nickus89's Comments
Cleric of Scales
In fact, Master’s call specifically says “draw cards”, this does not. You are however correct that Shadow visions says “copy”. Hearthstone has been quite inconsistent for a very long time.
I am 60% confident that it still works like Shadow visions.
Cleric of Scales
That’s exactly what discover means. It doesn’t draw it, it gives you a copy of it.
Sky Gen'ral Kragg
Seems like a very solid card for almost all the quests. 6/5 stats for 4 mana is already above vanilla. In addition, it has some immediate board impact with rush and taunt.
I just don’t know why it is a pirate, since it doesn’t fit thematically into any of quest decks.
Sky Gen'ral Kragg
Quests underwhelming? Quest druid, shaman, hunter, priest and paladin saw at least some competitive play in either this or previous expansion and are here to stay until April 2021. In addition, this also works with sidequests, which is true that have been mostly underwhelming, but not all of them.
Winged Guardian
It can. Especially against more aggresive decks, one Hadronox is more than enough and in those cases, Witching hours are more or less playing a role of a dead card in your hand. I do think that you still need them for control and value match-ups.
Air Raid
We all know lost in the jungle was busted. This is more fair, 1 more mana, but it gives your dudes taunt and has twinspell. Definitely much better than pressing hero power in the early game. It can be useful especially in any kind of cycle heavy combo decks or big duel paladin who can’t play cheap minions.
Aeon Reaver
There was also a board centric midrange dragon priest with Mind blasts as finishers. This is a solid midrange card, but midrange priest needs something more, especially in the early game.
As for Galakrond priest, I really don’t have any idea why is everyone so underestimating it. HSreplay is showing completely wrong deck list, that’s why it doesn’t work. I had quite some success with it, and so did Old Guardian, one of the authors on this very side.
Winged Guardian
Guys, this cards is definitely not for wild taunt druid. It is a beast, and the only beast you want is Hadronox so you can pull it out with Witching hour.
It is a solid standalone card however that is quite annoying to deal with. I would really like to see beast druid come to life before the support from Rastakhan rumble rotates. Unfortunately, it needs more than this.
dragon-heal druid
Nice idea. It might actually work with some refinement in regards to meta.
How has it been working out for you?
Descent of Dragons Post-Second Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
In 2 weeks, we are getting 35 new cards. By the looks of it, 4 hero cards among them. I am 100% certain that the meta will change,so no need to worry.
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
1 year and 3 months, until April 2021 when this year’s expansions are rotating out.
End of Month Players Rank Distribution in November 2019 - 0.3% in Legend, 6% at Ranks 5 to 1
Interesting to see them share some data. Wish they would also share total number of players (which they probably can’t for legal purposes) as well as monthly distribution. Would be interesting to see how new expansions, mid expansion shake-ups, last (stale) months of the expansion… influence the chart.
From the provided data it is obvious that introducing rank floors benefited end of month rank distribution. Neverthelesse, november is probably the worse month to choose for such data and I can only wonder what the most representative distribution would look like. It was the month of wild tyrants (evolve and N’Zoth) that made the meta one of the most stale and unfun to play. Majority of the players were simply waiting for the new expansion. In addition, Battlegrounds was released which redirected a lot of attention away from the ladder. I could see from my friend list alone that on average players were ranked a few ranks below their usual end of month rank.
Anyhow, congratulations to anyone, those who play the game mostly for fun and those more serious about climbing the ladder.
Is It Possible to Succeed With Control Decks in Descent of Dragons?
Very well written article. Based on my own experience, I definitely agree that some of those decks are underrated by the community. With so much aggro and tempo decks around, slower more controlish decks are not in such a bad spot at all, especially the ones that have some tempo swings available to them (like priest with Talanji or highlander decks with Dragonqueen and Zephrys). That’s the reason why quest resurrect priest is one of the strongest decks at the moment since all those Mass resurrect turns can really swing a game in their favor. Unfortunately, this also means that other control decks have to compete with them. Hence Galakrond priest and control warriors don’t see much play, despite being overall good or even great decks.
Descent of Dragons Post-Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Shhh don’t tell them. I have slightly below 80% winrate with it, destroying everything in the meta right now. If more control oriented decks come around, I imagine the deck would suffer (like res priest, control warriors etc.). But with all the face hunters, rogues and shamans around it is working like a charm.
Descent of Dragons Post-Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Yeah, sometimes I really wish Hearthstone had block mechanic, similarly to Magic and Legends of Runeterra. It would make games so much more interactive and fun.
Galakrond Handlock - #22 Legend (Zalae) - Descent of Dragons
Impressive how you managed to combined all 3 packages without too much sacrifice. I tried lackey package myself, but without Galakrond because In the current aggro meta, I really like some of the defensive tools like Khartut defenders. I just couldn’t make room for everything. Lackey package is definitely better than pure handlock package (with abyssal etc.), however I discovered that Galakrond package is even better.
Here is my list which has been working really good so far.
Best Galakrond Decks from Descent of Dragons (So Far)
I pretty much agree with the rating scale. Shaman Galakrond is obviously way above others, mainly due to very strong support cards (double invoke and Dragon pack). I would say however that the rest are quite close one to another, with priest included. I don’t really get why does Galakrond priest has such a bad winrate on HSreplay. With two of my versions, midrange dragon and control Grave horror, I have almost 60% and slightly above 50% winrate respectively.
I would also like to add that of all Galakrond decks, I find deathrattle rogue and handlock the most fun. I do believe tough that provided Galakrond handlock is not the best. In particular, it lacks dragon activators and as such should probably at least run Twilight drakes and Zzeraku (instead of Alexstrasza). I also prefer to include Khartut defenders in the current aggressive meta, but that’s not as crucial.
Galakrond Handlock - #22 Legend (Zalae) - Descent of Dragons
The idea is that you are drawing a lot due to hero power and Veiled Worshipper. Altough, I don’t run her in my version of the deck.
Two words: elemental evocation.
Might not be the most consistent, but putting 2 7/6 bodies on turn 5 or even turn 3 is not something to underestimate.