nickus89's Comments
Highlander Paladin - Saviors of Uldum - #3 Legend (chunchunner)
Cult master for card draw
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
Those nerfs seem really lazy. Conjurer’s calling and Extra arms are appropriate whereas others are just lame. Boom is still a problem and presents unmatched value for other control decks which in return are nonexistent. Luna’s is unplayable again, but hey 1600 dust is still a lot.
In addition, I am worried about existence of early Tip the Scales, hunters power and the fact that divine spirit – inner fire combo is still untouched, just waiting to be abused again.
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
Sure 🙂
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
Just went 3/0 with dragon priest. Easiest pack ever.
# 2x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 2x (1) Twilight Whelp
# 2x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor
# 2x (2) Netherspite Historian
# 2x (2) Wyrmrest Agent
# 1x (3) Brightwing
# 2x (3) Dragonslayer
# 2x (3) Twilight Acolyte
# 2x (4) Duskbreaker
# 2x (4) Scaleworm
# 2x (4) Twilight Drake
# 2x (5) Drakonid Operative
# 2x (7) Crowd Roaster
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Ysera
How to use Zephrys the Great – Tips & Tricks
Just to clarify the specific interaction. I tested Leeroy-Zephrys interection with reversed order and it works the way it is supposed to (it gave Windfury for lethal). My conclusion is that it doesn’t take into account minions that already attacked and are thus not marked in green.
More Information About Balance Patch This Week? Saviors of Uldum Nerf Candidates!
I agree with problematic cards in general. When the cards are so strong that they are kept in mulligan and playing them on curve is basically saying “I win” is not providing fun or interactive gameplay experience. And that goes for all of the above mentioned cards. As for the nerfs, some are easier to accomplish than others. Howeve my 2 cents are as follows:
Warrior: I feel like removing mech tag from Omega Devastator and removing Blast Shield from Dr. Boom would already keep warriors in check.
Mage: Luna’s Pocket Galaxy is in my opinion even more unfun to play against than Dr. Boom. I am not sure that nerfing it to 6 would fix an issue, but nerfing it to 7 would make it unplayable again. Conjurer’s calling is ok-ish without mana discount, so the solution could be based on Kripp’s idea that minions mana cost is same as when they were played from hand. If one plays giant for 4, conjurer’s calling would than summon 2 4-drops. The problem is this can have much bigger consequences on other interactions. Also, since the giant is a problem by itself, it might get nerfed, even by a mana increase to 13. That way it is delayed by turn and casting Conjurer’s calling on it wouldn’t provide mage a taunt so it can’t be played defensively against more aggresive decks.
Paladin: Playing against early Tip the Scales is as oppresive as playing against turn 5 galaxy. However, I honestly have no idea how to approach the problem since Prismatic Lens by itself is perfectly good as is. Perheaps reducing number of summoned murlocs from 7 to 4 or 5 could do it. Murlocs on average cost around 2 mana (slightly below), so summoning 4 for 8 mana is reasonable, especially since it also thins your deck.
Priest: Despite being priest main, I really hate Divine Spirit-Inner Fire combo. Something should have been done about it for quite some time already since playing against it for years gets really repetitive. Neither of cards is problematic on their own, however their simultaneous existance is. In my opinion there are 2 possible approaches: either HoF one of the pair or nerfing Divine Spirit so that it can’t stack. In my opinion stacking is probably the biggest issue with it. One Divine Spirit buff can serve as finisher for priest similar to Leeroy in other classes, 2 buffs however are providing OTK win condition and those are not fun to play against.
How to use Zephrys the Great – Tips & Tricks
I recently noticed another wierd missed lethal by Zephrys. While opponent was at 14 health and I had 9 mana, I played buffed Leeroy to 7 attack, attacked with it and followed with Zephrys which wierdly didn’t give me Windfury with 2 mana remaining. Was that some kind of bug or order issue? My only reasonable explanation is that I should have played Zephrys before first Leeroy attack (so Leeroy is still in green, marked as being able to attack) and thus Zephrys would give me Windfury for lethal. It seems that Zephrys doesn’t take into account minions that aren’t marked with green, which I suppose was the issue with 0 attack minions that was said to be fixed. However that’s only my theory so I am not 100% sure.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
To be honest, Mecha’thun version of this deck is doing quite well. There is much more than just the cards statistic on the surface. A lot of people are plying suboptimal lists or don’t know how to navigate the deck properly. From non-Mecha’Thun versions, I would say that Kibler’s is the most optimal one or close to, but is far from the easiest deck to play. However, Mecha’thun version seems to be much better and can’t be dismissed just like that.
