Orasha's Comments
Mass Resurrection
Wall priest loses Tar Creeper, the 4 mana resurrect spell, Psychic Scream, Oakheart, and, most importantly, Shadow Visions. I’m very unsure that it will work post rotation.
Dragon Speaker
Handbuff has historically been underwhelming. I do like that they’re printing more Dragon Paladin stuff (and who knows, maybe one day it will all fit together in Wild), but I don’t know if this will be good enough to see play.
Jepetto Joybuzz
While the effect looks flashy and scary, this probably won’t be that great. Luna’s Pocket Galaxy has a similar effect and already proves how inconsistent this type of effect is. For Maly Rogue, good luck surviving to turn 8 in a class with limited board clears, let alone surviving until turn 10 to shuffle more Malys into your deck to pull them out with this card. Priest will not be able to guarantee hitting Velen or Maly with this and it’s ways to shuffle them back into the deck (like the spirit) have negative synergy with this card.
Now certainly there will be Trolden clips of this card doing absurd things, but there’s no way it will be consistent enough to be a real player.
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
Seems good in Zoo, may be adequate in Master’s Call hunter since it’s a 2 mana beast. I think hyper-focusing on the tribal tags is a mistake for now, what’s important is that it has an immediate board impact and leaves a body behind, which reminds me a tiny Flanking Strike somewhat. It also helps shore up the 2 mana slot which is super important in aggressive and tempo decks with Keleseth rotating out.
EVIL Genius
Seems like it could be okay in Zoo, particularly if you run Scarab Egg. Popping the egg on 2 with this and then playing a Lackey seems like it would be decent.
Unleash the Beast
Packs are not scripted. There are certain rules and general percentages that have been determined by independent analysis of pack openings. If pack RNG was scripted the data would bear this out, but there is no evidence of that. And bear in mind that analysis of pack openings is what discovered the pity timer.
Unleash the Beast
This card is probably okay, it really depends on what decks are doing on 5 and whether this can answer the boardstate most of the time. This is also a pretty good spell to replay with Zul’jin.
Will it see play in Wild spell hunter? Meh, To My Side! is probably better.
Hench-Clan Burglar
The wider the discover, the more inconsistent it will be, and there are a lot of stinkers across the other 8 classes. However, the pirate tag may be enough for this card to see play, since it may have a place in Hooktusk and Raiding Party decks. Cautiously optimistic for now.
Improve Morale
Reminds me of Blood to Ichor, which saw play. It’s lower tempo but the lackies overall are better then a vanilla 2/2
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Schedule
March 30th, 9am, prepare to face the MURDEROUS Millhouse Manastorm
Complete My Deck - How good is netdecking within the Hearthstone client?
True true. What is interesting is the Miracle Rogue list it built for you is the exact same that Kyouma used to reach top 3 legend earlier today. Somewhat spooky lol.
(source: https://twitter.com/Kyouma_HS/status/1106569262997463040 )
Complete My Deck - How good is netdecking within the Hearthstone client?
Rogue also recognizes Hooktusk tempo rogue and Myracle Rogue, at least on my account.
Spellward Jeweler
Now this is a neutral tech card I can get behind, as a sort of situational Time Out effect. While it may not be good enough to see play on ladder, it probably has a home in the specialist format in a secondary or tertiary deck.
This could be a fun top end in a midrange/control Dragon Mage. Mage desperately needs powerful cards to be competitive next year, and this is a start… in a vacuum of course.
Arch-Villain Rafaam
As previously mentioned, Elise Starseeker saw serious play in Control decks as refill in control mirrors. With most of Warlock’s insane late game rotating, this might be alright. The taunt is nice, and also gives Warlock a way to rid itself of Corrupted Bloods, making Hakkar a potential win condition for control warlock. Given how radical of a shift the rotation will be, I’m not counting Rafaam out yet.
The February Surprise: A Forward-Looking and Controversial Balance Update
In standard, Odd Rogue and Even Shaman both probably get dumpstered by these nerfs. The “good” news is that with Odd Rogue out of the way other aggro decks that couldn’t beat it may rise up and become better.
In Wild, Odd Rogue is better then Aggro Kingsbane Rogue, and that will probably flip after the nerfs. Odd Rogue miiiight still be viable, but you should cut Argent Horseriders for basically any other good 3 drop. Most Wild lists don’t run Deadly Poison currently, and post-nerf that might be worth exploring.
For Wild Even Shaman, I think it will probably stay around. Some of your early game will be worse, but the busted power cards remain. Devolve, Crackle, TFB, 4 mana 7/7, Totem Golem, they’re all insane. Maybe Draenai gets cut since you have less totems but that’s not even a certainty.
Rastakhan Post Nerf Deck Lists Roundup - Top Legend Decks for the Post Rastakhan Meta
Even if it becomes a good card again, it’s a good idea to disenchant it now to get the full dust. Worst case scenario you craft it again later.
Surrender's Rastakhan Gonk Druid
Surrender is obviously a better player then me but I feel like Taldaram might be better then faceless, since you can play it alongside Gonk on one turn. Obviously you have to cut the howls but…
Rastakhan’s Rumble Big Beast Druid: The Past and Future of the Archetype
Imo in Witching Hour lists it might be better to cut the Direhorns, since the tokens it generates clog up your beast pool. Like a 3 mana 5/5 isn’t bad but you want to have better options, like the War Bear.
This is similar to Shadow Essence, and there was a period of time when Control Shaman ran Madame Goya so there is a precedent in some sort of value Shaman using this sort of effect. Notably it has anti-synergy with decks seeking to get absurd Shudderwock value, and that may be enough to push it out as an option for the next year. However, if you’re able to stack your deck with cards that have immediate board impact, end of turn effects, deathrattles, or ongoing effects then this is a reasonable card.