Lluadian's Comments
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Ok tokens been shown so the 3 cost can’t interfere meaning only option is that 4/4 that fills both boards with imps.
Terrorguard Escapee
Adding a detail this also techs against the warlock prime by putting 1/1 demons in grave.
Reliquary of Souls
I wouldn’t call this a crappy legendary considering the prime can only be targetted by you it can be buffed and healed. It also comes with lifesteal and taunt as well this card requires using AoE or trading to get it off the board and most trading would just heal you anyway. Even the precursor form is a solid one drop.
I wouldn’t call it a 5 stars pre nerf growth was a great early card and was a 2 Mana draw a card late game.
This gives 2 for 2 Mana each so same as playing two growth but question is how does this play out at late game if play at 9 Mana would it put you at 10 and get a draw or get nothing. If played at 10 would you get draw 2 or would you get only one or nothing.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
The fact is though it’s not to hard to ruin the Prime’s revive. We have a rather nice 3 cost 3/7 that’s gives opponent 3 1/1 demons so it’s a tech card against this and Rez priest. Especially useful if run a deck that can clear cheap minions easily.
Malygos druid appreciates this combo with Kael’thas and those swipes could be cast for 0 Mana when add in the moonfires as well. Even play with nourish or such to try to pull more cards to zap with.
Bloodboil Brute
Bet I can make that a 5 star. Give the minion 2 more attack and then read it’s ability again.
Need a hint this card is basically just shy of being a giant with rush.
Waste Warden
Very nice card for dealing with tribe specific decks. This would have been insane with amalgams since it would have hit everything that had a tribe.
Overall 3 dmg is rather good for dealing with mid range minions and this might as well be a board clear to some of the swarm/tokeny deck types.
Vivid Spores
It’s a nice card to play after evolving your board or if you had deathrattles out.
Unstable Felbolt
It’s a nice card for a zoo lock can pop eggs when don’t have one of the other cards also it’s more likely to kill a crappy minion on your side than anything else.
Totemic Reflection
Finaly a useful spell for totems ideal targets healing totem, taunt totem, and the lackey totem.
Terrorguard Escapee
There’s several cheap cards available that can knock off 1/1s also this basically helps force the retirement of Rez priest.
Take into account the 3 minions and it’s basically a 3 cost 3/4 which is average power wise but the tech of the power is useful.
Sword and Board
Wow it’s druids claw spell without having to go face on something. Figures warrior pulled a power creep on the other armor user but better.
Nice card for pulling spells I would consider it in a Highlander deck as well due to tutoring out a spell could combo with the dragon caster.
Of course rogue stealth package gets a 3/1 1 cost that curves with the other cards.
Soulbound Ashtongue
People giving it bad comments but there’s one good detail I see on this card. If gave up the ressurection package this card does well for quest priest because one counter people do as soon as you play quest is they deny you anything to heal this would allow you to force them to cause some kind of dmg for you to heal back.
Soul Mirror
It’s a nice board clear card that will likely be used by a more tempo based priest like galakrond. It can do poorly with res but again galakrond priest can give crappy minions as well. Overall it’s an interesting card especially if opponent has special minions on the board like the new deathrattles.
So it’s pyromancer triggered by outcast seems alright but will depend on how manage hand wether it would work out.