Obelisk (Quest) Priest Theorycraft Deck List - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
As priest main, I am really excited about priest archetypes in the upcoming expansion. They look refreshing, fun and potentially powerful (in particular quest and deathrattle archetypes). As for the Obelisk quest priest in particular, I completely agree with your reasoning about taking the deck into midrange waters.
I tried to build something similar myself and ended with 3 versions, playing around pretty much the same cards as you mentioned in the end, with inclusion of Recurring Villain, which with completed quest becomes “must be dealt in 1 turn” treat. I especially like the inclusion of High Priest Amet, Siamat and Wretched Reclaimer. Neferset Ritualist and Questing Eplorer seem to be fighting for the same spot. As for others however, I am not sure about. I guess we will have to experiment with different card choices and see what works best.
Wretched Reclaimer
Strong versatile card that has good synergies with deathrattles and reborn. It’s the exact type of card that midrange priest needed.
I wonder tough how does this work with Recurring Villain, Zerek, Da Undatakah and minions summoned from Psychopomp. Do those minions keep their enchantments and added keywords? My initial guess would be that no, otherwise the card would be even better than already is.
Hearthstone Update - July 1 - HoF Rotation, New Card Art/Names, Card Consistency Update, Tavern Brawl Downtime
Is it just me or did anyone else noticed the win streak bonus in ranks 5-3? It is probably a bug, but I want to make sure they didn’t secretly change the stars system.
Hearthstone Update - July 1 - HoF Rotation, New Card Art/Names, Card Consistency Update, Tavern Brawl Downtime
They were basic cards that you got by playing the game. Hence you couldn’t craft them or disenchanted them, so there is no dust refund. As replacement we all got 2 new basic cards for priest and rogue which should be in your collection.
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Holy moly, new cards already? Rise of shadows was an expansion that kept us engaging almost throughout.
I am hyped. Both the expansion theme as well as return of explorers and quests has potential to be super exciting. To be honest, based on the first impression, I feel like this is how the quests should be done in the first place.
Vanish and Mind Blast Rotate to Hall of Fame, 10 New Basic & Classic Cards Will Be Added To The Game!
Interesting to see Blizzard making those changes so often. It definitely keeps some freshness in the game. So far, they nailed it with rise of shadows era and I can only hope they will continue doing so in the future as well.
Vanish and Mind Blast Rotate to Hall of Fame, 10 New Basic & Classic Cards Will Be Added To The Game!
They are basic cards, hence can’t be disenchanted or crafted.
Dragon Big Spell Paladin
I was thinking about it. However there are quite a lot of 1 health tokens in the meta right now so Dragonmaw Scorcher does solid job at removing them. I would be probably more inclined to some extra card draw/healing (like Flash of Light for instance).
As for Barista Lynchen, she is nuts in the deck. Against warriors she is used mostly for Dragon Speakers, whereas in other matchups she proved quite versatile, usually for extra removal.
Master Cloner Priest ft. Zerek & Recurring Villain
Yeah, second Vivid Nightmare might be calling for trouble against aggro decks. I tried Shadowy Figure in my version and it worked ok-ish, but the deck has too few deathrattles for it to be consistent enough (Recurring Villain doesn’t really count since 2/2 minion won’t resummon itself). Hence I removed it.
As for Da Undatakah, you can go infinite at 10 mana by casting Seance on it. It needs to get Test Subject’s deathrattle tough so that when he dies, you get Seance back and can be replayed next turn. Warrios can’t really deal with it. However, it is very slow card and I would assume Dead Ringer version is better against aggro since it represents early body and tutors other key minions.
After 3rd rotation it will rotate out of standard anyway, so you are probably safe.