Orasha's Comments
Hearthstone Developer Insights: Arena Balanace Through Data
Theyre trying to have every CLASS have an overall win rate of 50%, not each individual deck. Picking crappy cards early on will not increase your likelihood of getting better cards later in the draft.
Hearthstone Rastakhan's Rumble Update Patch is Live: New Card Backs, Bug Fixes, Preparing for the New Expansion
No. This is just a change of interaction; previously, minions in your deck would be at their base stats up until you drew them, and then the Crystal Core buff would go into effect. So you would draw Glacial Shard as a 2/1 and it would gain the buff in your hand. This just means it will already be a 4/4 before it’s drawn. I believe this may mean switching decks with Togwaggle may retain the 4/4 enchantment as well but that will require testing.
Banana Buffoon
I love Miracle Rogue but this is pretty bad. 3 mana 2/2 is bad tempo even if it helps activate combos, Gadgets and Questings later on. Razorpetal Lasher doesn’t see play anymore and it’s better then the banana man. Maybe this sees play in April when the deck will be forced to run sub-optimal cards (like Wanted! or Sinister Strike) but right now it’s a hard pass.
Not great while Keleseth is in standard, and it might not see play even after Prince 2 rotates.
A more flexible Zola the Gorgon without a body but it costs 1 less, and can also be fetched with Shadow Visions. There’s synergy with powerful battlecry minion,s and also that 7/8 zombie that gets discounted when you play spells. Could be a nice set up for something similar to the Arcane Giant + Valeera the Hollow HP cheese.
Master's Call
Many of the cards have synergy with the existing quests, but should be powerful in their own right in a non-quest deck, either this year or next. And the conditions for the quest are much more vague then Spell Hunter imo.
Big Bad Voodoo
This feels like it will be good off of Hagatha but I can’t see if being a card any current or nascent Shaman decks want to play right now.
Wardruid Loti
This year, it will see play in Spiteful Druid and potentially other druid decks that don’t run the Oaken Summons package. Next April when the rotation comes it will probably see play since Druid will be losing nearly all of it’s current shell.
Master's Call
To be fair, the main cards that make spell hunter worthwhile are all from KNC, which rotates next April. It would surprise me if they pushed more for that archetype tbh
High Priest Thekal
Again, that’s how the card reads but is not how it actually works. If Molten Giant worked the way you suggest, taking 20 damage over the course of a game would discount it to 0 for the entire match, even if you healed back to full. But it doesn’t work like that: it only checks your the damage your hero CURRENTLY has sustained when it’s in your hand.
Blast Wave
I’m not too hype on this card. It’s volcanic potion that, for an extra two mana, occasionally gives you random mage spells. Not only is it likely going to be difficult to get the random value, but control mage and quest mage both tend to have hand-size issues, and adding jank to you hand just exacerbates that.
The only deck that probably wants to run this is Odd Mage, if only because it’s an additional board clear and also has good synergy with Dragon’s Fury. But it might not be worth it even for that, depending on what kind of deck Odd Mage is and whether it wants to run Fury in the first place.
Rabble Bouncer
When your opponent has a full board play 2 of these for free and then a star aligner for a clear LOL
Walk the Plank
Good replacement for Vilespine after rotation, plus it can destroy your own minions so Mecha’thun Rogue is much easier to do now. You only need one galvanizer and prep now. Not sure if that’s enough to make it viable but seems good man.
Yes they are still buffed. The only thing this update changes is what happens when someone steals a card from your deck (be it death grip, switching decks with togwaggle, etc.). Before they would get the unbuffed minions, now, afaik, they would get 4/4s