Helioshadow's Comments
Grumble, Worldshaker
This is where Doppelgangster’s card text matters. Drop one, and either in the same turn with mana reduction or on another turn while they ignore your Doppelgangsters you drop this dude. Get three 1-mana Doppelgangsters in your hand, ready for the evolvin’ 😀
Seeping Oozeling
From how this is worded, I can assume that NEITHER you NOR your opponent knows exactly what Deathrattle you picked up (well, unless you only have one Deathrattle in your deck). Obviously you could run this in your Sylvanas/Highmane/Cairne N’Zoth deck, in which it will see a good amount of play (albeit not being summoned from N’Zoth due to wording).
This could make for some fun Majordomu memes, bluffing for maybe a Sylvanas or Highmane then unleashing a bunch of “DIE, INSECT” at your opponent’s face through Play Dead and Feign Death resets getting a tick or two off Emperor Thaurissan on Maiden of the Lake and your Deathrattle triggers. Will it be competitive? Heck no. But fun, definitely.
Zola the Gorgon
Thematically, I love this card. Mechanically, yeah sure. Get another N’Zoth or C’thun, get a combo piece, or just a quality card like Rag or Sylvanus, etc. Great card in specific decks, but not an auto-include.
Rummaging Kobold
Currently no. With the new legendary weapons coming out that will instill weapon removal to be mandatory? Heck yeah.
Rummaging Kobold
Also doesn’t say the word “Random”. I mentioned in my post that it was unlikely (“COULD be possible” -> probably not, but completely possible). So either it’s a god card in any class that doesn’t have weapons, or in a class that DOES play weapons (or in Rogue where your Hero Power consistently makes 3+ daggers per game) you either have to play around it and NOT use your weapons EXCEPT FOR the legendary, or you gamble and potentially get a 1-mana 1/2 Dagger. Now, does that make sense that a neutral card that benefits from weapons would see play in other classes that DON’T USE WEAPONS? Eh, I’m a bit skeptical, but then again, Hearthstone’s random, so I reckon it’ll be a random battlecry. Sucks for us Rogue players </3
Rummaging Kobold
I play Rogue… I hate this card.
All jokes aside, this is going to be a staple with the new legendary weapons, especially with the meta hard-weapon-removal that will develop throughout the expansion. It gets less value if you play more weapons, as those weapons have a chance to be returned instead of your legendary weapons.
Unless you get to CHOOSE which weapon you get back, which with the card not having the word “random” it COULD be possible (buuut Deathlord also has similar text, sooo…).
Also, wild shenanigans with Brann. Just gotta put that out there. 😀
Hearthstone Top Decks Kobolds and Catacombs Pre-Purchase Giveaway!
Glhf to all! Less than 1% odds, aw well. Might as well enter even tho I already have nearly 4K gold saved up x3
Treasure in the Catacombs! - Tavern Brawl
It should be of note that’s it doesn’t matter how many minions you play for quest progress; the person who plays the minion that ends the quest (i.e. the seventh minion) will get the credit and be rewarded with 4 damage towards the chest.
KaC Malygos OTK (Theorycraft)
I guess that would work as well. Would definitely make the Kobold Illusionists more consistent, but idk. Forgot about Backstab when making the deck, but I think it has enough board clears without. I generally don’t run Vanish unless I’m doing Mill and don’t run Sap unless Mill or Combo with Leeroy. I like Shadowcaster because it has a lot of synergy with Valeera the Hollow (and I usually run Shadowcasters in every deck anyways lol), and Si:7 is just great for board clear as well as presence to combat future minions. But I see where you’re going with it, and your variant could work as well 😀
Luckydo Buccaneer
6 mana 9/9 seems similar to Drakanoid Crusher, but with a somewhat easier requirement. Deadly Poison, Assassin’s Blade, or even Deadly Fork will do the job.
As for the faction that could pull this, Druids don’t have weapons and Shaman weapons rarely exceed 3 attack,
Streetwise Investigator
Tech card vs Stealth Rogue and… Well… Neutral Stealth minions? Possibly a counter to pesky Druids and Shamans who pull a stealth off of the faction card. Possibly good, possibly bad; it really just depends on how good Rogue is going to be.
Red Mana Wyrm
Stealth Rogue? Conceal this baby, you got a 4/6. Gadgetzan and cycle through your deck for huge burst, and possibly another stealth enabler for a finish. And at 6 hp it’s pretty hard to kill when in stealth.
