GlosuuLang's Comments
Woodcutter's Axe
Finally Warrior gets a weapon to use on turn 2 after the FWA nerf. I think it will be included even in some decks that don’t have Rush minions, simply because of the tempo. 4 out of 5 stars.
Hearthstone Wild Open Finals 2018 Deck Lists & Results
So even though they’re plaguing the ladder, there’s no Giants deck in this tournament? Interesting…
Witchwood Grizzly
Well spotted. So I guess the efect is an enchantment that reduces health, instead of damaging it. Still, Big Priest would love something like this, since it can resurrect it with full health, and prevent being overrun from aggro before he can bring out the big minions. Barnes is rotating so Priest needs to survive longer on average now.
Witching Hour
I’m afraid you’re right. =( It could at least summon a Werewolf or something (awesome moon in the art).
Witchwood Grizzly
Aggro is taking a beating this expansion… This is a powerful anti-Aggro neutral, kind of like Doomsayer. Rating it 4/5 stars. Priest can even drop this and Circle of Healing it. Now have fun going through it unless you have a silence.
Witching Hour
Could you imagine if Barnes were still in Standard? Big Resurrect Druid, resurrecting Tyrantus for 3 mana on Turn 4/5. Good grief that will only be a Wild thing. Other than this, this is a powerful card. 4 out of 5 stars.
Duskhaven Hunter
Yep, this makes it worse than the Stealthed Tiger costing 3 because of thie lack of Beast tag. And that card doesn’t see much play nowadays. Having Bearshark and Eaglehorn Bow, not sure why any Hunter would run this card. It would have been good as a neutral, and would have fit another class better.
Here, let me play Ravencaller on three, this guy on 4, and flood the board with one drops on five. Ha! Look at that board of poisonous minions ready to eat your 5 drops, 6 drops, etc. Except you just used an AOE and wiped my board. And I’m out of cards as Hunter… Crap.
1.5/5 stars. It should cost one less mana, or have one or two extra stats. Compare to Steward of Darkshire. A famous 2/4 for 4 was Eater of Secrets, and we all know how bad that card is if it doesn’t eat at least one secret.
Duskhaven Hunter
Look! It’s a Rogue card disguised as a Hunter card! Seriously though, where’s my Beast tag? How am I supposed to use this in Hunter without the tag or a useful ability like Houndmaster Shaw? I’m calling it a Pack filler. 1.5 out of 5 stars.
Blackhowl Gunspire
Yes, a Dead Man’s Hand could make this work better, for sure. I do hope Control Warrior, in one form or another, is a Tier 1 or Tier 2 deck this expansion, I’ve missed it. And yes, there will always be cards which have a power level that slips the vast majority of players, whether under- or over-performing. We’ve seen the Marsh Queen and Voidlord, for example. Now, it’s also true that the community guesses the power level right I’d say 60% of the time. And we’re also a bit upset when a forced archetype is really bad. I’m thinking Discolock, Freeze Shaman, etc. Spell Hunter was also previewed as a bad idea after cards like To My Side! and Rhok’delar were revealed, and it took a few months until it was revealed to be powerful – and thanks to things like Barnes + Y’Shaarj and Emerald Spellstone. I’m not liking the new Handdruid archetype they seem to be pushing, or this card, right now; but if they print something in the power level of Emerald Spellstone, then yeah, the archetype could see play. Just don’t print more Cryostasis, Moorabis or Zavas.
The ultimate steal Priest tool. I love it. I’m thinking 60% of the turns this is a dead card in hand, but in Control Priest you should always have more cards in hand, all the while you probe your oponent’s hand. And at some point you can use your oponent’s resources against him, à-la Drakonid OP. 5/5 stars.
Cursed Castaway
For some reason I thought this was a legendary. I must be color blind or something. Sorry!
Cursed Castaway
Yes we did. Game of Thrones Jaqen H’gar. Check it out. It’s cool, but does not fit Rogue.
Best case scenario: playing this in a Hagatha Shaman. You topdeck this in Turn 10, play it, get two extra one drops. Now Unstable evolution it until you get a good minion for the cost. With the remaining mana you can drop the worst one-drop in your hand, then Unstable Evolution it until you run out of mana. Also, you get the Shaman Spells because of Hagatha. Otherwise, pretty poor stats. 2/1 is bad for a one-drop without extra value (see Murloc Raider), and this is a three-drop… I think it would have been more fair at 2 mana. Rating it 1.5 out of 5 stars.
Sound the Bells!
Has anyone confirmed if Lynessa gets Echoed buffs? It could make it into the Lynessa package apart from Paladin quest. It’s not very powerful so I rate it 2 stars, 2.5 if Lynessa gets echoed buffs.
Blackhowl Gunspire
I like the flavor of this card, but as others say, it’s too understated for its cost. It should be a 3/10, maybe, or cost one less mana. Don’t forget it CAN’T attack. Ideally you would drop this in the lategame at an empty board, have it survive one turn, then Warpath 5 times to deal 15 damage to enemies. An alternative is recruiting it with Woecleaver and then Warpathing. A bit unreliable, but it could work… 2.5 out of 5 stars, don’t think it will see much play…
Cursed Castaway
This should cost 5 mana. A spell that cost 5 mana and read: deal 5 damage to a minion, draw a combo card from your hand would be fair. 6 mana makes this unplayable. I feel for Rogues. Got two bad legendaries, a horrible epic… 2/5 stars.
Lady in White
OK, THIS is the kind of legendaries we want to see. Powerful and with a WOW effect, preferably one which makes you think on how to build your deck. Rating it 5 out of 5 stars. I don’t think it will shake the meta, but it will bring interesting decks to the fray I believe.
Oh, look, it’s a Dragon’s Fury for Warrior! Only problem is it has bad synergy with the newly revealed Woodcutter’s Axe and with Woecleaver. Still, running Arcanite Reaper or Gorehowl is not strange to Warrior. Hope to see Control Warrior this meta! 3.5 out of 5 stars.