Lluadian's Comments
Shifty Sophomore
Since it has stealth I doubt rogue will pass this up 4 cost 4/4 is decent enough stats but with spellburst giving a combo you could trigger that on the next turn without much worry.
Shield of Honor
Yup saw this coming for a warrior pally card of course you would buff a dmged minion and give it shield.
Self-Sharpening Sword
Wait what that’s messed up only imagine buffing the durability. Wild wise it’s be funny with the doomerang.
Rune Dagger
Looks like it has usefulness with a few of the other cards and also means for 3 turns you can make Ras like the warlocks old dreadlord.
Robes of Protection
High likely hood of nerf. But it only protects from targeted effects so this is still vulnerable to random shots and aoe.
Reaper's Scythe
2 turns to consider when to pop a spell. Heck you could use this on curve and still get value.
Raise Dead
Oh come on this is no loss to priest they could get back that 3 health with another 0 cost spell. It basically has no downside.
For warlocks it supports more of a pain lock as well has handlock.
Power Word: Feast
Wow so busted with a card like batterhead smash into a bunch of minions then it’s good as new when end turn.
Plagued Protodrake
Wow that’s a nice dragon got there would be awesome if alexstrasza pulled it.
This card is really valuable if it gets cheated out by other cards I would say more likely to see use in druid, warrior, and paladin.
The only way to counter this card likely is to skip your turn but you don’t want to do that so you really have to watch what you play. And just the act of testing for some of the others feeds this.
Partner Assignment
Wow look at that curve value opening hand it covers your first 3 turns from one card such a nice option and it especially has value for a big druid since it keeps cheap minions out of the deck.
Ugh it’s a big removal for beast hunter it’s especially messed up with certain field swarming cards.
Molten Blast
There we go an aggro shamans reason to have spell dmg is revealed. Cause more dmg to opponent and summons tokens for buffs like bloodlust.
Mindrender Illucia
Oh God I can just imagine the combo breaking potential of this card.
Add in it would be hilarious to play if your hand was empty and it’s even more amusing.
You would just have to be sure your valuable cards either weren’t in hand or were already played.
Also anyone else realise this also trolls with cards that would add stupid stuff to the deck. Would laugh if you made someone shuffle albatrosses into their own deck.
Manafeeder Panthara
….tempo DH card anyone seriously I see almost no reason for DH NOT to run this since your basically popping HP almost every turn even makes a great turn 3.
Lake Thresher
Oh come on you can just tell that the decks most likely to run this are going to be the Hunter and druid with those beast buffs.
Krolusk Barkstripper
So a delayed deadly shot on a 3/5 body that has a beast tag. I’d say it’s pretty likely Hunter will run it especially with the commonly used 1 costs.
Judicious Junior
Okay now THIS is what you want to be pulled with the 7 cost spell which would give it taunt and divine shield.
Intrepid Initiate
Rather nice and could see use in a zoo type deck has one attack to start and can be buffed after with a spell.
This is exactly the type of card taunt warrior wants a taunt that adds another taunt to your hand. And since the stats are shown there’s no risk of getting an under whelming card back.