Lluadian's Comments
Serpentshrine Portal
So it’s the shamans 1 cost lightning card but summons a 3 cost for 2 Mana as well.
Scrap Shot
Basically it’s like multi shot and the other 4 cost one set of 3 dmg and then 3 going somewhere else (2nd 3 dmg, summon a 3/3, and this give a beast 3/3 boost). All I need to say is this looks terrifying when you factor in the hunters prime. In fact this basically completed an otk combo for it. Combo takes several steps but since you can tutor several of the cards to your hand you have some leeway.
Scrap Golem
Wow another card for control warrior. It’s pretty much a class version of the tree but if you buff this minion you get more armor.
Scavenging Shivarra
This should be rated higher detail forgetting is it has demon tribe tag so it can be discovered and pulled by several other cards this expansion. You may not put it in your deck but it looks a lot better when you pull it from another card.
Rustsworn Initiate
A standard 2 cost stat minion that gives you a spell dmg minion on death not to bad of a card.
Rustsworn Cultist
Everyone is comparing this to soul of the forest and saying it’s a weaker version but your wrong it is basically a better version of soul of the murloc but for demons.
Soul of the forest 4 cost give minions deathrattle summon a 2/2 treant (has no tribe tag)
Soul of the murloc 2 cost give minions summon a 1/1 murloc (has murloc tribe tag)
This is a 3 cost 3/3 that gives your other minions deathrattle summon a 1/1 demon (has demon tribe)
So not only do you get a 3/3 minion for only 1 Mana more but you would get the same 1/1 deathrattle but they would be useable with cards associated with demon tribe.
Ruststeed Raider
Nice minion 5 cost smash a minion for 5 dmg and then leave a 1/? Taunt behind to guard. It’s basically a temporary amani warbear played 2 turns early.
Rocket Augmerchant
Nice minion can be elven Archer or goblin lackey depending on your needs might not be as useful as the one giving taunt but as a 1 cost it’s not to hard to combo it.
Same heal power as the 0 cost but for 1 Mana it discovers a spell expect it to see play.
Reliquary of Souls
A very nice 1 drop minion that gives you a minion with taunt lifesteal AND the ability of a 4 cost 3/3 beast for 3 more Mana and +3/5 more stats. I’m expecting every priest to run a copy of this minion.
Psyche Split
Nice card buffs a minion and gives you a copy good for deathrattles and taunts. Also usefully if have minion with a special ability.
Pack Tactics
What the hell this is auto include for any Hunter running even a handful of deathrattle minions. There’s not much of a reason this wouldn’t be played.
Supports a big druid but the real question is if it gives excess Mana like growth. If it doesn’t it’s horrible. If it does then it depends if you get one you might as well have just run growth. If it gives 2 then paying 4 Mana to draw 2 isn’t that bad.
Overall until know how it handles being played at 10 Mana I’ll rate it at a 2.5/5
Overconfident Orc
New best friend for heal priest nobody else would really run it as much. Embiggen druid might though cost one more Mana than the 2 cost for guaranteed 6 health and will have 1 more dmg while at full and only 1 less attack otherwise.
Nightshade Matron
Useful card for zoo lock since it doesn’t run much in way of high cost cards and the new 6 cost makes a good target. And if you don’t have the 6 cost it’s basically same as using soulfire on a minion except you know what will be discarded.
Netherwind Portal
It’s a nice card when take into account that it would be run in the no minion mage decks so any card to give board presence is appreciated.
Auto include in every demon Hunter deck no questions. It’s basically 1 Mana discover a demon from warlock without the 2 dmg and a 1 Mana 2/2.
This definitely helps the cards that require playing a spell turn before by getting you a new one.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
This is rather nice it’s a cost reducer at start and then turns into a minion that summons demons you have lost. Unlike some of the others you would never play this with galakrond. However this is a nightmare auto include for cube lock in wild for some.
Now this is a value card. I’ll bet dragon priest in wild is salivating over this. Standard size it’s a nice taunt that gives you back a minion and longer it lives the more you get would have no complaints on this getting ressurected.