Orasha's Comments
Ramkahen Wildtamer
This card probably won’t see play in midrange hunter until Master’s Call rotates out, but I’m sure there’s some crazy combo potential right now if you set it up right. Maybe in tandem with the 6 mana 5/5 that discounts a beast by 5, or perhaps in some silly BoarTK list with Emeriss.
After rotation and when Hunter doesn’t have Master’s call, I could see this being run in a classic curvestone style midrange hunter deck as a 3 mana 4/3 “draw a card.”
Worthy Expedition
Basically any slower Druid deck can enjoy this card, especially if you’re running the quest. Depends heavily on the viability of those archetypes though.
Garden Gnome
I think in order to take advantage of this card’s effect you need to run at least 4 big spells. And we’re in luck! Many token druid builds were already running Forest’s Aid and Force of Nature, which might be enough for this. In a more midrange style druid you might be running Overflow or Nourish as well, which helps activate this card, and can give you free 3/5s with Taunt.
Has less of a home in wild, except in some very memey Pilfered Power token druid lists and even there it might not make the cut.
[Wild] Post Nerf Miraclebane Rogue
You can definitely add Leeroy, he’d be an okay sub for Loatheb. You should definitely look in to crafting Loatheb though if you’re planning on playing Wild for a while, he’s an absolute powerhouse that can fit into nearly any deck (especially in this Quest Mage and Big Priest meta). I played around with this deck a lot and I think that Togwaggle + EVIL Cable rat are pretty bad, so you can also look into replacing those.
Anka, the Buried
I’m not seeing how this fits in a Miracle Rogue deck. Care to elaborate what you’re thinking of?
Infested Goblin
The issue isn’t whether you can complete the quest fast enough it’s if you’ll also be able to survive long enough for rng shots to kill your opponent, so it needs to have some sort of control tools as well. The biggest thing for me is you probably just lose to big priest which is one of the most popular wild decks.
And sure in Odd warrior you could only run like… this, stonehill, maybe sludge belcher and be set, that’s a pretty small package for some nice return. But running this as your only taunt minion in a taunt quest deck feels pretty silly.
Generous Mummy
Anything higher then 1 star is too generous for this mummy. Not even good in a Silence Priest deck.
Wasteland Assassin
5 mana is pretty expensive for this. If the other neutral Reborn minions are of this quality, Quest Paladin might be dead on arrival.
Frightened Flunky
Class specific Stonehill Defender? Sign me up! Has serious synergy with Into the Fray (a 2 mana 4/4 with taunt makes up for no on board play on t1), and it could help more tempo-focused Warrior builds have a solid curve. Maybe there will even be enough Taunt synergy that Taunt Warrior can compete with non-taunt control and Bomb.
But wait, there’s more! So far when Saviors of Uldum drops, there will only be 2 Warrior class taunts: this card and Armegadillo. Discover being weighted towards class cards means you have a pretty solid chance of generating another Frightened Flunky, or finding additional Armegadillos for more hand-buffing.
Now in Wild… I don’t really see a place for this at all. It doesn’t slot well into any current archetypes, but maybe there are enough cheap taunts to run some sort of turbo Fire Plume’s Heart warrior, where you focus on completing the quest as fast as humanly possible. If such a deck is viable, I’m certain this card will be in it.
Infested Goblin
This card seems very interesting and can potentially slot into a bunch of places. First immediate thought is Quest warrior in Wild; Odd Quest loves this card because it generates additional taunts so they don’t need to devote as many deck slots to completing the quest. Regular Quest loves this because it’s a cheap taunt that generates 2 additional cheap taunts to help sending Rag shots at your opponent’s face as fast as possible.
I can even see this being run in Quest Rogue, as much better version of Igneous Elemental. Any sort of defensive tool is useful in that deck, and additional taunts are always welcome. The only issue is what to cut for this card, but still worth trying out. Quest Rogue in Wild especially has always felt 1 or 2 anti-aggro tools away from being a top deck, and this might provide just that.
In standard, this can slot into many different decks in the “tar creeper” position of old. Token Druid and Zoolock will love this as it provides defense while generating additional tokens to buff and to discount your Sea Giants. It seems they’re pushing Taunt Warrior again, and this has sold synergy with Armegadillo and Into the Fray.
Maybe I’m overrating this card but it just seems to be good and can fit into many different archetypes and playstyles.
Splitting Axe
The only thing this Axe is splitting is my sides. Arguably even worse the Desert Obelisk, since at least you can build meme combos around that one.
