nickus89's Comments
Too bad those are not full mana crystals so it could be used with Ysiel.
One question, does it give 2 draw a card at 10 mana, like Wild growth?
Interesting card, mainly due to 0 mana option. I see it being useful in Malygos druid as enabler for Kael’thas.
Ysiel Windsinger
As it stands, this card is way overrated. Kael’thas already does pretty much the same, but is way cheaper and more consistent. On a turn you play Ysiel you can’t really play more than one spell, since Coin and Innervate will cost 1 as well (unless you ramp with Nourish or Biology project which is rotating). There are only 2 scenarios in which this has some potential:
1. It has to be cheated out, but if that is the case, why not just cheat out Malygos and end the game on the spot?
2. It needs some crazy support that is not enabled by Kael’thas already, which is missing so far.
Demon Hunter Guide - How to Unlock, Hero Power, Cards, Mechanics, Strategies - Everything You Need To Know About The New Hearthstone Class
I just wanted to note that there are some issues with deck builder for Demon Hunter. When I tried to use it for preliminary theorycrafting, it showed only neutral cards once the deck building process is done.
Also, it seems to show regular Hunter portrait instead of Demon Hunter.
I am well aware that previous week was quite busy so I am not pushing or anything. I would appreciate if there will be a note when it will be working tough.
What Will Be the Playstyle of Demon Hunter?
Very well written article and interesting read. In addition to all above mentioned deck archetypes, I believe there might be 2 extra ones that I don’t really see anyone talking about.
The first one is old school midrange miracle archetype. DH has plenty of card draw and more than enough cheap, tempo oriented cards to support this kind of strategy which might be further improved by upcoming Skull of Gul’dan from the new set. Full aggro DH has mainly minions with health below 2. It seems to me that Priest with Breath of the infinite, buffed Holy nova and sufficient healing will be near unwinnable matchup. Probably same goes for warrior. Hence I don’t really think that aggro DH will be top tier. However, more tempo oriented midrange miracle deck might be the correct approach.
The second archetype that could have some potential is a bit slower midrange deck, similar to Galakrond warlock. There are a lot of similarities on the horizon: they both draw fast, have some healing, some removal and are more than capable to fight for the board. As late game win condition, Zephrys and Alextrasza can be used. As you said, pure late game/fatigue DH is probably out of the question and big demon package might be better suited for this kind of deck.
We still need to see all but 1 legendaries for the class and they might make it more clear which direction DH will choose.
Shadow Council
You know there is Rafaam that was supposed to have the same purpose and yet never really worked?
Ranked Ladder Rework is Out - Everything You Need To Know About the New Ranked System!
In theory it could work, but this represents another potential problem: deliberately losing at rank floor to enable faster climb.
We will see how it will work in practice.
Ranked Ladder Rework is Out - Everything You Need To Know About the New Ranked System!
Majority of those changes are wonderful and are helping both old and new players with extra incentive to play. In general I really like Blizzards decisions lately.
I have only one concern about the MMR matchmaking. If someone hits a rank floor and decides to have fun, either playing meme decks or testing new strategies, he will naturally lose more than win. Thus his MMR will drop. If at some point, that player decides to start climbing again, his matchmaking will be hindered by his lower MMR. In a sense, player would be punished for trying to have fun which is somehow illogical.
Upcoming 2020 Announcements - Guesses / Predictions / Discussion!
The amount of information provided by Polygon is somehow suspicious. If it is true, there are quite some interesting mechanics and changes coming our way. And who wouldn’t want Ilidan as a class representative 🙂
The Best Rotation-Proof Decks: Get the Most out of Your Dust
As much as I agree with the article, there is one key aspect missing: hall of fame. On one hand, it is true that HoF rotation gives full dust refund, however it can have significant effect on any of the mentioned decks.
There was a rumour about Leeroy being moved to Hof (it is not confirmed or anything) and that alone would make every aggressive and tempo deck much less reliable at closing games.
