WingedCastaway's Comments
Prize Plunderer
Miracle Rogue isn’t really a thing anymore. At least not in Standard.
Renowned Performer
Not a broken card, but definitely not a bad one either, imo. Getting three tokens, especially with Taunt is something that’s worth around 2 mana, the main body is worth around 2 to 3 mana, so this seems ok enough. If Demon Hunter gets Token support, this could actually be a good card.
This card effect sounds like trouble to me. I feel like this is a card that could quickly get problematic and that will either affect negatively the future Lifesteal DH cards to be printed because of narrow design space, or be outright broken in the case they do print decent Lifesteal cards.
Prime nerf potential if it gets out of hand
Expendable Performers
The answer is definitely no. Otherwise this and naga would be super toxic. I’m sure it requires you to kill all SEVEN Illidari to get the resummon effect.
Horseman Uther Bundle - 25 Packs + Paladin Hero Skin For $24.99 / €24.99 (September 29 - October 13)
I want a male Rogue skin so badly. I know Edwin is already a classic legendary, but I don’t think Edwin as a Rogue skin would be a bad idea. He’s pretty much one of the most notable Rogues besides Valeera, and was actually supposed to represent the class instead of Valeera in early development. Why don’t you make it happen, Blizzard?
Sneaky Delinquent
Question being, does the Ghost cost 1 or 2? If it costs 1 it’s almost too good to be true. I think it costs 2.
Tour Guide
Yeah. It was really really bad. I think this one might see play. Perhaps only I am interested in this combo but this is also a nice combo with Lord Jaraxxus, with 10 mana it allows you to finally Hero Power on the same turn that you play him so that you have some degree of board presence (without needing the coin which is usually long gone, assuming you even had it).
Jandice Barov
Okay, thanks for your help! Actually, I thought this was supposed to be something along those lines but I’m still a bit confused with the way they took to represent that. I would’ve picked something like a 4/4 statline and a Battlecry that goes : secretly choose one, the other two are destroyed after taking damage. Thanks still 🙂
In Formation!
Seeing as you called bad many cards I personally considered good in this set, I’m quite surprised to see you defend this one. Taunt minions can be pretty mediocre, and this costs 2 mana. If it was 1 mana, if it was Discover, or if Warrior had gotten some sort of new Taunt support this expansion I would have said : “yeah, perhaps”. But right now I see no reason to run this card. Warrior has 2 support cards for Taunt and one of them is a legendary. That means you can only put 3 taunt synergy cards in your deck. That’s not a lot, not a lot at all. Archetypes that are working with more than this haven’t made the cut still. I personally don’t see it, especially since Warrior doesn’t really have that many Taunt minions that are AMAZING without being buffed, i.e Taunt minions that would themselves be a reason to push the Taunt archetype, and not only Into the Fray and Armagedillo. Point being: getting random minions never is that good, and the pool of Taunt minions is nothing special. I give it 2 stars
Intrepid Initiate
Is it just me or does this card’s art look sick.
The card itself is… eh, not extremely bad. Not great.
It’s quite bad but I believe the copy is summoned as a friendly minion, not opponent’s, if it targets an enemy minion. Just saying.
Tour Guide
A LOT better than that silly card from Rastakhan. Do you guys even remember it? Water seller or something.
Primordial Studies
Hm. I suppose you have a good analysis of this. However, it also largely depends of the pool of Spell Damage minions that we will have in the next expansions. If devs continue to give support to the Spell Damage mechanic, this could be a nice inclusion. Also, let us not forget that Discover options are LARGELY oriented towards that of your class, and Mage just got an excellent one (Lab Partner). If the pool of Spell Damage minions gets better over time, I could see this being decent. At least playable in my opinion. I would say it has the potential of becoming a 3 stars.
Trueaim Crescent
Nah. I don’t see your point. These weapons have different purposes and effects. Moreover this one has +1 durability. This isn’t “bad” in my book.
Brain Freeze
Unless you’re facing a Demon Hunter you will want to freeze a minion and not face in 80% of cases. Seeing as 4 classes out of 10 run non-meme weapons currently, and Rogues barely have a viable weapon in the meta, so that’s more like 3.
You might be right for Mage. It is however quite a cheap spell. The effect, if you trigger the combo isn’t bad for 1-mana. If you discover it from Magic Trick or something, it’s not a bad roll at all.
Now about Rogue. Why would Rogue want to run this over Frozen Shadoweaver? Hmm… it’s better with Edwin. You could also consider using it as a Combo activator even if you don’t get the damage, it’s not the best but not the worst either. More importantly though, it’s also a good spell to trigger Spellburst with.
2 stars in Mage perhaps, I think it has some degree of potential in Rogue. We just have yet to see if it will make the cut. Chances are, it won’t, but as I said it’s quite a good card to randomly generate, with Cobalt Spellkin for instance.
Ancient Void Hound
I couldn’t agree more. I’m a WARLOCK goddamn it! Let me summon big fiery demons. In the current meta Warlocks have quite good synergies to make Demons work, but they have NO demons!
Brain Freeze
I also think it doesn’t deserve 5 stars, but it might deserve a 3. After all freezing is a useful effect as was shown by Frozen Shadoweaver. While I don’t think this card is great enough to see play on its own without any particular synergies, it is not a bad card to generate or discover.
Speaker Gidra
Is this normal that this has no name? :>
Either way, it looks seriously amazing
Ah, yes, the first Rogue card! Time for reviews.
Well, this looks rather good. The body is unimpressive but the card effect makes up for it, especially since you typically won’t play it for the body with such a statline. A combo card with 1 Mana is pretty much as easy of a Combo as you can get, so that’s easy enough to activate. Even dealing as little as 1 damage with this card makes it a slightly better Elven Archer – but only by a really small margin, since +1 Attack on a pingable body should not make any difference.
Realistically for this card to be decent you’d want to play two cards before you play it, making it a cheaper SI:7 Agent which is a renowned Rogue Card. Even in the early game, it is not impossible for Rogue to find those two cheap cards to get that combo, Praise Galakrond’s, Lackey and this is 3 mana for instance.
The main problem I find with this card is that, while being an excellent card overall – has great potential impact on the game for a 1 mana card -, you just can’t play it as a T1. 1 mana 2/1 is just awful, so you’ll never play that on your first turn unless you have a very aggro gameplan.
Overall I think it’s a good card, and it does have a lot of potential, especially if Rogue gets some sort of cheap card support this expansion. I give it 4/5. Let’s not forget that the Pirate Tag could also be relevant, who knows? Overall, it’s a good tempo card. Can also be used as a decent removal option in a big “Edwin Vancleef turn”.
If Rogue gets some sort of cheap spell or card generation support, or even Pirate support perhaps, this card will likely see play! Also, I like the art.