Orasha's Comments
Zul'drak Ritualist
I see a few uses for this card. First is in combination with Mind Control Tech to give your opponents tokens and then steal one, or with spreading plague to get more plague tokens. Also has niche use as a counter to Resurrect Priest, but that deck is garbage in Wild now, and with N’zoth leaving in Standard I’m not sure if it will be a good game plan for Priest. You can also use this in an Oaken Summons deck, but Hecklebot was eventually cut by the best players because the battlecry was often a liability, and I feel like this card will suffer a similar fate.
Zul'drak Ritualist
Big priest has been garbage since the Barnes nerf…and was arguably not that good (though frustrating to play against) before that nerf.
Necrium Apothecary
A tutor effect that allows you to double up on useful battlecries. Seems incredibly powerful with high-cost deathrattle minions, or in combo decks that revolve around drawing specific deathrattle minions. Also works in Wild; deathrattle rogue has been experimented with time and time again and usually falls short, but maybe being able to draw the deathrattles more consistently will be enough.
Crazed Netherwing
Hellfire on a stick, or Duskbreaker with better stats. Seems incredibly powerful provided that there are enough dragons to prop up a slower warlock deck.
Nether Breath
Eviscerate but with dragons as the condition, and the upside of lifesteal. Slower warlock decks have been in desperate need of healing ever since the Spellstone rotated, and this certainly helps. The flexibility of being able to go face is also appreciated. This plus the other dragon revealed for Warlock gives hope to a slower, dragon-based deck, like Handlock or maybe even Controllock. Seems pretty good.
Clear the Way
1 mana 4/4 with rush, seems good. I wonder if minions summoned while Shaw is on the board will also count towards this? Even if they don’t, it still seems very powerful thanks to the amount of Rush cards midrange and highlander hunters were already running.
This card is nowhere near that bad, both those cards basically lose you the game when you play them. This at least gives you a full board lol.
A 1/7 on 7 with repeating value if it isn’t answered. Onyxia sometimes saw play in Token Druid, and now Hunter has the capacity to buff tokens as well thanks to the quest. I’m not sure if this card will actually be GOOD there, but it’s worth experimenting with.
Dragonrider Talritha
Valanyr but for Dragons, and it’s a 3/3 instead of a 4/2 weapon. I don’t see this working in a Making Mummies deck, unless they print Reborn minions with the dragon tag; there’s just not enough space to fit enough dragons to make the synergy cards worthwhile while having enough Reborn minions to complete the quest in a reasonable amount of time. This seems like an auto-include in Dragon Paladin, so it succeeds or fails based on the strength of that archetype.
Legends of Runeterra - New Card Game From Riot Games - How Does It Compare to Hearthstone?
Paid attention more the second time reading and watching, mobile version on release is definitely a plus and I’ll check it out for sure.
Legends of Runeterra - New Card Game From Riot Games - How Does It Compare to Hearthstone?
The biggest thing that sticks out to me right now is the board layout and card design… When you play a card from your hand to the field, it just looks like a card on a field. HS does a much better job of making your minions not look like cards and look like dynamic characters, especially with the way they’ve been stepping up entrance animations for Legendaries recently. Maybe it’s the nostalgia from watching Yu-Gi-Oh growing up, but I want the card to look like what it represents when it’s on the field, not a CARD of what it represents. I can give MTGA a pass on this since it’s a digital representation of a paper game, but there’s no excuse for wholly digital titles to just make the cards look like… well, cards.
Now, LoL has a huge playerbase so I’m sure the initial audience will be large and I’m sure plenty of HS players will try it out as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Riot sponsored a ton of HS streamers to play the game on release to up the exposure among their biggest competitor, but if they don’t step up the UI and how the field looks I don’t think it’s going to do well overall. Right now I’m definitely interested (though I would probably only be able to play if it was released on Mobile), and I hope it turns out to be a real competitor to foster some changes in HS as you mentioned, but right now I think option 1 is the most likely.
Sinister Deal
This gets a solid “meh” from me. I don’t know if Zoo wants to run this, and that’s the deck that would use EVIL Recruiter the best. Maybe in some sort of midrange Tekahn Warlock, but I don’t think this is a good enough generator for Tekahn.
Neferset Thrasher
3 Mana yeti is pretty nice, but maybe the downside is too high. Warlock has lots of cards that benefit from Self Damage though so this could see play in a self damage warlock with Deathweb Spider, Duskbat, Vulture, etc. It would be a slower, more midrange deck then Zoo, and maybe worse. Honestly very difficult to evaluate.
Sandstorm Elemental
Maelstrom Portal saw play and this is basically Maelstrom Portal that guarantees you a 2/2. The downside is it isn’t affected by spell power, and the upside is that you’re guaranteed a 2/2 body over some of the lowrolls Portal could pull. I think this card is pretty sweet, especially in a world with Thunderhead and Vessina. Certainly goes into Aggro Overload shaman, not sure if the hybrid murloc lists have enough space.
In Wild, I’m not sure if this makes the cut in Even Shaman, though it could be a decent replacement for Maelstrom Portal in more Overload focused lists. Unsure if this makes the cut there though, certainly not an auto-include.
Mogu Fleshshaper
Rush as a keyword is consistently underestimated. Mogu Fleshshaper takes advantage of your wide boards by being able to clear the way through big taunts. If you can get this to cost 3 or less you’re feeling great, and even a 4 mana 3/4 with rush might see play by itself. Shaman also has great board flood potential thanks to Thunderhead so I think this ends up going in those decks along with Sea Giants.
For standard, people were already messing around with Aggro Overload shaman (with a varying amount of Murlocs, but some only had Angler and Sludge Slurper), and this has insane synergy there. With another board wide buff it’s probably worth running some form of hybrid overload/murloc shaman. Lots of tokens + Thunderhead and Likkim + Vessina make for some VERY scary burst potential, maybe even enough to get through warrior’s armor.
In Wild, this is absolutely insane in Even Shaman. Many of the best players were already gravitating towards builds with more Overload cards to take advantage of Likkim and Thunderhead. With the 1 mana hero power, the ability to flood the board and take advantage of Vessina’s ability is absurd. Sees play there for sure.
Clever Disguise
This seems like a pretty great card to run in a Quest deck, as it curves out on turn 2 and makes the quest half complete! Also a great inclusion since you can’t pull Rogue spells with it so you’re guaranteed to advance the quest even in the Rogue matchup. Still not sure about the effectiveness of Quest Rogue compared with other approaches in the class, but this will probably help it if it sees play.
The synergy with Time Out! is the most obvious application, but I feel like there are more applications as well. Some classes/playstyles generally can’t deal damage on t2 (like slower Priest decks), while others have to disrupt their gameplan (coining this on t1 vs Quest Druid seems good, since they generally don’t want to hero power on 2 because it won’t go towards their quest). Even against classes with more damage, this can create situations where your opponent needs to go face with something when they would rather trade, which could be pretty good.