Taking Stock of the Year of the Raven – The Impact of The Boomsday Project Keywords
Well written article. Would be interesting to see comparison of other legendaries as well, similarly to how you compared legendary spells.
Also, I am missing Sn1p-Sn4p. It was not released with Boomsday, but is considered to be Boomsday card.
"A Storm Is Coming" - March 17 Announcements? New Expansion Set It Nagrand/Outland?
He probably ment the very small figure behind Morgls finger, visible once camera closes in. I wonder who it is.
"A Storm Is Coming" - March 17 Announcements? New Expansion Set It Nagrand/Outland?
To me, the gif has a vibe related to Lei Shen and/or pandaria. Another alternative is something related to mogu tribe. I can’t wait to find out, but damn they are taking so long for all the announcements this time around.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
I appreciate and respect your constructed criticism. At the same time however, I don’t really see how any of the sentences would come out as “know-it-all”. If those sentences weren’t supported by the argument or a smiley (signalling cynical or sarcastic language), than I would agree with you. But giving an argument to any kind of statement sentences is how every constructed debate usually flows and how majority of professional scientific articles are usually written in. “Can’t be denied” is quite common phrase actually and talking about statistics and strengths of particular decks falls into this category. Sure, some sentences and words might be expressed better, but the message would remain the same.
The part about learning to read was more about reading comprehension since I clearly stated that neither of the decks are top tier or that I was talking about Galakrond card, not the deck archetype, but the responses were aggressively oriented towards the exact opposite. I know I make grammar mistakes (English is not my native language after all), but I try to improve myself. At the same time I also understand that English is not the native language for many other users of the site or even people on the internet in general, so I will never criticise anyone in that regard.
What I learned tough is that apparently cynical and sarcastic language is too hard to understand for majority, especially online, and thus should probably be avoided. I never said anything similar to “see, I was right after all” in a serious tone, yet that is exactly what was somehow understood.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
That was far from a point which I tough was obvious with the inclusion of smiley. It should convey cinism, but apparently is not that obvious, so I apologise for a misunderstanding. I am far from knowing it all, but I will not allow being mocked at or being insulted so I will defend myself. I always try to provide an argument for my statements which in my opinion is crucial for any successful debate. Be it either constructive critic or agreement.
As for the decks. One such deck is probably overload shaman. It was even mentioned as strong deck in report by Iksar a few days ago, but is not seen anywhere or recognized by the community. The rest I am not sure about. There are always some decks making appearance later in the expansion so it is quite natural that not everything is yet discovered.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
The way you behave and the way you communicate without proper argumentation proves it all. You have been noting but offensive without even aknowledging what the discussion was all about. If you think you can call others names and they will silently stood by, you are wrong. It is obvious to me that you didn’t even read properly. Learn some manners, bye.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Perheaps you need to learn some english first and stop being offensive.
Embiggen druid has it’s weaknesses, especially super fast, aggressive decks. No doubt about that. The fact still remains that despite those weaknesses and despite the meta teching against it, it still maintains solid winrate which just proves it’s strength. Is the strongest deck in the meta? No. But you can’t say it is not strong. And the same goes for resurrect priest, which was not even a discussion. Topic was priest Galakrond, not the deck or any archetype itself. Learn to read.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
I don’t brag, I stated the obvious. You can’t deny it is true. Embiggen druid is still powerful, especially if it hits 2/3 main cards in the early game. As for Galakrond priest, it is ment Galakrond itself, the card. Not full invoke package needs to be played to make it work and that is exactly what I was saying. So far statictics say this version is performing better than quest version, so my statement so far is correct.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
And here I am smiling after warning about Embiggen druid’s power before it became popular and after getting mocked for saying that priest Galakrond is not bad at all 🙂
There are at least 2 more strong decks waiting to be discovered by the community.
I was thinking the same. They also revealed quite a lot of lifesteal cards this expansions that could work really well with the Quest. I already theorycrafted one deck and will try to improve it upon release.