Shadow Rager
An actually playable Rager? Possibly. Stealth prevents it from getting pinged without AoE or random targeting, and it synergizes half-decently with Shadow Sensei and overall with a Stealth Rogue theme. Trades up for big threats such as Sylvanas and Thaurissan, and for only 3 mana. Pretty cool. You just gotta be wary of Flamewaker, Arcane Missiles, Fan of Knives, etc. Otherwise, this is a pretty amazing card.
Shadow Sensei
See rogues? Our legendary isn’t THAT bad :3
Let’s see, synergizes with the Legendary, Lotus Assassin… Conceal… Erm… Master of Disguise?… Uhhh… Neutral Stealth minions?… One-Eyed Cheat?…
Oh second thought it’s pretty bad… Unless Rogue gets more stealth cards, which could make Steakth Rogue an actual thing 😀
Daring Reporter
Honestly I think it’ll be a thing similar to Clockwork Giant and Goblin Sappr, though it’s buffed when cards are drawn as opposed to in hand so it could be decent. 4 mana 4/4 (they draw at the beginning of their turn) is pretty under-average stats, but this’ll get some decent use IMO, especially in Mill Druid/Rogue or as a tech anti-combo deck card.
Daring Reporter
I’m guessing not, since they’re technically not drawn (similar to how Beneath the Grounds tokens don’t spawn and Iron Juggernaut bombs don’t explode when burned). If it were to include burnt cards, it’d be really powerful, especially in Mill decks, but also decent against combo decks.
Gadgetzan Ferryman
A couple things about this card…
It’s an anti-aggro version of Brewmaster; the statline is arguably better in the aggro matchups, capable of trading against 1/1’s and 2/1’s, but Brewmaster can trade up for like 3-4 cost minions.
If you’re going to play a powerful battlecry, you want to bounce it back right away so you don’t risk losing it. Hence the combo mechanic; it does decently in Mill (yet still outclassed sometimes by Brewmaster) and can synergize greatly with Jade Lotus cards, or simply a combo-starter if you don’t want to bounce anything back (another positive is that you technically don’t have to bounce something back to start a combo).
It’s still a sub-par card though; Brewmaster isn’t even getting used, so I doubt this will. Idk, I guess this might get play if Rogues get another powerful battlecry (Jade Golems or Mill) or stealth (Oh btw the Lotus Assassin as well as our legendary synergizes half-decently with this card).
Honestly with the horrible cards we have, I kinda want some sort of either heal or damage mitigation outside of neutral cards. Rogue desperately needs it, but then again aggro is going to get destroyed in the coming meta, so we may not need it :3
Jade Behemoth
Eeeh… Not sure about the stat line… Yeah, it summons a Jade golem, and yeah the majority of the cards are low-stat line for their costs, but this one seems a bit sub-par. Of course we won’t be able to judge until release, but it doesn’t look that appealing with Dark Arrakoa at 5/7 as well as the C’thun buff…
Call in the Finishers
Hmm… Let’s see combos…
Call + Everyfin = 4 3/3’s ~ 12/12 for 7 mana
Grimscale Oracle + Call + Everyfin = 1 3/3 + 4 4/3’s ~ 19/15 for 7 mana
Murloc Warleader + Call + Everyfin = 1 3/3 + 4 5/4’s ~ 23/19 for 9 mana
Grimscale + Warleader + Call + Everyfin = 1 3/2 + 1 4/3’s + 4 6/4’s ~ 31/21 for 9 mana
Call + Double Everyfin = 4 5/5’s = 20/20 for 10 mana
And the dream:
Double Grimscale + Warleader + Call + Double Everyfin = 2 7/6 Grimscales, 1 9/7 Warleader, and 4 9/6 token Murlocs – a total of 59/43 worth of stats for 9 mana. NINE mana. Granted you need 6 cards to pull it off, but that’s still absolutely insane theorycrafting 😀
And the combos continue after that. I can see Tidecaller being an extremely strong card with coin -> Call turn 3, or a control Shaman revolving around pulling off a huge board in one turn late-game. If you draw right, you could destroy enemies with this card in a control Shaman. Just put double Grimscale, a Warleader or two, a Call or two, and two Everyfins into a full-spell full-draw Hallazeal Shaman, and it’ll be at least fun to play :3
It also destroys Anyfin Paladin, but let’s ignore that.
All three duplicate. Look at the card text. “Battlecry: Summon two copies of this minion”. This includes the Battlecry. It’s a bit misleading because the card art differs (and I have no idea why they didn’t just use the same card art), but it IS true. It’s different on Alleycat and Twin Emperor (and to an extent Firefly) because they summon DIFFERENT minions as opposed to copying their effect on another minion.