it’s probably going into my decks simply for swag purposes ๐
Manic Soulcaster
Alexxtrasa gets Reno’d? Don’t worry, you have a second one. And possibly a third. Reno doubles your effective health? Why not triple or quadruple? Trying out the OTK infinite fireball Mage? Give yourself another Sorcerer’s Apprentice or Antonidas. So many possibilities, and the list goes on with the new “Summon from deck” cards and future cards in the expansion :3
I’d say this is a good card; Mage already has a good amount of ways to draw into those copied cards with Loot Hoarder, Acolyte + Ping, and Arcane Intellect, and it gives you a second chance if you get countered ๐
Kooky Chemist
Crazed Alchemist never saw really any play besides killing totems and comboing Angry Chicken, so I doubt this will get any play unless there’s a 3-drop that immensely benefits off of this. Am’gam rager comes to mind, but I doubt it will really be any good even with switched stats the next turn for one trade lol
Lotus Assassin
Essentially a 2v1 trade vs Aggro and threatens a lot of 6-drops that traditional Control plays like Sylvanas and Thaurissan. I’d say this is a really good card ๐
Finja, the Flying Star
Eh, I wish Gang Up + Conceal + Murloc Warleader Rogue were a thing. It’d be a cool concept, and I’m definitely gonna try it out if I unpack Finja :3
Counterfeit Coin
Yes, it’s technically a worse Tomb Pillager, but for a guaranteed coin as opposed to a slightly delayed coin. If you’re playing Gadgetzan turn 6 with coin + Conceal, Tomb Pillager turn 5 is almost always strictly better. However, if you’re going to try for a turn 5 or even turn 4 Gadgetzan + Conceal with the “Going second” coin, Tomb Pillager won’t let that happen. Of course, it’s a bit iffy whether you want to play your Gadgetzan a turn early or wait for an extra card draw off of the coins, but when your opponent has an AoE like Flamestrike or the new Dragonfire Potion that Priest has, it might be better to get that one-turn advantage before your Gadgetzan get wiped.
Perfect to add consistency to my Arcane Giant Rogue >:3