nickus89's Comments
Scion of Ruin
Also, this with Galakrond’s battlecry can turn out to be 3x 7/6 with rush. That’s scary.
Scion of Ruin
So basically if you invoked twice, this becomes 1 mana cheaper Restless mummy with additional 3/2 rush body. And we all know how good Restless mummy is.
Valdris Felgorge
There are plenty of interesting designs this expansion and I love that they are pushing the limits. As for the card itself, it is undobtfully strong and has some combo potential. However, it is incredibly slow tempo and as such hard to play in faster meta.
Compensation for Patch 15.6 + Brawliseum Issues (3 Saviors of Uldum Packs + 300 Gold)
It is great that they are acknowledging the mistake, however they are making another one with the compensation. For instance, a player who heard about the brawliseum issues and thus decided to wait a day or two until they get resolved will be left without those 300 gold. With the new expansion on the horizon and based on it’s power level we have seen so far, those players will be handicapped, since they will be left without 3 extra DoD packs.
I have enough accumulated gold to not see much difference, but some F2P players might do.
Sure it is a strong effect on a solid body, but I am not as convinced as others. Playing this on turn 6 accomplishes nothing and still leaves you vulnerable (unless you have spear equipped). More aggressive and tempo decks don’t care about their minions having 1 health when they are finishing you off.
The reason equality is so strong is because it can be combined with Wild Pyromancer for board clear. This on the other hand is not a spell and requires small stuff to trade into enemy board.
Kronx Dragonhoof
Looks like we are getting DoD version of Zephrys. Superpowerful and making Galakrond decks succeed almost by itself.
Crazed Netherwing
They almost never push only one archetype in the expansion and this is obviously not ment for Galakrond or Zoo decks. Slower warlock archetypes however, would be really happy to include it. Warlock was already playing Twiligh Drake. Add in a few more dragons and both of new cards can shine. I see it being played in some kind of dragon handlock or control warlock with dragon package.
Nether Breath
It is obviously ment more as control tool, but sure, it has additional bonus of being able to target face. In either way, it is much better and cheaper Shadowbolt.
Crazed Netherwing
Was hoping to see some control warlock tools this expansion. And both dragon support cards are quite satisfying so far. This card in particular is crazy strong. Hellfire on steroids, where it costs you one extra mana for 5/5 body. Duskbreaker was one of the strongest cards ever printed, costing 1 mana less, but also being only 3/3 body.
Hopefully, warlock’s dragon (perhaps also the other legendary) will support slow warlock as well.
On the side note, I really love the artwork. The dragon sweeping everything with it’s tail looks super cool.
Clear the Way
So, do the good classes get 2 different side quests? That’s the 2nd one for hunter.
||DoD||Galakrond Control Priest
I do think Galakrond control priest might be a thing. However, one note: wild cards are rotating, so no more N’Zoth and no more Lightbomb.
Not possible. Preorder were always giving specific class legenedary, and I believe this time it is class dragon.
Descent of Dragons Card List & Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Reveals, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Do we know if there is any reveal stream today? The first reveal should be today at 5p.m. CET, so it might be it.
Update on Battlegrounds MMR - Games Should Have Bigger MMR Gains/Loses
What you are saying is all true. On the other hand however, other auto-battler games don’t give any rewards either, and there are still tons of players playing them.
Update on Battlegrounds MMR - Games Should Have Bigger MMR Gains/Loses
You forgot the most important aspect of playing games: having fun 🙂
On the more serious note, I pretty much agree with the og’s theory, but since nothing has been confirmed yet, we will have to find out after beta.
Descent of Dragons Card Review #1 - Galakrond Hero Cards, Invoke Cards, Malygos, Nozdormu, Ysera, Deathwing, Waxadred and more!
Wrong. Invoke triggers if you have Galakrond in deck, hand or played.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds General Guide - All You Need to Know About the New Auto Battler Mode
That is correct. However, the new DoD is counted as the last expansion, not SoU. Buying SoU packs won’t grant you this bonus.
As for tracking, I don’t think there is a tracker, but you can always check by yourself or on your account.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds General Guide - All You Need to Know About the New Auto Battler Mode
In my opinion, they really hit the nail with Battleground mode. It is extremely fun with a ton of attention from the community and streamers, with increased viewership. As long as they keep it fresh with new units, bosses, mixing it up a bit so it doesn’t get stale, it has potential to be quite a success.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
The hero power seems a bit underwhelming. Sure the battlecry effect is incredibly powerful, probably worthy of the inclusion by itself. But the hero power is rather slow and highly unreliable, since there are plenty of not that good mid or late geme minions out there (test subject, northshire cleric, spirit etc.). At least it has synergy with Princess Talanji.
I like the design, although the results will vary a lot. I can definitely see some kind of highlander dragon decks seeing play.