Lluadian's Comments
Mogu Cultist
Ahahaha I found my next meme deck. Mogu Cultist, Tak Nozzwhisker, Togwaggles Scheme. Long as have or 6 (with shadowstep) slots in hand you can do it. Tak adds copies to hand so technically you could do it twice in 1 game if drew and held the others.
Tortollan Pilgrim
OMG dark souls 3 flash back it’s one of the people on the bridge.
But no seriously this card is awesome for mage how many times have you been so close and all you would need is to freeze enemy’s field one more time and you didn’t top deck card needed.
I know what my next meme deck will be 2 copies of this and puzzle box. Turn 8 play this tag puzzle box, Turn 9 play this tag puzzle box, Turn 10 play puzzle box. That’s 30 randomly casted spells I wonder if I’d live to do that? Yogg-saron wasn’t nice to me hope his puzzle box is better.
Splitting Axe
Obelisk you could at least build a strategy around this card is rather bad without specific scenarios. If had out amalgam that’s at least 2 3/4s you would want at least 2 totems out before using this if had a totem cruncher. Another option is lackey totem to get 2 Lackeys when end turn.
Overall have to wait and see if get any other totem support but I’m pretty sure most shamans are going to be running that quest.
Whirlkick Master
It’s not bad a card and when think about it with a card like this rogue may include a copy of headcrack combo of that returns it to hand so you could technically always have at least 1 combo card to use with this. In my opinion this is the support headcrack was looking for 2 damage for 3 Mana doesn’t sound so bad if it can give another combo card and if it’s later game may be able to play that card and get another combo. So if get to late game just 2 cards and you could likely generate 2 more combo cards and still get headcrack back.
Hooked Scimitar
Seems like a nice card 4 dmg weapon when comboed and seeing that new 2 cost to add a random combo card to your hand when play a combo this is also a good card to draw from it as well. This will definitely see play even if it doesn’t get added to a deck.
Splitting Axe
Well this isn’t to bad there’s some totems for this. The new lackey totem with this makes so drawing it late isn’t so bad anymore. Use this also clone amalgam you also have totem crusher who would gains 2/2 for all of those totems killed just two totems on the board would make an 8 Mana 10/11 taunt with a 3/2 weapon. You also have the totem golem if took this to wild. Overall shaman has had bad cards for token synergy but this isn’t to bad with combos. The real issue is have totems stick to the board now when get cards like this.
Cloud Prince
It does have the restriction of needing a secret so it would mainly only be played in a combo on turn 8. As long as your deck isn’t set up almost completely focussed on 1 card type triggering secrets isn’t to hard. Wild is the most dangerous place with this.
Cloud Prince
Hunh okay I’ll bite what’s the new secrets that’s 2 cards that need secrets to work. By the way there is no mage deck more threatening with this card than wild mage *cough* Iceblock *cough* unless have a secret killer that one is hardest to remove. Unlike the other one this card doesn’t need specific secrets to be effective.
Arcane Flakmage
Look out it’s a token killer could pull secrets from magic trick so that end of combos not bad. At 5 Mana for a mage that’s still able to halt a few token/murloc decks.
Anka, the Buried
I was more bringing it up since people are trying to come up with an idea for mechathun rogue that deck type would want to be able to keep board cleared while gathering cards need for win condition.
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Difference between using faceless Leroy and this is that with 4 cards costing same Mana as faceless you can smash face for 22 dmg Max faceless will do is 16. The only advantage to faceless really is copying opponent minions.
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Yeah…..Leroy Jenkins with inner rage wants a word with you 16 dmg to the face with 3 cards at 8 Mana. 22 to the face with 4 at 10 Mana.
Anka, the Buried
This does allow you to have a 5 Mana board clear outside of the wild pyromancer (which is 6 Mana + a spell). If have Abomination or tunnel blaster in hand bot have death rattles that would nuke all minions. The only thing that would stop it is silence and kickback.
Anka, the Buried
The problem is after you use Myra your hand is full and depending on cost of cards it may take a bit to get rid of them all. That’s why I said to shuffle a few copies of a low health cheap minion into deck to buy you a bit of time before fatigue starts getting bad. The tunnel blaster is used to kill off minions drawn from that since you would have 8 Mana left over after mechathun and tunnel was dropped.
It’s the same method behind the mechathun priest deck I had seen that ran a death rattle minion that nuked your minions.
Tip the Scales
Great so divine wrath pally will now be running murloc decks thins out 7 minions allowing you to go for shirvallah combo easier. Or it’ll run shirvallah combo as an additional win condition for going into late game. And given tasty fins can draw 2 more out gives more reason you just have to work out the other 17 Mana in spells.
Anka, the Buried
If kept a cheap minion with low enough health then you could use this with mechathun and tunnel blaster. Myra your deck and shuffle in a small number of weak minions to buy time while empty rest of your hand. Then can drop tunnel blaster and mechathun don’t even need walk the plank you could just backstab tunnel blaster and voila.
Anka, the Buried
Rogue has cards to trigger death rattles in the same turn necrium blade at 3 cost and necrium vial at 5 cost.
Anka, the Buried
Yup here comes death rattle rogue back to troll let’s see what can do.
1. Abomination for a cheap board clear if tag it with poisonous.
2. Brightnozzle always a good card to have a cheap poisonous rattle.
3. Deranged doctor why not heal yourself for 8 for 1 Mana.
4. Hakkar you know you want to why spend 10 Mana when can do it for 1 and Myra it out of your deck.
5. Mechanical whelp come on everyone wants this 2/2 as a 1 cost 1/1.
6. Mechathun so much easier to make an OTK if he costs 1.
7. Piloted reaper because why not he would just summon one of your other death rattles that became a 1 cost.
8. Snip snap because why not that would be 7/10 stats at 10 Mana and would fill board with 1/1s on death.
9. Tunnel blaster same reason as Abomination.
10. Weaponized pinata get a random legendary for 1 Mana.
And who knows what else may get.
I’m pretty sure there’s going to be some ridiculous decks with this card anyone who says other wise see list above.
Who needs shammy do this in wild rogue drop the 7 then place Drakkari Enchanter and laugh at 40 dmg to enemy