Lluadian's Comments
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Leroy’s the most consistent for face smashing grommash is the most powerful though you need coin for grommash. And even with coin Leroy is only 2 dmg off if add rampage and costs 1 less Mana.
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Hehehehehe this is evil. Turn 7-8 opponent better not have 16 or less health or else have a taunt. Play Leroy Jenkins tag it with inner rage then use this on it. Smash opponent in the face for 16 dmg. This is probably the most powerful combo for it’s cost that you can do. Only requires 3 cards and ability to have 8 Mana. If want 10 cost add rampage and you have 22 dmg can do to face 26 if tag it with a second inner rage.
On another note this would with armegadillo at 9 cost (with inner rage) allow you to buff hand taunts +4/4.
Really late game play probably won’t occur but I’m positive the Leroy Jenkins face smash will show up.
Hunter's Pack
Any Hunter deck that doesn’t care as much for this will probably run either a single copy or hope for it from Marked Shot the key time this is valuable is when your burning through your hand in mid – late game.
Hunter's Pack
Most decks will run at least 1 copy since this is a lot of value if get caught in top deck mode. And if not it will be a sought after spell from Marked Shot.
Hunter's Pack
Yep I can see pretty much EVERY Hunter running at minimum one copy of this when your hunter the strong zone for you is early to mid game. When you get to late game you start getting in top deck mode because your hand usually has maybe 3 cards at most. Had several times where I had as much as 5 Mana extra even after popping a hero power.
This is a bit ridiculous with Zuljin as well instead of just refilling hand with unleash the beast and random spells you could get beasts secrets and weapons as well. I’m ignoring masters call because I’ve had few games where it only pulled 1 when Zuljin triggered (dire frenzied beast).
EVIL Recruiter
True but that’s still leaving you needing specific requirements on turn 2 which I’ve played several games where I never saw a copy of a card even with 2 in deck. This is talking having about 12-15 cards left in the deck. If take rat into account that’s 2/30 cards that would need to have within first 5 cards or so. Then you have 2/30 of this needed within first 6.
It’s still possible but like said it would have to happen at the SAME time that your going second which automatically cuts out 50% of all your games. That’s why this is better stated as a turn 4 play because it has more than twice as much chance of occuring.
First up stat wise this is a 4 Mana 7/5 NICE.
For anyone not quick enough pls look at cards generated by lich King and arfus. Obliterate is a 2 cost spell with exact effect of this battlecry. So subtract cost of spell and you have a 4 cost 7/5 with a 2 cost spell on it.
On the note of this having the attack Obliterate. Exodia is that you?
EVIL Recruiter
This is basically a turn 4 card at the earliest the fact that it relies on having 2 other cards enforces this one needing to be played turn one that lives to 2. A specific card to play on turn 2 and then you need to have this plus coin in hand to play for turn 3. Not saying it’s impossible but this has a lot higher appearance rate for 4 over 3 simply for fact half the time you won’t have coin.
Now seeing as how this is a lackey restriction and shaman has one to I’m betting we may see more cards like this during rest of the year.
EVIL Recruiter
You would need coin to play this turn 3 so unless your going second this is a turn 4 card. And even with coin you would need 3 SPECIFIC cards to make this work a 1 cost minion that lives to turn 2 the 2 cost lackey generator and this card on turn 3.
Desert Obelisk
He means if it works with Drakkari Enchanter which cause end of turn effects to trigger twice so 6 = 30 x2 from Enchanter = 60.
Desert Obelisk
I mentioned lady in White because a few res priest run minions that have higher health than attack. On that note it might be at least somewhat useful.
Desert Obelisk
Maybe use in a resurect/clone deck that runs Lady in White? Would at least make this a 5/5 when pulled from deck.
Desert Obelisk
…..it’s so beautiful a card to challenge my deck building skills I shall find a way to get at least one victory with this card.
BTW I’ve already killed someone with gurubashi chicken was hilarious I couldn’t stop laughing.
Bazaar Mugger
One reason those that like thief rogue do not like blink fox and cards similar is you don’t want to pull a weapon otherwise it’s a dead card if using Cutlass and even before cutlass if you run Tess it’ll just break the cutlass that’s why specifically getting a minion is better. Similar how there’s some spells you don’t want to use since Tess replays them. When stuff like that happens it’s just a 3/3 3 cost not worth the Mana. Then when you match against other rogues your cutlass was in danger since you only had like 2 cards that could give you cards that weren’t from your class.
Bazaar Mugger
Thing is though that would have taken up to much space in card description I’m guessing. The card is pretty good as is can immediately effect the board and it gives another card that could give board presence. The card it gives will most likely at least be PLAYABLE compared to some of pulls from Hench clan and blink fox. Even the spirits have uses rhino for rush mage/Hunter for targets from transform and rush lackey. Could drop on a curve after using shark as well.
Bazaar Mugger
Head 1 “Hey who you calling ugly”
Head 2 “He called you ugly, ugly”
Head 1 “Why you I’ll smash your face.”
Head 2 “Not if I smash yours first ”
*Vicious face punching ensues*
Bazaar Mugger
The difference compared to blink fox is this is a LOT less likely to give something unplayable and even if minion is bad 2 of the Lackeys can make it useful for something.
Bazaar Mugger
Rhino spirit isn’t a loss since rogue has a couple rush cards to play. The other 2 are more holding for triggers or add durability to cutlass. It does provide a target for 2 Lackeys as well.
Just have to wait and see what the rest of warlock and neutral cards provides had to be something heal related we usually see 1 or 2 heal cards between either class or neutral. Atm only druid has a heal.