WingedCastaway's Comments
Galakrond, the Tempest
Oh and also I absolutely hate Aggro Shamans and would like better a Shaman like this one. I suppose. At least I’m not getting crushed and T4 and actually get the opportunity to do something, bruh
Galakrond, the Tempest
Remember though, the Invoke twice card is a 3/3, not a 5/5. If it was a 5/5, cost 5 mana, AND invoked twice, it would be beyond broken.
I don’t think the Heart of Virn’al combo is relevant enough to see play. That just sounds… awkward. Not that it’s bad, but it’s never easy to build a “mix” deck, and even though Battlecries aren’t a rare thing in a Galakrond deck so you wouldn’t mind as much having the Quest around, I’m not sure if it would be worth the lost draw still.
Galakrond, the Tempest
Wow. Now, that’s a very good Invoke bonus. I would say it’s more flexible than Rogue’s, even if Lackeys are excellent. Galakrond looks dope af too. I like it. 5/5
Sky Claw
Hoho ! this card is fun and powerful. Stats are bad, but you get a small Attack boost and especially two Mech tokens, which can be very relevant. At 3 mana, it’s not extremely cheap, but it’s not expensive at all either. Not sure exactly how powerful the attack boost effect will be, but I think it could turn out to be pretty useful in some situations. 4/5
Righteous Cause
I’m… hesitant. It obviously seems good in an aggro deck, but on the other hand, if you get a board clear around T4/T5 when you summoned four minions, this ends up being terrible value and basically a dead card. For a perfect aggro, this is a good help. In any other case – it’s lackluster. I think it’s okay… and might be very annoying in extremely aggro decks. Paladin has stuff to work with in the aggro department, even if the pool is still not as big as Shaman’s. I would say it’s okay/good. Not broken, but a nice touch for an Aggro Paladin. 3/5
Storm's Wrath
I hate this already. Aggro Shamans, you are my doom. And it looks like our… “friendly” rivalry won’t end soon. 5/5…
Surging Tempest
This is a terrifying Aggro card. In another deck, it’s a good T1. Not to mention, an elemental. It’s good !
Corrupt Elementalist
This is… strong. We have yet to see what Shaman’s Galakrond Invoke does, but this looks rather strong. As with most Invoke cards, it is slow, but I believe that’s okay. I suspect it will be at least quite good, and could at most be pretty powerful.
Evasive Wyrm
It’s slow, but it doesn’t look so bad. Don’t really know how to rate it.
Despite the packed Keyword, though, I think it’s just “okay”, and not that strong. It’s good even to be played for sure, but there might be simply better options for removal or board presence. 3/5
SI:7 always* was a good card, but I wouldn’t call it broken. I think this is the same. It is excellent on curve, but besides that, it’s just “powerful”. Given how strong some of this set’s cards are, I think it’s just gonna be one of those strong cards, but not the auto-include kind. Great, but not OP. 4/5
Big Ol' Whelp
It’s just good. What else to say about it ? it’s great in a Dragon deck. Period.
Strength in Numbers
Ehhh. This isn’t great. It is a quest that’s rather expensive to complete, but on the other hand, you do want to summon minions anyway.. ? so it’s not like it’s that bad. I think it can be powerful in a slow Druid deck. I’m not sure of how it will perform in this expansion, but I’m pretty sure people underrate this. Even pulling something as low as a 3/3 makes this an okay card, pulling stronger than 4/4 is a good card, over 5/5 is a great card. And why not go crazy ? You could pull Ysera or some other big minions with it. I think its strength vastly relies on a deck archetype that’s currently dead, but it could change !
Wing Commander
It’s not GREAT, but I don’t think it’s bad. On T4 at least, it can be force to be reckoned with. At worst a removal bait, at best devastating face damage. For a deck that runs a LOT of dragons, this can easily make a very powerful T4. Now, will it be consistent and interesting enough to be run instead of another Dragon synergy card ? I don’t know, but it has potential to some degree. I give it 3 stars.
Bloodsail Flybooter
YARRRR ! this is insane synergy for Pirate Rogue, who can now pull of seriously violent damage without any board requirement by combining this with Cannon Barrage. It is the most obvious use, though it is far from being the only one. This card is just good, there’s nothing really bad about it. I’d take this over the 2/1 charge anyday. I never liked the Charge one because it just had so little impact, sucked as a T1 and didn’t really shine later in the game except in very specific scenarios. Pirate decks need draw and Pirate Rogue is about Midrange, not Aggro anyway. This is really great. With this and 9 mana, you can actually deal 12 damage to your opponent’s board. It’s not HUGE, but it’s already quite a lot. If you already have one or two pirates on board, that can be a full board clear, or a kill shot. Great ! Obviously Pirate Rogue won’t make a comeback this expansion, but I’ll be happy to have this around as a general rule.
Faceless Corruptor
It looks strong. On the one hand, I’m happy it’s a neutral card, cause that means a variety of decks will be able to use it. On the other hand, I think it would make more sense as a class card, simply because most of the time, strong cards like this are class cards, not neutral ones, so as to give interesting powerful tools that are exclusive to a certain class. But okay, I guess. I think I’m going to hate Zoo/Aggro/token decks that use this, but that’s part of life! 5/5
Dark Skies
It would be good if it targeted enemy minions. As it is, it’s pretty poor. Let’s suppose you have a full hand, that’s 9 dmg on random minions (could target your own, if you have some) and it costs 3 mana. it’s very bad compared to the overall power level of the set. I see it as inferior to other Warlock AOE cards due to its major inconsistency issues; both in power – you need a big hand, and that’s a requirement you can’t always fulfill – and in targetting. It’s sort-of an AOE, it’s not really cheap for what it does, and what’s worse, since you want to use AOEs against large boards anyways, Hellfire does a much better work. I don’t see the point in this card being printed, even with the 12 cards hand Warlocks can now have. I think it’s a pretty poor spell. 2/5
Murozond the Infinite
This is broken. Why is it 8/8 ? It’s a dragon. With such a battlecry and a tag that’s so relevant to the metagame right now, it really, REALLY didn’t need this. Not excited to face it on the battlefield. 5/5
Gotta admit it’s tempting to try though. I am pretty confident a deck such as this one will NEVER see play in the next expansion, since well… where’s the support for it ? but it might become a thing later on, and I like this idea. Pushing a new theme for Paladin (that lasts more than one expansion, a global theme) of using only righteous servants of Light sounds cool ! I say, wait and see. If we get more support for that later on – we probably will, cause two cards is just ridiculous – it might end up being a cool archetype to work with in the future !