Cloud Prince
In standard this is probably just OK, depending on future Mage Secrets to be revealed. Without Ice Block, the condition is pretty difficult to meet since many secrets will trigger the turn after you play them. IF you have a secret up on turn 5 when you play this card, it’s sweet, and the fact that you can go face with it makes it even better. But that’s a pretty big if.
In Wild, however, this is pretty sweet. Iceblock early enough guarantees that you will get value out of this in Secret Mage, and it’s another source of burn damage for an already burn heavy deck. You can also slot this into Odd Mage nicely, since many were already running a few secrets + Subject 9 for card draw. Odd mage also tends to run Frostlich Jaina as a backup win condition, and if you have Jaina up this card is like Lifedrinker on steroids due to its Elemental tag.
Arcane Flakmage
If this was a 2/3 I’d be more optimistic as it would be more likely to survive being dropped on t2 to curve into a secret on t3. In Wild it may be worth experimenting with since you have this + Kabal Lackey and a Secret as a pretty sweet turn 3 play. In standard, I’m not really sure whether this does enough or is sticky to really make your opponent worry. The main fast decks either go super tall with mechs or have a ton of direct damage through weapons and burn spells. Maybe if Zoo or Token druid see a real resurgence then this becomes better but I’m not too hype.
Hooked Scimitar
lmao have you seen the other cards revealed? A lot of them are good, and the dev team is way more hands on now then they used to be. The speed of patches now is insane and they actually buffed cards lol.
Hooked Scimitar
can be better or worse then Waggle Pick depending on the deck, taking out the RNG aspect of it. Potentially allows you to run Hench Clan Thug in aggressive Rogue decks again which is a plus since that card is BUSTED. I think in Raiding Party Rogue it has potential, but in other decks that are running Waggle Pick (like thief Rogue) where you have a ton of high value battlecry minions, it’s probably worse.
Whirlkick Master
This card is pretty bad because a 1/2 is bad tempo and you can’t expect it to stick. Most combo cards that you run in your deck at 2 or 3 mana, and ones you randomly generate would usually be 3 mana, meaning you can’t really “go off” with this card like you can with Underbelly Angler or Lyra. Even as a turn 10 play it’s unlikely you’ll be able to play this and chain 3 combo cards together, and that late in the game rogue is either already losing or doing more powerful nonsense.
HOWEVER, since it’s a 2 drop, you can generate it off Faceless Lackey and occasionally get value from it, and it dilutes the 2 drop pool for non-Rogue lackey classes. So in that way it might see some amount of play. I guarantee there will be a Trolden clip of someone generating this and using it to chain 6 Eviscerates for lethal or something.
Tortollan Pilgrim
Definitely interesting and brings a lot of value. Good support for Highlander Mage (or slower mages in general) especially if it discovers a high value board clear or something like power of creation. The fact that the spell remains in your deck and you can still draw it is an upside as well. My only complaint is that it might be too slow, turn 8 is pretty late in the game and you may have already drawn your removal, or just be dead by that point.
Anka, the Buried
This has the potential to go in 2 different directions, the first being a straight up deathrattle deck, potentially with Necrium Vial and Necrium Blade (Blade + a Pirate package and Raiding Party for consistency might be good even with the nerfs). There are a lot of different deathrattles that could combo with this nicely and that you would enjoy playing for 1 cost. The sweet spot, of course, are the deathrattles that are good on their own and also once they’ve been discounted.
Second option is some sort of Mechathun combo deck, since Rogue has the most busted card draw in the game. However, emptying your hand post-Myra’s might be a little bit difficult…
Upcoming Balance Update - May 22 - Nerfs To Archivist Elysiana, EVIL Miscreant, Preparation and Raiding Party
The only reason Warrior is relevant right now is because they were the only class to reliably counter Rogue. Now the decks that beat warrior have less counters, and some decks that beat warrior but didn’t beat rogue will be more popular too. Be worried about midrange hunter, not warrior
0 mana spells are pretty good, especially with the value generators and secret synergy cards that mage has. I think this has potential in standard and could be played in wild as well, though I’m not sure if it goes in Secret mage there. It has better potential in decks that only run Ice Block in place of Arcanologist, since this lets you weave it in to turns better.
I still don’t think there’s enough good secrets in Standard for Secret Mage to make a real comeback, but the synergistic cards in this set are all very powerful. Even if it isn’t a successful archetype/package currently, it will be something to keep an eye on for the next year and a half.