nickus89's Comments
The Nameless One
This has to become an avatar on here. One of the coolest arts I have seen in addition to being quite strong card with a lot of play potential.
What Is a "Created by" Meta and Is It Really That Bad?
Well written article. I agree with the idea that some randomness in a card game is generally speaking a positive thing. Games can be more fun, vary at least a bit etc. However, as mentioned in the article, the opposite effect is easily achieved with having too much rng in the game at the same time. Both mage and priest (as prime examples) are very obnoxious and unfun to play against. They are way too heavy with card generation which restricts any potential strategical approach to the game and reduces actual importance of players skill. Having a moderate amount of such cards is usually not problematic. Highrolls/lowrolls happen way less often, so one can more easily shrug it off and move onto the next game. Heck, they can also serve as fun memories. On the other hand, facing such rng over and over again creates too many “feel bad” moments. That is problematic and unhealthy for the game.
My biggest problem with hearthstone nowadays is drastic reduction of required skills to win a game. I want my decisions to matter.
Scholomance Academy Early Meta Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
Yeah it is becoming quite repetitive and thus unfun. At least I am farming them with Galakrond warlock.
Ramp Beast Druid SA
Card draw really shouldn’t be a problem. You have Twilight runner and Nature studies that can discover card draw if necessary. It is possible tough that Kael’Thas and Survival of the fittest turn out to be too slow for the meta, but in that case, I would rather replace them with something more defensive. In addition, Omu might be replaceable as well.
Forest Warden Omu
I agree on that. It all comes down to how fast the meta will be. With Branching paths and Spreading plague long gone, druid is lacking tools to survive long enough. Perhaps something can be achieved with new healing cards and taunts.
Forest Warden Omu
Update, it has been confirmed by devs that the germination copy will still have active spellburst.
Forest Warden Omu
Based on what was said on the topic of similar copy cards (i.e. paladin/priest buff spell) it should. Worse case scenario you can use Maiev on him and use his spellburst on Malygos turn.
Survival of the Fittest
New card Omu just made it a lot better. Especially if you play some rush or taunt minions along side it.
High Abbess Alura
I agree. This might very well define tempo/buff priest archetype. Tempo priest got quite a few decent tools this expansion, both from warlock and paladin dual class cards.
Forest Warden Omu
You can reverse the order. Play this first, follow with Runic carving for instance (which refreshes mana) and buff everything with Survival of the fittest. You end up with 9/8 and 4*6/6 that can also be given rush.
Forest Warden Omu
Kun got a little brother. I like the card, but it is quite scary. It is probably auto include in every druid deck to come.
Joking aside, this single handedly enables Malygos otk: play Omu into germination (refreshes mana and summons second Omu to refresh mana), play Malygos, moonfire or any cheap spell (refreshes mana) and burn the opponent down.
Not sure about that. If you play Teron on Chromatic egg, it will come back as 1/4 without deathrattle (tested it myself). It is an interesting question tough. On the same note, I am interested in the interaction with Teron himself. I suspect the Whelps would unfortunately do nothing in both situations.
Flesh Giant
Each dual pair will have 4 cards, one of each rarity if I remember correctly. Consequently, each class will have 14 new cards this expansion: 6 of their own and 2×4 dual cards.
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We can always hope. Last year at similar time we got a mech event with some buffs and Sn1p-Sn4p. Would be fun to see something similar.
Ooze Spell Druid
You are a genius for coming up with the Ooze idea. I agree with you, I prefer your deck compared to most popular builds featuring Mountseller. Not only Ooze turn usually clears opponents board and establishes your own, it also puts a taunt wall against aggresive decks and if left unanswered, they can easily be either buffed or healed with Overflow.
I made few tweaks to your list. Nourish seems unnecessary with all the card draw and Moonfires aren’t that useful without Mountseller to abuse them. Hence I added a second Swipe, 1 copy of Power of the wild and Ysera Unleashed as tech against priest (which I faced quite a lot). Also, I am running 1 copy of Gift of the wild instead of Blessing of the Ancients, but that is debatable. So far it’s working like a charm and on top of it, it is super fun and challenging to play.
Nerf Patch Early Next Week - Battlefiend, Altruis, Glaivebound Adept, Kael'Thas, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, Sac Pact, Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom
Did you ask yourself why? You can’t be so narrow-minded. I told you why they don’t play her. That doesn’t change the fact that she is broken. Prepare to see a lot more of her once Sac pac gets nerfed.
Also, if you want to in that direction, there are 2 versions of tempo demon hunter, one with and one without her, check HSreplay.
Nerf Patch Early Next Week - Battlefiend, Altruis, Glaivebound Adept, Kael'Thas, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, Sac Pact, Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom
I tend to agree with you. Inner demon is more suitable as a finisher against control decks in faster decks (either aggro or midrange) instead of being a build around card as only win condition in combo deck.
Nerf Patch Early Next Week - Battlefiend, Altruis, Glaivebound Adept, Kael'Thas, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, Sac Pact, Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom
She is absurdly strong for what she does and only reason she doesn’t see as much play is due to Sac pac. Even Iksar mentioned her in the recent interview, where he gave insight of the dev team on the cards mentioned as nerf candidates. In fact, he mentioned that Priestess could potentially see mana increase sometime in the future.
Nerf Patch Early Next Week - Battlefiend, Altruis, Glaivebound Adept, Kael'Thas, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, Sac Pact, Open the Waygate and Bloodbloom
A few days ago I took my own midrange DH to ladder. The only card from the nerf candidates list that I used was Altruis and even he was not crucial. I ended up getting to legend with a score 11/2, which was my easiest final push ever. DH will still be swinging with vengeance, don’t worry about it.
Indeed. But he is also the most replaceable in my opinion.